Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1102 The Night Is Like Water

The night was getting dark, and a round of bright moon hung in the sky, filling the entire sea with silvery cold moonlight.

The Pacific Ocean under the moonlight is deep and remote, and it has completely changed its appearance, showing people a beauty that is completely different from the daytime, which is fascinating!

The warm and humid sea breeze keeps blowing from the vast ocean, setting off waves of white waves, rushing towards the shore one after another! Come to the joint exploration fleet!


The waves kept washing against the reefs in the sea and the soft sandy beaches on the shore, and they kept beating the boats moored in Weaver Bay. The sound was monotonous but very vivid.


In the tropical rainforest on the island, the nocturnal birds are singing and singing. The sound is melodious, and it keeps coming from the dark jungle, circulating and circling in the night sky!

It seems that in order to coincide with it, there will be bursts of chirping sounds from time to time on the distant sea!

Some of these chirps were immature, some were deep, and they were all very cheerful. They spread far away in the darkness and echoed on the vast sea!

That's the sound of dolphins and whales, these spiritual sea creatures singing to themselves and to the beauty of the ocean!

All these sounds are gathered in the night sky of Weaver Bay, perfectly integrated with the cool and dark night, like a moving serenade, lingering in people's ears, it is fascinating!

It was very quiet on the Leshun super yacht moored in Weaver Bay. Most members of the joint exploration team had rested and fell asleep with the moving serenade!

The many security personnel responsible for protecting the safety of the joint exploration team and the super yacht are full of energy at this time, and each of them has bright eyes, staring at the situation on the sea vigilantly!

Without exception, each of them is fully armed, wearing Kevlar body armor, wearing night vision goggles, armed with a variety of powerful automatic weapons, ready to respond at any time!

Even those security personnel who were resting in shifts to recharge their batteries did not disarm. At most, they turned off the safety of the weapons in their hands, unloaded the magazines, and then lay down in their clothes!

If they encounter any unexpected situation, they can react in an instant, and enter the battle as quickly as possible, and attack any malicious intruder head-on!

The same goes for several other vessels near the superyacht,

Everything is very quiet, except for the security personnel on duty, everyone else has rested, recharging their energy for the exploration after dawn!

On the sea more than 100 meters away from these ships, the two Costa Rican police ships in charge of escorting are slowly driving around the periphery of Weaver Bay, inspecting the situation on the sea.

There are three searchlights on each of the two police ships, one at the bow and stern, and one above the ship's building!

These searchlights have been turned on at this time, and the powerful light beams they emit keep sweeping across the sea surface, which is extremely dazzling in the dark night, and it also adds a bit of tension to this peaceful night at sea!

Ye Tian did not return to the cabin to rest, but sat in the leisure area on the flybridge deck of the super yacht, listening to the moving music played by nature, while staring at the situation on the sea.

For him, there is no problem at all without rest for one night, it will neither affect his physical condition nor his mental condition!

When the sun comes up again tomorrow, just wash his face and he'll be back in top shape in no time, ready to start the day with a trip to Cocos Island to explore the treasures of Lima and shock the world!

He was staying with him on the flybridge deck of the super yacht, as well as Mattis, and Peter and his security personnel!

Without exception, everyone is fully armed, guarding this super yacht in the dark, guarding the safety of the joint exploration team!

The sea is very calm, there are no uninvited guests coming to visit, and the situation below the sea is the same!

Through the feedback from the underwater camera, we can see that there are only some beautiful nocturnal marine creatures under the sea surface, swimming and playing freely in the sea water, and there is no shadow of human beings!

Those guys parked out of sight, already terrified by the bloody massacre during the day, are licking their wounds, and they dare not come to revenge in the dark, or even think about it!

After indirect fights during the day, plus some homework done afterwards, these people have a better understanding of Ye Tian's behavior style!

Each of them clearly knew that it was impossible to count that bastard Steven, that bastard was so cunning that he was almost invulnerable!

Taking advantage of the night to sneak up and attack that bastard Steven to avenge the dead brothers? That is undoubtedly the most stupid idea and behavior!

If you do that, there is only one result!

That is to seek death, send yourself to hell with your own hands, and meet those brothers who died in hell. There is absolutely no other possibility other than this!

Because of this, those guys completely dispelled the idea of ​​a sneak attack, and Weaver Bay was so peaceful!

This is undoubtedly the situation that Ye Tian wants to see the most, so that everyone can have a good night's rest, and start tomorrow's action to explore Lima's treasure in the best condition!

Those guys dare not take Ye Tian's idea, dare not venture into Weaver's Bay at night! But it doesn't mean that they don't want to take revenge, and they don't want to vent their pent-up anger!

After some thinking and comparison, they turned their target to the deep-sea salvage ship Brave Intrepid moored on the high seas east of Cocos Island, trying to take this as a target and revenge!

It's a pity that they don't even know what's on the deep-sea salvage ship of the Intrepid. Is it something they can handle?

If they knew, they would never try to attack the deep-sea salvage ship Bravery in a daze, and they must run as far as they can, and never want to touch that deep-sea salvage ship again!

In comparison, the weapons and ammunition that Ye Tian and the others brought to the Leshun super yacht are far less than the weapons and ammunition stored on the deep-sea salvage ship Brave Intrepid!

That ship not only has a large number of automatic rifles and supporting ammunition, but also a lot of bazooka rockets, and even shoulder-mounted needle anti-aircraft missiles! It's an armed salvage ship at all!

In a blink of an eye, it was already past two o'clock in the middle of the night!

Suddenly, Kenny's excited voice came from the earphones, which could be heard very clearly in the dark.

"Steven, as you expected, those idiots who suffered a lot in Weaver Bay have their idea on us, and several ships are coming towards us in the dark!

Among them are two Peruvian ships. Although they are dressed as civilian ships, the people on board are from Peruvian government departments. We have already grasped their true identities through monitoring!

The other three were all pirate ships, two from Mexico and one from Colombia. They were all half-new fishing boats. What a bunch of overwhelmed fools!

After driving to a place about one kilometer away from the salvage ship, four of the ships stopped one after another, watching from a distance, acting cautiously.

Now there is only one fishing boat left, still sailing towards us under the cover of night, the distance is getting closer and closer, we are preparing to treat these idiots well! "

"Then what are you waiting for? Since they are going to seek their own death, then send them to hell. Maybe this is what they want. Let's be beautiful adults!

Before making a move, you have to issue a warning as usual. It is best to let those idiots shoot first, and then launch a counterattack. You must also pay attention to the underwater situation to avoid being attacked by someone! "

Ye Tian said with a sneer, his eyes full of murderous intent.

"Understood, Steven, we know what to do, once those idiots fire, the bazooka rockets in Raymond's hands can exert their power!

At that time, those idiots will just wait to go into the sea to feed the fish. There is no way to escape this sea area alive. The underwater situation is always under monitoring, there is no problem! "

Kenny's voice came again, and the excitement almost flew up.

"Okay then! I look forward to the good news of your triumph!"

Ye Tian said with a light smile, and then ended the call.

The good news came soon. Through the earphones, everyone clearly heard the loud noise of rocket explosions, which seemed to be mixed with some screams of dying!

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