Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1086 A good show is about to be staged

The feeling of 'Lan Daanghang' is very keen, almost the moment Ye Tian opened the perspective, they immediately felt the existence of aura!

Like the other animals I met before, the aura radiating from Ye Tian's eyes is the supreme holy thing for them, enough to drive them crazy!

In an instant, the blue upside-downs swimming around Ye Tian became restless, their swimming speed suddenly accelerated, and they all began to search for the source of this aura.

Soon, they found and identified their target.

Those auras come from this strange guy in front of him! no doubt!

Immediately afterwards, these blue upside down swung their tail fins and swam quickly to Ye Tian, ​​staring inside through the full-face diving goggles, curious and excited, very cheerful!

The rest of Lan Daohang around Cole and the others seemed to sense the presence of aura, and swam towards Ye Tian one after another at a very fast speed!

In a short while, hundreds of blue upside-downs gathered in front of Ye Tian, ​​swimming happily there! It looks like a blue gem suspended in the air, constantly turning and rolling, the picture is very beautiful!

At this time, Ye Tian had finished his perspective, and was admiring the charming scenery in front of him with a smile, with a bit of pride in his eyes!

Although the refreshing aura was fleeting, these beautiful blue upside downs did not turn around and leave, they still stayed in front of Ye Tian, ​​hoping for another miracle.

"Steven, you are such a magical guy! Whether on land or in the sea, you have a huge attraction to all animals. It's incredible to see the performance of these blue upside-downs!"

Cole's voice came from the earphones, and his words were full of envy.

The same goes for the other two guys, they all looked at the moving scene in front of them with envy.

Although they are very envious, they are not surprised. They have seen such a scene more than once before, and they have long been used to it!

Steven, this guy can take the most dangerous ocean killer "box jellyfish" as his younger brother, and use the box jellyfish to protect the treasure of the sunken ship. Are these blue upside downs still a problem?

For him, there is no difficulty at all in subduing these blue upside down, it is easier than drinking water!

It can even be said that in this ocean rich in species, Steven can get whatever he wants, just like the god of the ocean!

"Before I said,

I have a strong affinity for simple-minded animals and always attract them to me! This phenomenon cannot be explained, but it has been happening continuously, just like this! "

Ye Tian said with a light smile, repeating what he had said countless times before.

As for whether others believe it or not, that is other people's business, love believe it or not!

Next, he admired these beautiful fish for a while, and then he collected his emotions and prepared to leave.

"Guys, let's continue diving, there must be more beautiful scenery behind, waiting for us to enjoy! I'm looking forward to it!"

With that said, Ye Tian adjusted his body posture, raised the speed of the full-wet propeller, and then, driven by it, continued to move deeper into the ocean!

Those Lan Tanghang around him, seeing him start to dive, immediately moved their tail fins and followed him, walking forward with him, step by step, like a group of loyal little brothers!

Cole and the others also moved, and followed Ye Tian, ​​driven by the full-wet propeller, they moved deeper into the ocean together.

They dived at a very slow speed, and they dived at a uniform speed in a slash, not too fast, and their goal was to point directly at the sunken ship on the bottom of the sea that Miller and the others had discovered before.

The unidentified pirate ship was located more than 20 meters behind the side of the yacht. The depth of that place was about fifty or sixty meters, not too deep!

Soon, Ye Tian and the others dived another ten meters, and they could already see the silhouette of the pirate ship, which was on the seabed obliquely in front of everyone.

During this process, seeing that the aura did not reappear, the group of blue upside downs who accompanied Ye Tianxia dive had all dispersed, swung their tail fins and swam to other places, with some disappointment and doubts!

However, Ye Tian and the others never lack companions, and the scenery at every step is very beautiful and moving!

Before the group of blue upside-down hangers had dispersed, a group of Picasso triggerfish covered with large pieces of modern painting patterns came from the side and broke into Ye Tian and his group's field of vision.

This is another very beautiful tropical ornamental fish. Its gorgeous appearance is not inferior to that of the blue tang, and it is quite artistic, which is pleasing to the eye!

After seeing this group of Picasso trigger fish, Ye Tian and the others stopped again, suspended in the water, and began to admire this group of beautiful fish!

They also took this opportunity to adapt their bodies to the new depth to ensure everyone's safety and not affect tomorrow's exploration!

While they were admiring the school of Picasso Triggerfish, these beautiful fish were watching them and swimming towards them!

Cocos Island is one of the world's famous diving sanctuaries. The marine life living here is very familiar to humans wearing deep diving suits and carrying oxygen tanks. It has long been no surprise!

They are not afraid of these bubbling guys at all, thinking that they are creatures that live in this ocean just like themselves, but they have strange looks and strange behaviors!

This group of Picasso trigger fish quickly swam to Ye Tian and the others, taking the place of the previous group of blue upside-down fish, swimming beside Ye Tian and the others, as if there was no one else present, leisurely!

But their luck was a little bit worse, they didn't enjoy the aura bath bestowed by Ye Tian, ​​and they weren't as lucky as the group of blue upside downs before!

Ye Tian didn't turn on the perspective, but just admired these beautiful fish through the full-face mask diving goggles, enjoying the beauty created by nature.

Stayed at this depth for about a minute. After fully adapting to this depth and enjoying the beautiful scenery in front of you, everyone moved again and continued to go deeper into the ocean.

It was still Ye Tian who took the lead. He quickly adjusted the angle and rotation speed of the full-wet propeller, and driven by it, he slowly dived towards the pirate ship diagonally below.

At the same time, a few hundred meters behind the exploration fleet, where other ships are berthed, many unpredictable and ambitious guys have already put on their deep diving equipment and are ready to jump into the sea!

Before going to sea, there are some dialogues on these ships, with different contents and different goals!

"If you find Steven and his gang on the bottom of the sea, just stay at an appropriate distance and monitor them, and don't rush up to trouble those guys!

You also know the strength of those New York bastards. Everyone in that gang is very tough. Killing people is as easy as slaughtering chickens, even in the sea!

Especially that bastard Steven, who is omnipotent in the ocean, what he did in the Caribbean Sea before is the best proof, don't provoke that guy! "

"Guys! If there is a suitable opportunity, you should make a bold move. If you can get that bastard Steven under the sea, we will send it! The treasure of Lima is ours!"

After some conversations, those guys wearing deep diving equipment jumped into the sea one after another and disappeared from their respective ships!

Under the surface of the sea, there were more than a dozen or twenty figures in diving suits!

These figures are either swinging their legs, or driven by the diving propeller, they quickly sneak towards the sea area where the exploration fleet is located!

A good show is about to be staged! And it's below the surface of the sea!

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