Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1143 Preparations Before Battle

In the cave where Lima's treasure is hidden, most of the members of the tripartite joint exploration team have descended and entered the cave!

After the initial shock, everyone quickly suppressed their excitement, adjusted their state, and then performed their duties and got busy.

Without exception, everyone in the cave was very excited, with bright smiles on their faces, and everyone was full of energy and energy!

The same is true for Ye Tian. He is leading the live broadcast reporting teams of the three TV stations to introduce everything here and the dazzling and valuable gold and silver treasures and antique works of art to countless viewers on the live broadcast end.

"Everyone, please look at this mask, which is a typical Indian antique artwork. The outer layer is the image of a ferocious bird, and the inner layer is a human figure, expressing the Indians' worship of birds!

This is a sacrificial item, mainly used in religious ceremonies. Wearing a mask symbolizes a beast or a demon. The patterns engraved on it are the best proof that these are sacrificial patterns!

Compared with similar Indian masks we have seen before, this mask is particularly precious. It is not an ordinary wooden mask, but a sterling silver mask, which can be said to be very rare!

Under the erosion of long years, this mask has lost its original brilliance and looks a little black, but this is just an appearance, as long as it is cleaned up a little, it can regain its dazzling light!

In my personal judgment, this should be a mask from the Aztec civilization. It has a history of more than 500 years and has extraordinary artistic value. It is an antique artwork worthy of collection!

There is a similar sterling silver mask in the National Museum of Mexico. If you compare the two masks together, you will find that they have many similarities! "

Ye Tian pointed to an Indian mask that had just been cleaned up, and explained it eloquently, very professional and full of confidence!

Members of the tripartite joint exploration team are carefully cleaning up the gold and silver treasures and antique works of art that flowed out of the damaged wooden boxes and scattered on the ground!

Other treasures packed in intact boxes will not be opened for cleaning.

After cleaning up these treasures scattered on the ground later, everyone will transport all the gold and silver treasures in the cave to the Leshun super yacht, and then open and clean them one by one!

Hearing Ye Tian's explanation, everyone at the scene couldn't help but flash a hint of admiration in their eyes.

Especially professionals like Professor Delgado and Professor Douglas,

He even gave Ye Tian a thumbs up secretly, full of appreciation!

The shadow of a man's famous tree! It really wasn't for nothing!

This guy Steven is indeed the top expert in the identification of antique works of art. His vision is extremely sharp. It seems that there is no antique work of art in the world that he does not know!

Whether it is the source of the bird-shaped mask, the artistic style, or the age information, etc., the appraisal opinion he gave is extremely accurate, without any disputes!

This is simply an encyclopedia of antique art! It was terrible!

Several well-known Latin American historians secretly sighed, and even felt somewhat ashamed of their frustration!

"Wow! Steven, your explanation is so professional and eye-opening! Can you tell everyone how much you value this Indian mask? I believe everyone is very concerned about this issue!"

Kevin exclaimed, and then asked curiously.

Everyone at the scene looked at Ye Tian. Everyone was very curious and looked forward to hearing his answer, including experts and scholars like Professor Douglas!

These experts and scholars may be able to give accurate appraisal opinions and understand the artistic value of this bird-shaped mask, but they don't necessarily know the market value of this treasure!

There is no reason for it, because they do not understand the market conditions of the antique art market!

So they were also very curious and wanted to hear what kind of valuation Ye Tian would give! How amazing!

However, everyone at the scene was disappointed and did not hear the answer they wanted!

"I'm very sorry, Kevin, and all the audience friends. Before the cleaning work is completed, it is inconvenient for me to disclose the specific valuation of these antique artworks! It needs to be kept secret for the time being!

What I can tell you is that this is a very rare antique artwork, and it is the evidence of the splendid Aztec civilization preserved in the world. It is very rare, and its market value is bound to be high! "

Ye Tian smiled lightly and shook his head, giving an ambiguous answer.

"I'll go! It's the secrecy again, Steven, your mouth is too strict! You don't leak a word!"

There was a sound of lamentation at the scene, and everyone could only look at Ye Tian helplessly, but there was nothing they could do.

Afterwards, Ye Tian continued forward with three live TV groups, preparing to introduce those treasures scattered on the ground on the other side.

At this moment, Kenny's voice suddenly came from the earphones.

"Steven, those guys following the joint exploration team have advanced to the edge of the Man-Catching Vine rainforest, and it won't be long before those guys will rush out of the range of the Man-Catching Vine.

