When the joint exploration team was about to reach the bottom of the valley, Ye Tian hurried up from behind alone, and joined everyone again!

As soon as he returned to the team, behind the joint exploration team, Professor Delgado, who was walking with the rest of the Costa Ricans, asked:

"Steven, what did you do with those sapphire poison dart frogs? Nothing happened, right?"

"Dude, didn't you come back intact, not a hair missing! The sapphire poison dart frog is so poisonous, if there is an accident, then I will definitely confess to that rainforest!

After Peter and the others passed through that area safely, I also left there. The sapphire poison dart frogs still stayed where they were, and did not move. That was their territory! "

Ye Tian said it jokingly, and acted very relaxed.

Did he really just get out of there without doing anything? of course not!

Under the omnipotent perspective, the sapphire poison dart frog was no exception. It was easily captured by the aura and became his little brother!

After Peter and the others passed safely, Ye Tian immediately took action, stayed there alone, and set up several traps, each of which was very deadly!

There are sharp wooden thorns buried under the fallen leaves, and there are tightly stretched vines. There are also many wooden thorns on those vines. Once triggered and released, it is enough to sweep a large area!

In addition, there are some other very hidden and deadly traps!

Without exception, every wooden thorn in these traps used to hurt people was smeared with the poisonous venom of the sapphire poison dart frog!

Once someone accidentally triggers these traps, and then the skin is pierced by those wooden thorns, even if it is a slight wound, the injured guy will die!

Under the attack of the highly poisonous venom of the sapphire poison dart frog, no one can be spared. As long as they are attacked, they will surely die, and God can't save them!

The targets of these traps are naturally those guys who are following behind the tripartite joint exploration team, watching covetously, and coveting Lima's treasure!

Setting up such an insidious trap and using the sapphire poison dart frog's venom to kill those idiots, Ye Tian didn't have any psychological burden, and he didn't worry about causing any trouble!

Even if those guys were all poisoned to death, no one can prove that I did it!

Obviously those idiots deserve to die,

Intruded into the territory of the sapphire poison dart frog, only to be killed by those rainforest killers! They can only blame themselves for their bad luck, not anyone else!

Of course, once this kind of thing happens, almost everyone will suspect Ye Tian, ​​and many people are even sure that this is his handwriting!

But doubt has a fart! In the absence of real evidence, who can do anything to him? It can even fly and bite people!

Even if those guys with ulterior motives are too stupid to discover the path that the joint exploration team has traveled, and cannot reach the area where the traps are set, Ye Tian is not worried that those traps will hurt innocent people!

It only takes a day or two for those traps to exert their power!

After this time, under the humid environment of the rainforest, the venom smeared on those wooden thorns will probably dissipate!

Especially those stretched bows and arrows, which are tightly stretched, their vitality is very strong, and it is estimated that they will break free soon and will be released automatically!

Besides, there are many domestic pigs, wild deer, and other animals in this tropical rainforest, and they are also likely to destroy those traps unintentionally!

Even if those traps can't kill the stalkers with ulterior motives, killing a few domestic pigs or wild deer can be regarded as a good deed and a contribution to the protection of the ecological environment of the tropical rainforest of Cocos Island!

In addition to laying those deadly traps, Ye Tian also has a second hand, and it is even more ruthless!

In the jungle camouflage painting hiking bag on his back, there is a metal box originally used to hold the GPS navigator, which is very strong!

What was packed in that box was no longer a GPS navigator, but a few lively but extremely deadly sapphire poison dart frogs!

Next to the metal box of the navigator, there is a set of blow darts for special operations, a launcher, and thirty unusually sharp blow darts!

This weapon was originally a weak weapon with limited lethality, and the possibility of using it is not very great. The only advantage is that it is concealed. There is no sound when attacking, and it can always catch it by surprise!

But with those few lively sapphire poison dart frogs, this set of blow darts has become an extremely deadly weapon, which can kill people invisible!

