More and more sharks are rushing from all directions at high speed, and the killing in the sea is becoming more and more crazy. The bloody sea has turned into hell!

Some of the ships closest to the killing field have started their engines one after another, and began to turn around cautiously, trying to get out of this extremely dangerous sea area.

When the killing just started, some people thought about sailing over there to rescue those companions who were on the verge of life and death, and kill those vicious hammerhead sharks!

When they figured out the size of this group of hammerhead sharks and saw more sharks rushing towards them at high speed, everyone gave up their rescue plan!

With so many sharks frenziedly strangling, even if everyone sailed to rescue them, they probably wouldn't be able to save a few people! Instead, it puts those on board at risk!

If one is not careful, the people on board may fall into the sea and become the delicacies of the top killers in the ocean, and it will be a big loss!

As for shooting and killing those vicious hammerhead sharks, this method is also not advisable.

The killing in the sea was still going on, the divers and the sharks rushing up from the bottom of the sea were completely mixed together, and it was impossible to tell you from me!

In this situation, how to shoot?

If he opened fire forcibly, the ones he killed might not be those big hammerhead sharks, maybe his companions!

Besides, the sea is not as good as the land! Once the bullets fired by ordinary guns enter the water, their power will be greatly reduced and their speed will be greatly reduced! Those fast-swimming, massive hammerhead sharks are hard to kill!

And watch out for those bloody New York bastards on the super yacht up ahead, they're always on high alert, with their automatic rifles pointed that way, ready to fire!

At this juncture, who dares to provoke those New York bastards? Especially dare not provoke the two Barrett anti-materiel sniper rifles on the flybridge deck of the super yacht, that would be tantamount to courting death!

If I open fire to attack the sharks in the sea, causing those New York bastards to misunderstand, or being used by those bastards, then I will be in big trouble!

Once the two sides exchange fire, those guys only need to use Barrett to attack the boats everyone is on. As long as the engine on the boat is destroyed and the boat sinks into the water, everyone will die without a place to die!

Those sharks that swim at high speed in the sea and completely kill red eyes will never let anyone fall into the water,

They will tear anyone who falls into the water to shreds, not a single bone remains!

All ships staying in this sea area began to turn around and evacuate, without exception! They have completely abandoned their companions and friends in the sea! Just get out of this hell as soon as possible!

During the evacuation, deafening and extremely angry curses resounded on many ships, and every voice was full of unforgettable hatred!

"Fuck U! Steven! You are a devil, this matter is endless! I will definitely come back, kill you damn devil with my own hands, and send you to hell!"

"Steven, sooner or later you bastard will go to hell too, this day will come soon, I swear to God!"

These angry and cursing guys, and even everyone in this sea area, thought the same as some people on the live broadcast side, believing that Ye Tian directed this killing, and it was his bloody means to eradicate his opponents!

The group of big hammerhead sharks raging wildly in the sea and killing them are the super thugs he attracted, and they are the perfect killers and scapegoats to achieve their goals!

However, they also have no evidence to support this guess!

The dozens of people who dived into the sea were all torn to pieces by the sharks. There was no evidence or physical evidence. There was no way to accuse Steven, that damn bastard!

Thinking of this, everyone felt a burst of despair, and the curses became more violent, resounding throughout the waters of Cocos Island!

Almost all the ships with deafening curses died in the sea of ​​blood, and became the delicacy of the group of hammerhead sharks!

Most of the other relatively quiet boats are tourists, or people who come here to join in the fun! There are also some guys who act more cautiously!

At this moment, they were running faster than anyone else, and everyone wished they could fly away from this hellish sea!

Many of them have already decided that as long as they rush out of this sea area, they will run as far as they can immediately, and they will never stay around Cocos Island for even a second!

The treasure of Lima is indeed very attractive, but does it have anything to do with me? If I risked my life because of watching the excitement, I would definitely be the most stupid idiot ever!

On a hill on the side of Weaver Bay, Cook and a dozen of his men were hiding in a rainforest, all staring dumbfounded at the distant sea! Look at that scarlet water!

