Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1154: Head-on Firefight

"Steven, we're on fire with Cook's idiots, those idiots have some brains, everyone is wearing a black hood to hide their true colors!

At the very beginning, they are like crazy, trying to rush up the Discovery Point cliff! The performance was quite heroic, but after all, it was a group of mobs with little fighting power at all.

Just a face-to-face meeting, those idiots were pushed back by us, leaving behind a few corpses in vain, and now they are all huddled in the rainforest, making cold shots from time to time, not daring to show their heads at all!

In addition to us, the Costa Rican police helicopter hovering over the cliff was also involved in the firefight, firing from the sky to suppress those idiots, and it worked well with everyone.

You are now behind those idiots, you must pay attention to stray bullets during your actions, and when you want to participate in this battle later, please notify us to avoid accidental injury! "

Mattis' voice came through the earphones, giving an update.

At the same time, there are piercing gunshots coming from the earphones, including the sound of assault rifle shooting and the sound of pistols. It sounds very lively!

"Got it, Mattis, I saw the scene of the firefight on the surveillance screen, those idiots are so vulnerable, it's so disappointing!

You guys play with those idiots first, don't end the fight too quickly, I will get involved later and send those idiots to hell, then I will let you know! "

Ye Tian said with a light smile, his tone was very relaxed, and he didn't take the battle that was happening on the cliff at Discovery Point seriously at all!

While saying these words, he had already pulled out the dogleg saber, and carefully pried open the black metal box on the ground with the tip of the knife.

Afterwards, he turned the metal box over slightly, poured out the fat queen ant and a large pile of white ant eggs, and poured it on a fallen leaf!

When the contents of the box were emptied, he immediately used the tip of the knife to pass through the safety lock, picked up the box, got up and quickly backed away, avoiding the scalp-numbing South American army ants that swarmed in!

In the blink of an eye, the leaf on the ground was completely submerged by countless army ants, and that small area quickly turned brownish yellow! There is no trace of greenery at all!

Although it was the second time he saw such a scene, Ye Tian was still very shocked, secretly took a breath of air-conditioning, terrified!

It is worthy of being the top killer in the rainforest, it is too terrifying, absolutely gods can block and kill gods, and Buddhas can block and kill Buddhas! Almost unbeatable!

While secretly feeling emotional, Ye Tian raised his eyes to look at the bloodshot, chilling white skeletons not far away, and couldn't help shivering again!

At this time, he was in the position of the second army ant trap, and he successfully released the queen and ant eggs, and then began to erase all traces of man-made traps!

Soon he finished the work, took back all the tools used to set the trap, completely erased the traces left by himself, then left quietly, turned around and walked towards the ridge!

The rain forest has returned to tranquility again, the birds are still singing non-stop, and the breeze is blowing between the trees, as if nothing happened!

But the strong smell of blood still permeating the air, as well as the three bloodshot white skeletons, clearly told people what happened here!

Except for Ye Tian, ​​no one knows about what happened in the depths of the rainforest, and no one will know about it in the future. They will all become secrets forever!

At this time, everyone's attention was attracted by the fierce battle on the cliff at Cape Discovery, and no one paid attention to what happened in the depths of this rainforest.

Looking at the fierce firefight on the live screen, all the live broadcast ends were completely boiling, and the crazy exclamations kept coming and going without interruption!

"Who are those guys wearing black hoods? How dare they want to rob that bastard Steven! This is not asking for death, or it is just boring!

I don't know what's going on in their heads,

Could it be paste? In just one round, three of them were killed by Steven's brutal men, what an idiot!

Those idiots will all die on the Discovery Point cliff today, and none of them will escape alive! With Steven's ruthless and ruthless behavior, it is absolutely impossible to let these idiots go! "

"I'll just say it! As long as the exploration is led by that bastard Steven, it must be full of blood and violence, accompanied by one tragic fight after another! Sure enough!

This is what I want to see, this is the real exploration action, so exciting! Better than a Hollywood action blockbuster, come on, Steven, kill those masked idiots! "

While exclaiming unceasingly, people were all staring at the screens in front of their eyes, all watching mesmerized!

At this time, the live broadcast screen showed a battle scene full of blood and bullets flying everywhere. The tension was breathless, and everyone's adrenaline was rushing for it!

