Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1104: About to Land on the Island

It's 8:00 AM, and there's only one hour left before boarding Cocos Island to explore Lima's treasures!

At this time, the sky is already bright, the fog and morning dew on Cocos Island have dissipated, and the conditions for landing on the island to explore the treasure are ripe!

The ships that fled from Weaver Bay yesterday are still anchored out of everyone's sight. The sea is calm and seems to be very safe!

But everyone in the United Exploration Fleet knew in their hearts that under this calm sea, stormy waves were brewing and could erupt at any time!

Seeing that the time was almost up, everyone got up immediately, left the yacht flybridge deck one after another, returned to their respective rooms, and began to prepare for the later landing on the island!

Without exception, everyone who left the bridge deck was happy and excited, their eyes were full of anticipation, and their steps were much lighter!

Soon, most of the people had left, only Ye Tian and the others were left on the flybridge deck, and they were all members of the Brave and Fearless Exploration Company!

As soon as the rest left, Mattis and Cole walked up the stairs to the flybridge deck and came to the leisure area together!

When the two of them sat down in the leisure area, Ye Tian immediately got to the point.

"Guys, it's finally time to explore Lima's treasures! We've been preparing and working so long for this day! This is what we came to Cocos Island for!

The next operation will proceed as planned, Matisse, you will lead ten fully armed men to the island with me to explore the treasures of Lima, and be responsible for the safety of the joint exploration team!

Which guys to bring to the island, the specific division of labor and tasks of each person, these are all up to you to decide, I believe you will make the best choice, I will not interfere with your decision! "

"Understood, Steven, I have already selected good people, each guy is a master of jungle warfare, with rich experience in jungle warfare, enough to ensure the safety of the joint exploration team!

We will carry a lot of high-tech detection equipment, and use these equipment and our rich experience to always take the initiative, and no one can take advantage of us! "

Matisse nodded in response, confident and excited!

"Okay, I trust you guys to do your best!"

Ye Tian nodded appreciatively, and bumped his fist lightly with Mathis.

Then he turned to Cole again.

"Cole, you lead the other guys to guard Weaver Bay and guard this super yacht. This is our obvious retreat and base, don't be taken advantage of by some guys with ulterior motives!

Not only do you have to be careful of those idiots who fled Weaver Bay in a hurry yesterday, but you also have to be careful of the Costa Rican police. Although they are partners, those guys are not worthy of full trust.

In addition, you must be ready at any time to use the helicopter on the yacht to airborne Cocos Island to provide us with strong support, or to cover everyone to evacuate the dangerous area as soon as possible.

Before the Lima treasure appears, the island must be calm. Once the treasure reappears in the world, a series of wonderful dramas will be officially staged, and fierce conflicts may break out at any time! "

Cole nodded vigorously, and replied confidently:

"Don't worry, Steven, we can just leave Weaver Bay to us. Without your approval, no one can board Cocos Island from here, including the Costa Rican police!

We will be ready at any time, fly into the island by helicopter, appear at any place you designate, provide you with powerful air support, and kill all those with ulterior motives! "

"Okay, that's all there is to say, go down and get ready, wait until nine o'clock sharp, we can set off, go to the island to explore the treasures of Lima!

Guys, today is sure to be a very exciting and exciting day for you all! This experience of exploring the treasures of Lima will definitely be unforgettable for everyone!

This will be a perfect exploration operation that will shake the whole world! Every guy who participated in this exploration operation will get a very generous reward! "

Ye Tian smiled and nodded, full of confidence.

"Okay, Steven, we're going down and getting ready, don't worry, nothing will go wrong!"

Mattis and Cole responded in unison, full of fighting spirit.

Afterwards, Ye Tian stretched out his fist again, and bumped into them lightly, cheering each other up.

Immediately afterwards, Mattis and Cole turned around and left the flybridge deck, and separated to make preparations.

After they left, Ye Tian said to Anderson who was also on the bridge deck:

"Anderson, you don't need to go to Cocos Island with the joint exploration team, you can just stay on this super yacht. There are many things for you to do here!"

"That's such a pity, I still want to go to the island with you and experience the fun of exploring treasures in the tropical rainforest, it must be very exciting!

It is obviously out of play now, I hope there will be such an opportunity in the future! If there is anything I need to do, Steven, just tell me, I will try my best to complete it! "

Anderson shrugged his shoulders with a regretful expression.

"Don't feel sorry, Anderson, there will definitely be opportunities like this in the future, even more exciting and exciting than this exploration!

Now let’s get down to business. After we go to the island, everyone will wear a high-definition camera to take pictures of the entire process of the exploration and send them back to the yacht in real time.

All you have to do is to save all these video materials together with the technicians on the yacht and store them in the cloud, maybe it will come in handy sometime!

Defenses can not do without! There must be someone else's eyeliner in the joint exploration team, and they cannot be completely trusted, at least the two guys from the Costa Rican police and the Ministry of Public Safety are!

In addition, you also need to save the original video data sent back by the live broadcast teams of the three TV stations and upload it to the cloud in case of emergency, lest these three TV stations maliciously edit it! "

"Don't worry, Steven, I will do these things well, you are so thoughtful, and no one can count on you!"

"One more thing, you have to be prepared at all times. Once the Lima treasure appears, you, as my lawyer, must rush to the location where the treasure appears as soon as possible and provide legally valid witnesses!

Cole and they will use the helicopter on the yacht to take you there and protect your personal safety. Although you cannot participate in the process of exploring the treasure, you are definitely one of the first people to see the treasure of Lima! "

“That was awesome! I am so looking forward to that moment!”

Anderson said excitedly, and waved his fist lightly.

"Okay, that's all for the specific arrangements. If there are any temporary changes, I will notify you through the invisible wireless headset. I believe it will not delay anything.

Let's prepare separately, Jason, you can go back to the cabin and arm yourself! Logan, come with me, I have something special to explain! "

With that said, Ye Tian stood up and strode towards the stairs.

Jason and the others got up and followed quickly. Everyone was very excited.

Especially that kid Logan, who is beaming with joy, and whose smile is brighter than flowers!

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