Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1084 Diving Deep into the Sea

The first high-speed shuttle boat left the stern of the yacht, full of excited members of the exploration team, bypassed the super yacht, and headed for a shallow sea area 30 to 40 meters offshore, which is a good snorkeling area .

Immediately afterwards, the second wave of people who were going to go snorkeling went down to the stern swimming platform, began to board another high-speed feeder boat, and then went to the shallow sea area to enjoy the beautiful underwater world of Cocos Island.

The boy Logan was among these people, wearing an orange life jacket, carrying his snorkeling equipment in his hand, with a bright smile on his face, extremely excited!

Several people in front of him had already boarded the feeder boat one after another, and Logan was also about to step out and leave the stern swimming platform where he was.

At this moment, Ye Tian's voice suddenly came from behind.

"Logan, wait a moment, you will get on the shuttle later!"

Hearing this, Logan immediately turned his head and asked in a little surprise:

"Steven, is there anything else?"

Ye Tian immediately went down to the swimming platform, came to Logan, and said in a low voice:

"It's nothing serious, I just want to remind you to pay attention to safety. Although the snorkeling area is shallow sea, it is still dangerous. Don't be negligent!

There are many kinds of marine life here, some of which are not only beautiful, but also dangerous! When snorkeling, try not to touch or provoke those strange sea creatures"

"Understood! Steven, in nature, the more colorful and eye-catching creatures are, the more dangerous they are. We have learned this knowledge a long time ago!

As for my safety, you don't have to worry about it, I am a well-behaved tourist, I just want to enjoy the beautiful underwater world here, and I don't intend to destroy it! "

Logan nodded with a chuckle, his tone full of confidence.

At the same time, a touch of moving light flashed in his eyes, for Ye Tian's concern!

"That couldn't be better! Hope you enjoy a wonderful ocean trip and take a good look at the underwater world that Cocos Island is famous for.

For the sake of safety, if you encounter any danger underwater, immediately approach Miller and the others. They will snorkel with you and be responsible for protecting everyone's safety.

Those rangers from Weaver Bay will come in a motorboat too,

Act as diving instructors and ambulancemen, they are very familiar with the situation here, and you can also approach them for help! "

"Okay, I see, don't worry, this is just a snorkeling, there should be no danger, I can take care of myself!"

"I hope so! Well, that's all there is to say, you can go, enjoy this snorkeling!"

Ye Tian said with a smile, and patted Logan's sturdy shoulder lightly.

Immediately afterwards, Logan stepped out and boarded the high-speed shuttle boat parked at the stern.

After him, Miller and two Raytheon security personnel also boarded the tender!

Each of them is wearing an orange life jacket, carrying snorkeling equipment, and the necessary weapons and ammunition!

Just as they boarded the boat, Ye Tian gave Miller a slight nod, and Miller also responded.

Ye Tian's meaning is self-evident, that is, let Miller protect Logan's safety, and don't let the kid get carried away with any accidents, then he can't explain to Betty!

Soon, the snorkeling people left the yacht, and the swimming platform at the stern became much quieter.

Ye Tian raised his eyes to look at the ships moored several hundred meters away, then said with a light smile:

"Guys, it's time for us to go into the sea and take a look at the pirate ship that has been sleeping for a long time. Maybe there will be some surprising discoveries!"

With that said, he turned and walked into the garage at the stern of the yacht.

Everyone’s deep diving equipment is basically stored in the boat garage, such as oxygen tanks, flippers, underwater full-wet propellers, etc.

Like every deep dive in the past, the moment Ye Tian walked into the boat garage, Ye Tian had secretly turned on the perspective, and checked all the deep diving equipment stored here, and one piece was missing!

After confirming that the equipment was all right and safe, Ye Tian ended his perspective, found his own set of equipment, and began to put it on his body!

The other three who were going to go deep diving with him followed closely behind and walked into the boat garage.

During the process of putting on the deep diving equipment, Cole asked aloud:

"Steven, do you want to prepare a deep dive decompression stop? If necessary, we will start preparing now, and it will be ready soon!"