On the cliff of Discovery Point, Matisse and the others were scattered and hidden behind a large tree. Each of them held an assault rifle in their hands, and the black muzzle pointed directly at the depths of the rainforest behind!

In the air obliquely behind them, a Costa Rican police helicopter whizzed and circled, providing them with air cover and making the battle scene even more lively!

Farther away in the air, there are three helicopters belonging to three TV stations, which are broadcasting live, presenting everything that is happening on the cliff to all live viewers!

As for those idiots with their heads covered, they were nowhere to be seen at this time, and they were not in the live broadcast camera!

After being hit head-on, those idiots retreated to the depths of the rainforest in a hurry, each finding a place to hide, not daring to show their heads at all!

The price they paid for rushing to the Discovery Point cliff was the three corpses lying on the edge of the rainforest, almost smashed into a sieve, for everyone to see!

"bang bang bang"

The deafening gunshots continued, densely like rain.

These gunshots mainly came from the Costa Rican police on the helicopter and the masked gangsters hiding in the depths of the rainforest. The fight between the two sides was very lively!

Matisse and the others seldom shoot, and even if they fire, it is often very targeted bursts of fire, rather than aimless strafing!

Through the monitoring images sent back by the four beetle drones, Mathis and the others have already grasped the situation deep in the rainforest, and they know the location of every masked idiot like the back of their hands! Naturally, he will not fire blindly!

In the depths of the rainforest where the bullets were flying, Cook hid behind a huge palm tree like a frightened bird, cursing angrily.

"Fack! I hate those damn Costa Rican police. If it weren't for them and that damn police helicopter, we wouldn't be so passive, so suppressed that we wouldn't be able to show up!"

Before the words fell, a bodyguard hiding next to him took over the conversation, desperately and helplessly said:

"It's no use, Boss! We wouldn't be able to get out of this rainforest, or up the Discovery Point cliff, without those bloody Costa Rican cops and that police helicopter!

There is only one result of rushing out rashly, just like the three Colombians who died just now, being killed by those New York bastards waiting outside, there is no second possibility!

The biggest threat to us is not the Costa Rican cops shooting like crazy, or the police helicopter, it's the fucking New York bastards!

I have to admit that Steven's bastard's subordinates are very powerful. Everyone is a battle-tested, butcher who kills like a chicken, and has extremely rich jungle combat experience!

They seem to know where we are, and even everything in the rainforest! No matter how secretly we hide, once we show our heads, bullets will fly at us immediately, as if we have eyes!

Under such circumstances, let’s not talk about rushing up to the Discovery Point cliff and snatching Lima’s treasure from Steven, if we can escape this rainforest alive, we are already blessed by God!

Boss, let's withdraw, it will be too late! Now I have to say, Lima Treasure has nothing to do with us, we should never have come to this hellish island! "

Hearing this, Cook suddenly fell silent, his eyes were full of pain and unwillingness, and also filled with unforgettable hatred!

There is no need for the bodyguard to explain, he knows better than anyone what situation he is in now, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a desperate situation that must die!

What I just said was just self-comfort, just an excuse for failure!

The dazzling gold and silver treasures in Lima's treasures have become a fantasy after all, and I will never be able to get them. It is for nothing, that damn bastard Steven!

After pondering for a while, Cook finally made a decision.

"You are right, Howard, the treasure of Lima has nothing to do with us, how to get out of here alive is the most important thing, everything else is nonsense!

Let's retreat, go back the same way, and leave this damned island. Those guys under Steven are going to guard the Discovery Point cliff, so they probably won't catch up.

Those Costa Rican policemen are not a problem at all, they better not catch up, otherwise I don't mind killing a few policemen, expressing the anger in my heart!

As long as we can escape from Cocos Island alive, we will have a lot of opportunities to make a fortune in the future. As for that bastard Steven, I will never end with him, and he must be sent to hell! "

With that said, Cook looked back at the direction of the cliff at Discovery Point, his eyes full of regret.

Next, Cook and several of his men began to communicate secretly, preparing to wait for an opportunity to escape from this damned rainforest and escape from this damned island!

As for the other guys, they have been completely abandoned by Cook and the others. At this critical moment, who cares about those idiots!

Leaving those idiots here might block the opponent's pursuit and buy more time for everyone to escape!

Even if it takes a few more seconds, it's better than nothing!

But can Cook and his men really escape alive? I'm afraid not necessarily!


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