Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1111 Deep in the Rainforest

Over time, the tripartite joint exploration team has gradually penetrated into the tropical rainforest of Cocos Island, and the altitudes they have passed have become higher and higher.

The deeper you go in the rainforest, the darker the light becomes!

Like other tropical rainforests, there are also trees with a height of tens of meters or even hundreds of meters, all of which are winners in the competition for survival!

In order to absorb sunlight as much as possible, these trees have very dense crowns, like huge covers, which almost completely cover the sky above everyone's heads, making it difficult for sunlight to penetrate.

Although it is daytime, the sun is shining and there are no clouds outside, but deep in the tropical rainforest of Cocos Island, it seems to be another world!

For the sake of safety, some people in the tripartite joint exploration team have turned on the strong light flashlight to illuminate the way forward! Spot the danger in time!

Compared with the edge of the rainforest, there are more species of creatures in the depths of the rainforest!

On both sides of the path you walk, there are huge towering trees that have grown for hundreds of years, and there are countless vines attached to these trees, entwined on the trunks, and various exotic flowers and plants.

Among these trees and flowers, there are countless animals, big and small, big deer, small lizards unique to Cocos Island and endangered, all kinds of animals, unique!

In addition, there are many birds with bright colors and melodious singing, flying in the jungle like no one else!

All these animals and plants coexist harmoniously in this tropical rain forest, depend on each other, live freely, and compose a colorful movement about life together! So touching!

Everyone in the joint exploration team walking in this rainforest is full of energy and vitality, just like this vibrant tropical rainforest!

While admiring the picturesque scenery and listening to the moving calls of various birds, everyone trekked in the rainforest, heading for the distant Mount Jimenez!

Fortunately, the tropical rainforest on Cocos Island is a mountain rainforest, not a plain rainforest like the Amazon. The ground here is relatively solid, and there are basically no dangerous swamps and quagmires!

Walking in this tropical rainforest, you don't have to worry about suddenly falling into a swamp, or being swallowed by a quagmire hidden under fallen leaves. The risk factor is undoubtedly reduced a lot!

Moreover, the path we are taking has been walked by countless people in the past few hundred years.

It has already been rescued by the predecessors with their lives, so it is relatively safe.

Even so, walking in this dark rainforest, everyone still dare not take it lightly, and maintain a certain state of alert at all times!

Because no one knows what will be encountered in the next second, what dangerous animals will emerge from the dense jungle on both sides, dare to be careful?


Amidst the moving chirping of birds, the tripartite joint exploration team continued to advance.

At this time, Ye Tian had retreated to the middle of the exploration team, chatting with Professor Douglas while walking forward, in a very relaxed state.

Peek and a Raytheon guy had been replaced at the front of the team with their knives, and Mattis was a few steps behind and was in charge of the center.

"Steven, we will reach the foot of Mount Jimenez two or three kilometers ahead. Can you tell everyone where we should go next?"

Professor Douglas turned to look at Ye Tian and said, his eyes were full of expectation!

"That's right, Steven, we've all come here, can you tell me where the Lima treasure is actually buried? Don't torture everyone anymore, that feeling is not good!"

Professor Johnson, who is also from Columbia University, then said that he also looked at Ye Tian with full expectation! Looking forward to hearing the desired answer.

However, they were once again disappointed!

"I'm very sorry, Professor Douglas, Professor Johnson, for disappointing you! I still can't tell you the real burial place of Lima's treasure, it's not time yet!

Don't worry, you will definitely see the treasure of Lima today, seeing those dazzling gold and silver treasures, as long as Captain Thomson really buried the treasure of Lima on Cocos Island!

When the joint exploration team arrives at the foot of Mount Jimenez, I will tell everyone how to go next, and lead everyone to the place where the treasure is buried, and you will naturally know by then! "

Ye Tian smiled lightly and shook his head, rejecting the two Columbia University professors.


The two professors sighed in unison, their expressions somewhat disappointed.

"Okay! Let's continue to suffer! Steven, you are a very cunning guy, your mouth is really too tight, and you can't leak a word!"

Professor Douglas said angrily, with helplessness on his face.

The same goes for Professor Johnson, who looked at Ye Tianzhi and rolled his eyes, but there was nothing he could do!

As soon as the words fell, Ye Tian, ​​who was walking normally, suddenly took a big step forward, then stretched out his right hand like lightning, and patted the right shoulder of the blonde beauty Joyna in front!

Seeing his action, the two Columbia University professors were a little surprised, not understanding what he meant by doing this!


Ye Tian's palm accurately patted Joyner's shoulder, making a crisp sound!

Following his movements, two black locusts about four or five centimeters long fell from Joyner's shoulders and landed on the ground!

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian quickly stepped forward, and trampled the two jungle vampires to pieces.

At the same time, Joyner turned her head and asked in surprise:

"Steven, what's the matter?"

Ye Tian raised his right foot, pointed at the corpses of the two leeches, and said with a smile:

"It's nothing. I just saw two leeches fall from the leaves and landed on your shoulders. My hands were itchy for a while, so I just shot to help you deal with them!"

Seeing the two shattered leech corpses on the ground, Joyner couldn't help shivering, and a trace of fear flashed in her eyes!

"Thank you, Steven, fortunately you found these two scary guys in time, otherwise, I might be in bad luck!"

Joyner said in fear, expressing her gratitude.

Before she finished speaking, the blond beauty also took a step forward, and stomped viciously on the corpses of the two leeches, as if taking revenge!

"You don't need to be polite, Joyner, this is just a little effort, but you have to be vigilant, there are dangers everywhere, don't be plotted by these dangerous little things, it's not a good thing!"

Ye Tian said with a light smile, reminding the golden beauty in front of him!

"Understood, Steven, I will be careful!"

Joyner nodded and ended the conversation.

Everyone continued to move forward, and in a blink of an eye they had traveled another twenty or thirty meters.

Suddenly, Matisse's voice came from the earphones, and he was quite excited to hear it.

"Cook's idiots were fooled! Steven, from the GPS positioning information, those idiots were led to the east by the trap I set up, and searched along the east side road!"

"Hahaha, it really is a group of hopeless idiots! Let them wander around in the rainforest, maybe this is a good thing for them!"

Ye Tian chuckled and said in a low voice, with a bit of disdain in his eyes.

A few hundred meters behind the joint exploration team, Cook was leading a dozen of his men trekking through the rainforest, each of them being careful not to make any excessive noise.

"Reed, are you sure that Steven's bastards are going in this direction? Don't make a mistake!"

Cook tiptoed forward while asking his subordinates in a low voice.

"That's right, boss, it must be in this direction, I found the marks left by those bastards!"

The guy named Reid said, categorically, looking very confident!

"Just make sure, let's continue to follow, the treasure of Lima belongs to Lao Tzu, not to that damn bastard Steven!"

Cook gritted his teeth and said, with a greedy light flashing in his eyes, and an unforgettable hatred!

Afterwards, these idiots from Los Angeles chased down the path leading to the east without hesitation, with the dream of making a fortune!

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