The next thing went very smoothly. In less than half an hour, Ye Tian and the others built a temporary dam about 50 meters away from the cliff at Discovery Point.

The materials used to build this embankment are tall trees that can be seen everywhere in the rainforest, various vines, and dead branches and fallen leaves all over the rainforest, all of which can be obtained locally!

After only felling two Wangtian trees with a diameter of about 40 to 50 centimeters and a height of about 30 meters, and then sawing them into several sections, Ye Tian and the others prepared the main materials for building the dam.

The work below is very simple. They blocked these thick tree trunks in front of the stream, and used the rest of the big trees to pin them up, and then put a few wooden stakes upright to tie them up, and then arranged a lot of vines and dead branches and leaves. !

Under the impact of the flowing water, these vines, dead branches and fallen leaves were quickly compacted, filling up all the gaps, becoming impenetrable, and becoming a nearly perfect temporary dam!

Soon, this solid temporary dam was completed and appeared in this rainforest.

Once the temporary dam was built, it immediately began to function. The stream that originally flowed straight to the east was forced to change its direction and flow to the southeast.

After several twists and turns, the stream rushed out of the cliff at a gap in the southeast, carrying a large number of dead branches and leaves, and smashed to the sea, forming a new waterfall.

It is about 150 meters away from the original waterfall. The new waterfall is still very spectacular, and it has no impact on the exploration!

After the stream was forced to divert, the original river course quickly dried up, and the riverbed was immediately exposed to everyone.

The original waterfall also disappeared, revealing a large piece of rock that had been scoured to be extremely smooth and round.

The conditions are ripe for rappelling from the top of the Cape Discovery cliff at any time to explore the cave where Lima's treasure is hidden!

While Ye Tian and the others were building the dam, more and more people rushed to the foot of Mount Jimenez.

Many of them gathered in a small area at the foot of the mountain. Everyone was on high alert and on guard against each other, waiting for the opportunity to cross Mount Jimenez!

Without exception, these people all came for Lima's treasure, and everyone's eyes were shining with greed!

At this time, they had received news through various channels, knowing that Ye Tian had led the joint exploration team to the real burial site of the treasure in Lima.

The place where Lima's treasure is buried,

Just to the east of Mount Jimenez, on the cliff of Discovery Point, which is more than 180 meters high, several live TV stations have given relevant pictures!

After receiving the news, these guys who followed the joint exploration team immediately became even crazier, and their eyes turned green!

They can't wait to have wings, fly directly over Mount Jimenez, and fly to the cliff of Cape Discovery, rushing ahead of everyone, and taking those dazzling gold and silver treasures for themselves!

But it's a pity that they don't have wings, neither angels nor birdmen!

The road has to be walked step by step to get closer to the goal!

For these guys at the western foot of Mount Jimenez, although the discovery point cliff is less than one kilometer away, it is so far away at this moment, as if it is far away in the sky!

If you want to discover the Cape Cliff and snatch the treasure of Lima, you have to climb Mount Jimenez first, and there is no other way to go.

But the problem is that Mount Jimenez in front of you is a dragon's den and a tiger's den, it's hell at all, except for that damn bastard Steven! Who the hell can get over here?

The place near the top of the mountain is covered with terrifying man-hunting vines. It is completely a man-hunting vine rainforest, and there is no safe way to find it.

If you rush into this rainforest rashly, there is only one result, which is death! And there are no bones left!

The group of Los Angeles idiots who rushed here first, and those guys from Peru who rushed directly into this rainforest, all returned home in a hurry, and escaped from this rainforest in a hurry.

Not only that, they also lost a few hands in this rainforest, as you can see from their embarrassed appearance, fearful and extremely angry expressions.

If they hadn't seen the opportunity early and escaped from this rainforest in time, perhaps the entire army would have been wiped out, and everyone would have died in this rainforest to nourish those terrifying human-catching vines.

Looking at these guys at this time, it seems that they have lost their courage, each of them is devastated, their faces are full of fear, and they dare not rush into the rainforest in front of them again!

