Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1139 Follow-up troops

On the top of the cliff, except for the security personnel in charge of vigilance, everyone else was watching the dry waterfall and the climbing ropes hanging down the cliff.

In addition to being excited, each of them looked very eager, and they were all looking forward to Ye Tian's voice coming from the walkie-talkie. Everyone looked eager to see through.

At this time, they all hated that they did not have a pair of wings, otherwise, they would not have to stay here and suffer, and they would be able to see the treasure of Lima for the first time!

"Why is there no news from Steven? It's been so long, they won't be in any danger in the cave, right? Even so, we should be notified!"

Professor Douglas said eagerly, his eyes were fixed on the other side of the waterfall, his neck stretched so long that it was about to break!

Hearing his words, Jason immediately looked back, then smiled and said:

"Don't worry! Professor Douglas, and everyone else, even if there are any dangerous creatures in that cave, it is impossible to threaten Steven's safety!

I believe that it won’t be long before there will be good news. At that time, everyone will be able to descend this cliff and come face-to-face with Lima Treasure. Please be patient! "

As if in response to Jason's words, Ye Tianqing's clear voice suddenly came out from the walkie-talkie before his words fell.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm Steven. You must have been waiting impatiently, right? I want to say sorry for keeping you waiting for so long!

This cave is fifty or sixty meters deep and has a large area, almost half the size of a European football field. It is rugged and has strange rocks, so it took a lot of time!

We thoroughly explored this cave, not a single corner was spared, except for some liverworts, no other animals and plants were found here!

In other words, this cave is very safe, everyone can enter with confidence, without worrying about personal safety, and you can also stay here for a long time for investigation! "

Before the words fell, there was already a burst of excited cheers from the top of the cliff.

"Great! We can go down, and the treasure of Lima will appear in front of our eyes in a moment! It must be a very touching and dazzling scene!"

"Wow! A cave the size of half a European football field is too exaggerated! How many dazzling gold and silver treasures are hidden in the cave? I can't even imagine it!"

Amid the cheers, Professor Delgado said impatiently:

"Since the cave is safe, can we rappel into that cave? To be honest, Steven, I can't wait for a minute!"

"Hahaha, you are right, Professor Delgado, you can indeed descend into this cave, and enjoy these dazzling gold and silver treasures at the closest distance!

However, you may have to wait patiently for a few minutes, Professor Delgado, you are not included in the first two people who made the rappelling. The first to enter this cave were Kevin and Anderson!

This was agreed a long time ago. The specific reason has been explained before, so I won’t repeat it here. When Kevin and Anderson enter the cave, you and Professor Douglas can descend by rope! You are the second batch! "

Ye Tian's voice came from the walkie-talkie again. Although the words were said with a smile, there was an undeniable flavor!

"Okay! You guys have already made arrangements, what else can I say? I can only follow your arrangement! Waiting for the second batch to descend!"

Professor Delgado said angrily, a little unwilling!

What can I do if I am unwilling? Who told me that it wasn't me or other Costa Ricans who discovered Lima's treasure, but that guy Steven!

Situation is stronger than people! Can only listen to that guy's mercy!

Just as he finished speaking, Ye Tian's voice came again.

"Matisse, we can arrange for Kevin and Anderson to descend, we have fixed the climbing ropes, selected two safe footholds, and the rope descent channel has been established!

Pay attention to controlling the speed of descent. Those two guys are not professionals. It should be the first time they have rappelled on such a high and dangerous cliff. Don't scare the two ladies! "


There was a sudden burst of laughter on the top of the cliff, and everyone burst into laughter.

While laughing, everyone on the top of the cliff at Discovery Point couldn't help turning their heads to look at Kevin and Anderson.

The same is true for countless live broadcasts, laughter everywhere!

Kevin and Anderson, who instantly became the focus of everyone's attention, looked dumbfounded!

Before the laughter fell, the two guys broke out at the same time, and cursed loudly at the walkie-talkie:

"Steven, you are such a bastard! I am a 100% steel straight man, not a sissy who flaunts his head. Although this cliff is very dangerous, it can't scare me!"

"Hahaha, whether it's a strong man or a weak sissy, we'll know soon. I look forward to seeing your performance on the cliff!"

Ye Tian's voice came again, and he smiled heartily.

"Just wait and see! You bastard, I will prove myself with iron-clad facts!"

Kevin gritted his back molars and said loudly, the timidity in his eyes disappeared instantly, and his eyes became extremely firm and full of fighting spirit!

Anderson's performance is the same, he is ready to challenge this cliff with a height of more than 180 meters!

Immediately afterwards, the two of them walked towards Matisse.

Walking closer, Matisse immediately handed each of them a climbing safety belt and a safety helmet for them to wear, and began to explain the precautions related to the cliff rope descent.

Compared with the climbing safety belts worn by Ye Tian and Peake before, the safety belts obtained by Kevin and Anderson have a higher insurance factor!

It consists of upper and lower parts, the lower part is worn at the waist and hips, the same as Ye Tian's and the others, and the upper part is in a figure 8 shape, covering the shoulders, chest and back, which Ye Tian and the others do not have!

As long as the safety belt and the climbing rope are connected by the buckle, coupled with Matisse's control at the top of the cliff, it can be said to be very safe!

Unless the climbing rope breaks, or the guy doing the rappelling suddenly has a heart attack and dies in mid-air, it's impossible for anything to happen!

On the bodies of the two of them, in addition to rock climbing safety belts, they each carried a mountaineering bag and several miniature high-definition cameras!

Some of these cameras are mounted on the helmet, some on the chest, and some on the back!

The high-definition camera on Kevin's body is naturally a live broadcast device, covering all directions around his body, and connected with the live broadcast signals of the three TV stations!

In the backpack on his body, there are also some live broadcast equipment, hand-held spotlights, recording equipment, and small signal transmission equipment, etc.!

The camera on Anderson's body is used to save video evidence, and the signal is connected to the deep-sea salvage ship of the Intrepid, so that everything captured can be transmitted at any time!

In less than two minutes, Kevin and Anderson had finished their preparations, and Matisse had finished explaining various precautions!

Immediately afterwards, Mattis said to the two guys with a smile on his face:

"Gentlemen, you can do the rappelling now, remember what I just said, don't be nervous, hold the rappelling lock, we will control your descent speed!

The downhill lock is for you to use for self-rescue in case of emergency, I believe that kind of situation is impossible, I wish you good luck! "

"Understood, Mattis"

Kevin and Anderson responded in unison, both very excited.

Afterwards, the two of them stepped back towards the edge of the cliff, cautiously!

They held the climbing rope with one hand, and let the climbing rope slide quickly through their palms; with the other hand, they held the downhill buckle and dared not let go!

Although these two guys act confident and seem to be fearless, when they walk to the edge of the cliff, they hear the wind whizzing from their backs! They still felt a wave of fear, and their legs were shaking a little!

But the awesomeness has already been blown out, this meeting must not admit cowardly, otherwise there will be no face to live!

Thinking of this, the two guys immediately gritted their teeth and stomped their feet, quickly closed their eyes, and jumped out of the cliff behind them trembling!


Accompanied by two terrified screams, the figures of Kevin and Anderson disappeared from the cliff at Cape Discovery, and fell straight to the sea below the cliff at high speed!

At the same time, there were screams from the top of the discovery corner cliff and countless live broadcast terminals.

Immediately afterwards, the live TV screen changed, and an extremely steep and slippery cliff appeared directly in front of everyone's eyes!

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