At this time, they had traveled through a large tropical rainforest and rushed from Chatham Bay to Weaver Bay with great hardships. Everyone was sweating and embarrassed!

Unexpectedly, when they arrived here, they witnessed an extremely bloody and cruel killing. That scene made each of them feel cold and terrified!

After a while, these guys just woke up from the shock and regained their sobriety.

Immediately afterwards, Cook gritted his teeth and said:

"I'm sure! This is definitely a killing scheme set up by that devil, Steven, who killed dozens of idiots in one go! Only that bastard has such unpredictable abilities!

In the next actions, everyone must be extremely careful and step by step! No one knows how that bastard Steven behaves in the rainforest, whether he is as omnipotent as in the sea!

If he can also control the creatures in the tropical rainforest like his fingers, then we will be in big trouble, maybe we will face a fatal situation like this in the tropical rainforest! "

"Understood, boss, we will be more careful, and we will never be killed by that bastard Steven like those idiots in the sea!"

More than a dozen subordinates around nodded in response, and everyone's tone was extremely firm and full of confidence.

But in the eyes of each of them, a trace of fear flashed by coincidence, which could not be concealed at all!

Seeing the performance of his subordinates, Cook's heart sank immediately, and he had a very bad premonition.

Could it be that I will lose to that bastard Steven this time? no way! This kind of thing must not happen! I must win, no matter what the price is!


A splash of water suddenly surged up on the sea two meters away from the stern of the super yacht and spread rapidly!

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian, ​​wearing a black diving suit and holding a full-wet diving thruster, rushed out of the water from the water splash!

Immediately afterwards, Cole and the other two guys also rushed out of the sea, and the three of them were separated from each other to the left and right of Ye Tian, ​​and the distance between them was about two meters!

Seeing this scene, Matisse and the others standing on the swimming platform at the stern of the super yacht immediately burst into bright smiles, and their high-hanging hearts were completely relieved.

"clap clap"

Immediately there was warm applause from everyone on the super yacht.

On the remaining ships of the exploration fleet, the live broadcast rooms of the three TV stations, and all the live broadcast terminals, there was a burst of crazy exclamation.

"Steven and the others surfaced unscathed, but a few hundred meters away is hell! I'm sure that this crazy killing was made by Steven!"

"What's the use of you? What about the evidence? Without evidence, everything is nonsense. Who can do anything to that bastard Steven? You can only watch that bastard continue to roam free!"

"That's right, it's a group of extremely ferocious hammerhead sharks that are performing the killing mission. They can't speak, and it's even more impossible for them to stand up and testify against that cunning bastard Steven!"

While people were talking about it, Ye Tian had successfully boarded the stern swimming platform of the super yacht, and then walked into the open garage with Mathis.

"Steven, a crazy killing is taking place on the sea hundreds of meters behind the super yacht, and it is coming to an end, and it will end soon!

What was killing was a group of as many as fifty or sixty hammerhead sharks, extremely ferocious! Those who were killed were a group of guys who followed you into the sea!

There were dozens of people in that gang, according to our observation, none of them rushed out of the sea, and all of them were killed by the group of big hammerhead sharks, and their deaths were very miserable! "

As Matisse marched, he introduced the situation on the sea in a low voice, with excitement in his tone!

He knew who was responsible for the bloody killing on the sea behind, but he couldn't say it clearly, he could only hold it in his stomach!

Ye Tian had already taken off his full-face diving mask at this time. Hearing what Mathis said, he immediately turned his head and looked at the sea several hundred meters away!

Immediately afterwards, he turned his head and sneered and said in a low voice:

"Those fools are really unlucky to be targeted by a pack of vicious hammerhead sharks, God bless them and let them escape!

Mattis, you should immediately contact the people in Costa Rica and ask them to ask for help from the Costa Rican government and send more police to Cocos Island to maintain order here!

If as expected, this sea area will become more lively in the coming time. In order to ensure the smooth progress of the joint exploration operation, it is imperative to strengthen the security force! "

"Understood, Steven, I'll contact the Costa Ricans later!"

Matisse nodded in response, with a somewhat dignified expression!

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