"No need, we will go to the island tomorrow to explore the treasures of Lima. Today is not suitable for deep diving. Let's keep at a depth of fifty or sixty meters. There is no need to dive too deep.

And our deep diving time should not be too long, half an hour to an hour is about the same, if the time is too long, I am worried that it will affect the action of exploring the treasures of Lima tomorrow! "

Ye Tian shook his head lightly and explained a few words.

"Okay, we get it!"

Cole nodded, and the other two also responded.

Next, everyone continued to put on the equipment, and the movements were very skillful and quick!

While they were preparing for the deep dive, many people on the ships hundreds of meters behind were holding binoculars and looking at the situation here.

"That's right! Those guys from Steven came to Cocos Island for vacation, and most of them took a high-speed shuttle boat to the shallow waters of Weaver Bay, probably for snorkeling!

Steven and several of his men were wearing diving suits, and they looked ready to dive. These guys are really big-hearted and comfortable, and they still have leisure time to play diving! "

"Judging from their actions, they don't plan to go to the island today, everyone continue to suffer, the operation to explore Lima's treasure will officially start tomorrow!"

Not only them, many people on the live broadcast side also saw this scene, and those people who were watching the live TV broadcast couldn't help talking about it.

"Wow! Steven and these guys are really laid back. I want to go to Cocos Island too to enjoy the beautiful underwater world!"

"I don't know if the brave and fearless exploration company is still recruiting? If it recruits employees, I will definitely rush to apply for the job. Even if I work hard, I will get that job!

Working under that guy in Steven, not only can he earn a high salary, but he can also participate in exploration and treasure hunts like this from time to time, which is really attractive! "

These are the opinions of ordinary people who eat melons, and everyone is very envious.

They wish they could be on that super yacht right now, admiring the picturesque scenery of Cocos Island, and letting their souls fly under the blue sea and blue sky!

Those guys with ulterior motives had another reaction.

When they saw the situation at the stern of the super yacht ahead, many people's eyes couldn't help but shine brightly!

Some of them even had thoughts that they shouldn't have.

"Boss, it seems that Steven's guys are going to play deep diving, and the opportunity is here! We are no match for those guys on the sea, and we can't even get close to that super yacht!

But below the surface, will they still be so powerful? I don’t think so, if we can get Steven under the sea and kidnap him, maybe the treasure of Lima will belong to us! "

"This is indeed an opportunity, but we must be careful! That bastard Steven seems to be omnipotent no matter on land or underwater, and his strength is very powerful!

Everyone must have watched NBC's live broadcast of salvaging treasures from sunken ships in the Caribbean. That bastard Steven behaved like a god in the sea! "

Many guys with ulterior motives are discussing, each of them is ready to move, with fierce eyes!

However, a few people have already made a decision to dive deep into the sea, to meet Ye Tian and the others in the depths of the ocean, maybe there is a chance of success.

After the decision was made, these guys acted immediately and began to wear deep diving equipment. Everyone was full of fighting spirit and looked determined to win!

They thought they saw an opportunity to monopolize Lima's treasure! Seeing countless dazzling gold and silver treasures falling from the sky, falling on his head! Dizzying happiness!

As everyone knows, the gate of hell has been quietly opened at the bottom of the sea, waiting for them to throw themselves into the trap!

On the super yacht a few hundred meters away, Ye Tian and the others walked out of the garage, reappeared on the swimming platform at the stern, and appeared in front of everyone.

At this time, they were wearing a full set of deep diving equipment, each carrying two oxygen cylinders, and carrying an underwater full-wet propeller with one hand!

"Guys, let's go and enjoy this beautiful underwater world and see what's here!"

With that said, Ye Tian took the lead, stepped directly off the swimming platform, jumped into the clear and transparent sea, and had the closest contact with the Pacific Ocean!


In the splash of water, Ye Tian, ​​who was wearing a black diving suit, disappeared into the sea directly, leaving only a wave at the stern of the boat, rippling gently.

When he appeared on the sea again, he was already two or three meters away from the stern!

"Plop, plop!"

A few more waves splashed, Cole and the others jumped into the sea one after another, and disappeared from the swimming platform at the stern one by one!

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