Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1079 The Powder Keg Deep in the Pacific Ocean

Time passed quickly, and it was already evening in a blink of an eye.

The waves of the sea under the setting sun fluctuate, and the afterglow of the setting sun is reflected on the sea surface, sparkling, and the entire Pacific Ocean seems to be coated with a layer of gold, which is dazzling and charming!

In the sky above the sea in the distance, a group of white seagulls are flying in the wind and soaring, chasing the red sun that is about to disappear into the sky!

While flying, these beautiful birds will probe down from time to time and plunge into the sea like sharp arrows to enjoy the gluttonous feast that the sea gives them.

Under the clear sea, groups of fish are swimming happily! free!

Some fish occasionally jump out of the water, glide across the sea, and then dive into the water again to return to their own world.

The fleet that jointly explored the treasures of Lima continued to speed on the sea at high speed, broke through the turbulent sea, and headed straight to Cocos Island, hundreds of kilometers away.

Except for the drivers and security personnel of the various ships, everyone was attracted by the picturesque beauty on the sea! .

Everyone went to the window, or boarded the flybridge deck, enjoying the beauty of the sunset on the sea and comforting their eyes!

Without exception, everyone had an ecstatic expression, and the voices of exclamation and praise rang out one after another, endlessly!

Not only them, but also those watching live TV.

Everyone was completely conquered by this picturesque sea beauty, and they admired and admired each one with fascination!

"It's so beautiful! I also want to take part in this kind of exploration action, speeding on the sea on an extremely luxurious super yacht, facing the afterglow of the setting sun, and chasing the setting sun!

Is there anything better than walking through such beautiful scenery and exploring world-famous pirate treasures? This scene has only appeared in my dreams! "

"I'm already drunk! I'm completely fascinated by this beautiful and picturesque scenery. I really envy those guys staying on the super yacht. I wish I was there too! Then I can embrace this invincible beauty!

Here and there is a live TV program of exploration and treasure hunting, it is simply a blockbuster! The beauty is incomparable, and I am so excited to see it, I always want to participate in it!

If I had a yacht, I would sail out to sea immediately to enjoy the picturesque scenery and listen to the sounds of nature, instead of staying in the jungle of steel and concrete, struggling to live! "


On the Leshun super yacht, a group of Columbia University School of History and all members of the Costa Rica exploration team went to the flybridge deck to enjoy the scenery.

The same is true for several employees of the Daring One Exploration Company, who have all gone to the flybridge deck or the leisure area at the bow of the yacht! No one wants to miss such a beautiful scenery.

While admiring the beautiful scenery, these guys took out their mobile phones one after another, and kept taking pictures of the beautiful scenery around them, and even everything that the eyes could see.

Of course, they will not forget to take some beautiful selfies and integrate themselves into this picturesque scenery.

Immediately after taking a photo or video, they post it to their Moments and various other social media to show off! Attract countless envious eyes.

The living room on the main deck of the yacht was much quieter, only Ye Tian, ​​Mathis, and Jason were left alone.

After chatting a few words, Ye Tian raised his hand to look at his watch, and then said through the wireless invisible earphone:

"Cole, turn on the repeater, I'll talk to Kenny and see what's going on over there!"

"Okay, Steven! Right away!"

Cole's voice came, and he immediately acted.

In just a few seconds, his voice sounded again.

"Everything is ready, Steven, you can talk to Kenny!"

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian said through the wireless invisible earphone:


I'm Steven, tell me about your situation? Where are you now? Is it safe? Did you run into any trouble on the way? "

As soon as the words fell, Kenny's voice came from the earphones.

"Steven, and other guys, good evening everyone, I'm Kenny, the deep-sea salvage ship Intrepid has successfully arrived in the waters of Cocos Island at three o'clock this afternoon!

The Intrepid is now moored on the east side of Cocos Island, about six nautical miles away from Cocos Island, beyond the visual distance, the surrounding environment is not bad, don't worry!