With these lessons learned from others, the other people who came later dared to rush into this vine rainforest before they found a safe route.

The treasure of Lima is certainly tempting enough to make you crazy, but you have to live to enjoy it!

If you put your own life on the line for this, it would be too worthless! What's more, if you haven't even seen the shadow of the treasure, you have to work hard for it, which is even more worthless!

Thinking of this, many people immediately stopped in their tracks. How dare they break into the rainforest ahead!

As time went by, more and more people gathered at the foot of Mount Jimenez, and the scene became more and more lively. Many people were discussing countermeasures in low voices, looking for a way to break through the current predicament.

"It's so dangerous here, it's a hell! Anyone who breaks into this rainforest will never get out alive, let alone climb over this mountain to find the corner cliff.

I don't know what method that bastard Steven used? It's unbelievable that he led the joint exploration team through this rainforest unscathed. Could it be that the bastard really has magical powers? "

"Bullshit magic power! It must be the reason for the treasure map of Lima Treasure in his hand. The safe route is marked on that treasure map, and it is because of this that they were able to pass safely!

From this point, it can be seen that these terrifying vines were probably transplanted here by Captain Thompson. Its purpose is self-evident, to protect the treasure of Lima. He is so ruthless! "

"Can we follow in Steven's footsteps and follow the route they traveled? From the live TV video data, it shouldn't be difficult to distinguish their route!"

The same question was also raised by one of Cook's men.

When he said these words, this guy's voice was a little fluttering, and his legs were shaking all the time! Eyes full of fear! There is no way to hide it!

The same goes for the others around him, almost completely swallowed by fear.

Cook turned his head and glanced at this subordinate, then shook his head with a wry smile and said:

"It's no use at all! Steven's bastard is extremely cunning. When passing through this rainforest, he specially told the three live TV crews to avoid many places for the cameramen.

In addition, he interrupted the live broadcast from time to time, and cut the camera back to the live broadcast room. When the live broadcast camera cut to the rainforest scene, they had already walked a long way.

Regarding the situation of this section of the road, no one knows except those guys in the joint exploration team, and it is even more impossible for us to know, no matter how much we analyze the video, it is useless! "

"It's true, that bastard Steven is too cunning and difficult to deal with, and he is invulnerable at all!"

A bodyguard said with lingering fear, eyes full of fear.

After a short pause, Cook continued:

"What's even more hateful is that Steven's bastard has arranged two guards, not only responsible for guarding, but also constantly erasing the traces of the joint exploration team, and setting up many traps, which is hard to guard against!

Don't forget, that bastard Steven is extremely insidious and cunning, and he is the best at using all kinds of traps to deceive people. He will definitely deceive people without paying for their lives. Those Colombians who died before are examples.

If as expected, those Colombians should have died from the poison of the sapphire poison dart frog. The sapphire poison dart frog appeared on the live broadcast before, and it was handled by that bastard Steven himself!

It can be seen from this that the extremely vicious trap before was set up by that bastard Steven himself, and eight Colombians were killed in one blow. I don't want to step into such a trap!

In this catcher vine rainforest, we have already lost four guys, and we can't afford to lose any more. Next, we can only wait passively, let others take the lead, and we can follow up later.

Although there are many human-catching vines here, they are unconscious plants after all, and they can only hunt by instinct. With so many people present, even if they take human lives, they can pile up a safe path! "

"You are right, boss, this method is undoubtedly the most reasonable and safest method at the moment, and the price to pay is the least. Let others rush ahead, and let's just reap the benefits!"

Another subordinate agreed, with timid gleams in his eyes.

In fact, as Cook expected, under the temptation and stimulation of Lima's treasure, a group of people soon couldn't bear it and walked towards the dangerous rainforest ahead!

Seeing this situation, a gleam of joy flashed in the eyes of many people present.

Obviously, these guys are just waiting to reap the benefits, only the guys who are going to the rainforest ahead are idiots, hopeless!

In a blink of an eye, those idiots who wanted to die walked into the rainforest, and the rest of them followed immediately, with green lights in their eyes and endless greed!

The last group of people were exactly Cook and his gang!

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