If a conflict breaks out, especially in a close-range firefight in this tropical rainforest, the power of this set of blow darts will be infinitely magnified, and it is definitely better than any firearms! Also more deadly!

No matter anyone, once stabbed by a blow dart smeared with the venom of the sapphire poison dart frog, there is only a dead end, and there is absolutely no possibility of escape!

Seeing Ye Tian's relaxed state, Professor Delgado couldn't help but also heaved a sigh of relief.

"It's good that nothing happened! To be honest, Steven, now thinking of those sapphire poison dart frogs, my back is still shivering, and I'm still a little scared!"

"Who isn't! The sapphire poison dart frog is too poisonous, and anyone who hits it will die! Anyone who sees it will be terrified!"

Ye Tian said with a light smile, and agreed with the other party.

After chatting for a few more words, Ye Tian strode forward, walked to the front of the joint exploration team, and reunited with his staff.

Seeing him come back safely, Jason and Logan were immediately relieved.

Next, these guys began to ask him how he dealt with those sapphire poison dart frogs, and they were all very excited!

The answer Ye Tian gave was the same as he had dealt with Professor Delgado before, and he easily dealt with these curious guys!

Jokingly, the joint exploration team has reached the bottom of the valley.

The altitude here is only about 30 meters, the air is more humid, the vegetation is more lush, and the surrounding environment is naturally darker!

After coming to the bottom of the valley to stop for a while, rest for a while, and quickly adapt to the environment, everyone started to set off again and continued to explore along the bottom of the valley!

Not far away, suddenly there was a sound of rushing water in everyone's ears, intertwined with the melodious chirping of birds, it was very pleasant! Like a light jungle music!

Immediately afterwards, a crystal-clear stream about two or three meters wide suddenly appeared in front of it, flowing from south to north along the trend of the valley!

Although this stream is not very wide, it has plenty of water, and the flow rate is not low. It is 1.23 meters deep, which exceeds the waist of many people in the joint exploration team.

Fortunately, there are two huge Wangtian tree trunks side by side above the stream, like a simple bridge, which is enough to ensure that everyone can cross the stream safely and quickly without wading through the water!

Obviously, the two sky-watching trees were brought down artificially and used as bridges!

Judging from the traces on the two huge tree trunks, they have been straddling this stream for at least one or two hundred years!

It is very likely that the one who brought them down was a certain group of pirates from one or two hundred years ago, maybe it was a famous gang in the history of piracy!

In that era of lawlessness, only the pirates across the Pacific Ocean were the masters of this isolated overseas island, not the government of Costa Rica!

Because of the abundant water and the relatively flat terrain, there are many flowers and plants growing on both sides of the stream, each of which is colorful and blooming, which is extremely beautiful!

Seeing this scene, the joint exploration team immediately burst into cheers.

"Wow! The scenery here is so beautiful, let's go to that stream and take a look, take two photos and post them on INS, it will definitely make others envious!"

"I think so too, how can such a beautiful scenery be missed, otherwise it would be a pity!

The beauties cheered and jumped up, all excited, their eyes shining brightly, wishing they could rush to the stream immediately.

At this moment, Ye Tianqing's clear voice suddenly entered their ears, and also entered the ears of everyone present.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it's no problem for you to take pictures or enjoy the beautiful scenery in the past, but you must be more careful. Any water source in the tropical rainforest often hides some unknown dangers.

A word of warning to you, don't touch those huge red flowers that look very delicate, they are the famous piranhas, beauty is only their appearance, evil is the essence! "

With that said, Ye Tian raised his finger and pointed to the huge red flowers all over the banks of the stream!

"Oh my god! Piranha, did I hear it right? It's really scary that there is such a plant!"

The beauties immediately covered their mouths and exclaimed, eyes full of fear!

At this time, how dare they run over to enjoy the beautiful scenery, let alone stand in the field of flowers and take pictures!

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