Compared with when they first entered the Man-Catching Vine Rainforest, the number of those guys has decreased a lot. Some people were afraid of death and fled from the same way, while some guys became the fertilizer that nourished the People-Catching Vine!

Cook and his gang of idiots are still there. In the trapping vine rainforest, they paid a total price of seven lives.

By monitoring the communications of those guys, it can be heard that Cook has fallen into a state of near madness, and the rest of the idiots have also been completely driven crazy by Lima's treasure!

It's time for you to get ready, don't be caught off guard by those crazy guys, Raymond and the others have already boarded the helicopter, ready to take off at any time, and go to Cocos Island to support you! "

Hearing Kenny's notification, Ye Tian immediately interrupted the explanation, and walked quickly to the entrance of the cave.

As he marched, he whispered through his invisible earphones

"Understood, Kenny, we will be ready to fight those guys who want to die head-on. You continue to monitor every move of those guys and report the situation at any time!"

"Understood, Steven, just don't worry, those idiots will never escape our surveillance, we know their every move!"

Kenny's excited voice came from the earphones again, full of confidence, it almost flew up!

After finishing the call with Kenny, Ye Tian immediately whispered to Mathis through the headset

"Mattis, did you hear what Kenny reported?"

"Got it, Steven! Not a single word! Very complete!"

Matisse's voice came immediately, sonorous and powerful.

"That's good, tell all the guys on the top of the cliff to prepare for the battle! It is estimated that the battle will break out in a short time, and it will be very fierce!

After those guys rush out of the trapping vine rainforest, there are still two levels to pass, and then they will hit the discovery corner cliff, face everyone head-on, and start a fight!

Everyone must guard the cliff of Discovery Point, and absolutely not let those guys rush up the cliff, that will threaten the remaining members of the joint exploration team on the top of the cliff!

If they occupy the top of the cliff, they may threaten the people who have already entered the cave and destroy this joint exploration operation, which is absolutely not allowed to happen! "

"Understood, Steven, everyone is ready, no one can rush up to the Discovery Point cliff, this is our territory!"

"It's good to have confidence! While guarding the cliff of Discovery Point, you must also protect the remaining members of the joint exploration team on the top of the cliff to ensure their safety!

Before those idiots rush out of the trapping vine rainforest, there is still some time, so hurry up and let the remaining members of the joint exploration team rappel down into the cave!

In comparison, this place is safer. Unless those idiots have wings, they will never be able to attack the people in the cave and carry out a rappelling attack. It is purely suicidal!

When you speed up the rope descent, you must also pay attention to safety. Don’t ignore the safety issue because of the pursuit of speed, then the loss outweighs the gain! "

"Understood, Steven, we must pay attention to safety, there are more than a dozen people left on the top of the cliff except for the guys who are waiting in full force, and maybe they can finish the descent before the guys behind attack!"

"Notify all the guys, we still use the previous strategy, don't fire first, wait for those idiots behind to attack, and then we will fight back!

Once the counterattack is launched, everyone must not show mercy, you can kill as much as you want, and send those idiots to hell directly! Let them go to Hell for the treasure of Lima!

One more thing, you tell the Costa Rican police to get their helicopters up to provide us with air support and cover, to slow down the speed of those idiots attacking.

It would be even better if we could suppress the firepower of those idiots! The Costa Ricans are the landlords here, so they can't just sit around and watch the excitement!

Get ready, after the next downhill joint exploration team members come down, I will ascend to the top of the cliff, fight side by side with you, and teach those idiots a lesson! "

"Ah! You don't need to go up to the top of the cliff, do you? Steven, just leave this place to us. We can deal with those idiots who follow behind and send them to hell. It's safer for you to stay in the cave!"

"I believe you have such abilities, but how can such a lively scene be without me, since I have caught up with you, of course you can't miss it, otherwise it would be a pity!

Besides, I also really want to experience the feeling of fighting in the jungle, it must be very enjoyable! I also want to say hello to those idiots at Cooke and give them a memorable one!

After climbing to the top of the cliff, I will separate from you, choose to take the initiative to attack, sneak into the depths of the rainforest, and have a good fight with those idiots behind, that will be enjoyable, isn't it! "

"Well, since you insist, that's the only way to go. I can foresee that those idiots in the back will be in bad luck, and they will live in nightmares for the next time!"

Matisse said with a chuckle, his state was very relaxed, and he didn't take the upcoming battle seriously at all!

Then they said a few more words, and the two ended the call.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian began to check the equipment he carried with him, ready to climb the cliff and go into battle!


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