The journey was fairly smooth, without any troubles. When they arrived here, a gliding yacht came up and circled, and Raymond and the others drove them away! It's fine after that! "

"That's good, tell me about the situation around you!"

"As you expected, Steven, there are many ships gathered around Cocos Island, including yachts, fishing boats, cargo ships, and government ships, dozens of them.

Among them, there are those who have traveled here before, and some who just came here today to join in the fun, and there are many ships coming to Cocos Island one after another, in all directions.

After we arrived here, we immediately took monitoring measures and began to monitor the communications of these ships. After several hours of monitoring, we basically figured out the origin of these ships!

There were Costa Ricans, Peruvian civil servants and ordinary Peruvians, Colombians, Spaniards, and some tourists from the US and other parts of the world!

Most of them came to see the excitement, and wanted to witness the reappearance of the treasure of Lima, and also wanted to see if this famous pirate treasure lived up to its name! Buried countless treasures of gold and silver!

Except for the spectators, the rest are some bastards with ulterior motives. Everyone is here for the treasure of Lima, ready to find the right opportunity to snatch the treasure of Lima!

The most urgent and powerful people here should be the Peruvians. They sent a lot of people here, and it seems that they are bound to win. In addition, there are two groups of pirates here, and the number is not too many.

After the Lima treasure appeared, if the Mexicans, Colombians, and Spaniards tried to snatch it, they would definitely dress themselves up as pirates to avoid showing their feet! "

"I knew it would be like this, just let them come here! See if they can snatch a gold coin from me, and see if they can get out of Cocos Island alive!"

Ye Tian said with a sneer, his words were full of murderous intent.

Immediately afterwards, he said coldly:

"These guys don't pose much of a threat, so don't worry too much about it. Let's talk about our old friend, what's going on with Cook and his idiots?"

After the words fell, Kenny's voice came immediately.

"Cook's gang arrived at Cocos Island at noon. They have two ships in total, one is the deep-sea salvage ship of the Golden Eagle Exploration Company, and the other is the planing yacht that that bastard Cook took.

On the deep-sea salvage ship, there is a medium-sized helicopter that can take off at any time. They are currently parked on the sea six to seven nautical miles southwest of Cocos Island, and they are also out of visual distance.

After we arrived, we determined their location immediately. If nothing else happened, they must have detected the deep-sea salvage ship Brave Intrepid! Each knows each other's existence"

"It's early enough! I really want to meet these idiots again, and see if they have improved a bit after half a year!"

The smile on Ye Tian's face became colder, and the murderous look in his eyes became more intense.

Next, Kenny continued to introduce the situation around Cocos Island, which was very detailed!

At this time, Cocos Island has suddenly become a powder keg that may explode at any time, just waiting for Ye Tian to rush to ignite it!

At the same time, on the sea six or seven nautical miles southwest of Cocos Island, Cook and the others were also making preparations in that beautiful Wally planing yacht.

"Later, when the sky is completely dark, we will set off on a feeder boat, land on the island from the southwest of Cocos Island, and then proceed along the coastline to Chatham on the northeast side.

If there is no accident, the joint exploration fleet led by that bastard Steven will stop at the sea on the Chatham side and land on the island from there. We will wait in the rainforest over there! "

"That's right, Boss, there are only two anchorages in Cocos Island. They came from the east, and they must choose to anchor in Chatham!"

A subordinate agreed, with a greedy gleam in his eyes.

Soon, night completely enveloped the Pacific Ocean.

On the brightly lit Leshun super yacht, people began to enjoy a sumptuous dinner, tasting wine and food, and spent this beautiful night in the midst of music and under the warm and humid sea breeze.

Cocos Island, hundreds of kilometers away, is another scene!

Under the cover of night, two high-speed feeder boats were speeding over from the sea, silently rushing straight to a rocky beach in the southwest corner of the island!

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