After making the phone call, Ye Tian returned to the living room on the main deck.

As soon as he came in, before he could stand still, Professor Douglas and Professor Delgado greeted him together, both of them looked impatient.

The other members of the joint exploration team who were also in the living room on the main deck all turned their heads to look at him. Everyone was extremely excited and their eyes were full of anticipation.

Walking closer, Professor Delgado immediately said eagerly:

"You guys are back, Steven, thank God! If you don't come back, we people will suffer to death!

There are so many boxes and sealed bags full of treasures in front of you, but you can't open them to appreciate them, you can only watch them, it feels so painful! "

"That's right, if you're not here, Jason and the others won't allow us to open any boxes or sealed bags. Don't we suffer a lot!"

Professor Douglas continued, rolling his eyes angrily.

"I am very sorry, ladies and gentlemen, I have some personal matters to attend to, so I have delayed a little time and kept everyone waiting, and I am here to say sorry to everyone.

This is a three-party joint exploration operation, and it is led by our fearless exploration company. If I am not on site, naturally I cannot open these boxes and sealed bags.

Fortunately, I didn't delay too long, isn't this already back! There is still a long time to come, we can open these boxes and sealed bags one by one and enjoy them! "

Ye Tian said with a light smile, quickly scanning the scene.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's get started. I really want to know what treasures are contained in these unopened boxes, and I believe everyone is the same!"

Professor Douglas said excitedly, his eyes shining brightly.

However, Ye Tian shook his head lightly.

"Don't worry, Professor Douglas, these complete boxes have never been opened in the past one or two hundred years, the text on some boxes is still clear, and some are already blurred!

Therefore, no one knows what is contained in some of these boxes, whether it is gold and silver treasures or antique works of art, or other things! There is no way to guess!

For the sake of fairness, the next process of opening these crates and cleaning the contents inside must be filmed in accordance with the previous method, and everything must be registered in the register.

Only in this way can we truly achieve fairness and transparency, and avoid many unnecessary troubles. No matter for any of us, this is only beneficial. I believe everyone will not object."

"That's right, it's reasonable to do this, and it can indeed guarantee the utmost fairness and transparency. It's because you are thoughtful, we are a little negligent!"

Professor Delgado nodded, agreeing to Ye Tian's proposal.

"In this case, please wait a little while, our company's employees will make corresponding arrangements, and when the arrangement is completed, we can open these boxes and sealed bags one by one under the lens of the camera.

At that time, please appreciate the treasures in these boxes, those dazzling gold and silver treasures, I believe everyone here will be dazzled and hooked!

While cleaning up these treasures, I will give professional appraisal opinions and the most accurate valuation, so that everyone can have the most intuitive feeling, and also make a preview for the next assignment work! "

Ye Tian continued to speak, revealing a strong self-confidence all over his body.

"That couldn't be better. I just want to hear your appraisal and evaluation. It must be amazing to see how much these dazzling treasures are worth!"

Professor Douglas said excitedly, eyes full of anticipation.

The same goes for everyone else, everyone is very excited, looking at Ye Tian expectantly, waiting for his professional appraisal opinion and accurate valuation!

Regarding Ye Tian's identification level,

Everyone knows and trusts him very much, knowing that he is the world's top expert in antique art appraisal and professional treasure hunter!

The appraisal opinion he gave represents authority, and there is almost no doubt that the valuation he made is the most accurate reflection of the market value of the corresponding item.

Ye Tian scanned the scene, then smiled and said:

"Since everyone is so interested, let's start with this life-sized golden statue of the Virgin Mary. This statue has no outer packaging and everyone can see it, which saves a lot of trouble!

Jason, you guys have to work harder, together with a few guys from the live broadcast group, hurry up and arrange a shooting location, and it will be arranged in the center of this living room. The area here is enough"

"Okay, Steven, leave it to us, it will be set up soon"

Jason nodded excitedly, and immediately led people into action.

Ye Tian then walked towards the golden statue of the Virgin Mary standing against the wall on the side of the living room, and was about to start his own performance!

Others followed, and everyone's eyes lit up with excitement, and their eyes were full of curiosity. How much is this rare golden statue of the Virgin Mary worth?

The live broadcast hosts of the three TV stations followed up quickly with the cameramen, and quickly occupied a favorable position, set up the camera, and the camera was facing the gleaming golden statue of the Virgin Mary and Ye Tian!

After standing still in front of the golden sculpture, Ye Tian didn't start to explain immediately, but waited for everyone to take their positions and stand still, then he smiled and said:

"Ladies and gentlemen, everyone should know something about this life-size golden Madonna, but I still want to introduce it in public, after all, it is live on TV!

Since Columbus discovered the American continent, this is the largest golden statue of the Virgin Mary that has appeared in the entire American continent.

What's even more commendable is that this golden statue of the Virgin Mary is perfectly shaped, every detail is very vivid and lifelike, even the robe's wreath is meticulously depicted!

You can look at the posture, expression, and eyes of the Virgin Mary. No matter from which angle you look at it, we can feel the kind of love and compassion, which is awe-inspiring! "

Hearing this, countless people at the scene and on the live broadcast side nodded in agreement, without any objection!

Some guys have even lowered their heads, crossed themselves on their chests, and prayed in a low voice, very pious!

Seeing this situation, Ye Tian consciously stopped talking, leaving a period of time for people to comfort their souls.

The prayer ended soon, and the scene and countless live broadcast terminals immediately boiled up, and the discussion became a buzz.

"Although this guy Steven is an atheist, his vision is indeed extremely sharp, which makes people have to give a thumbs up and say admiration!

What he said is right, this golden statue of the Virgin Mary is so perfect, it makes people have an urge to worship! "

"Perhaps because of the light, when this golden Madonna statue was placed in the cave before, it didn't give me such a shocking feeling!

But at this moment, it reaches the depths of my soul, making me feel the love and tolerance of the Virgin Mary very clearly, and feel the greatness of love.

This is a top-notch antique work of art, a real priceless treasure, even if there are no other treasures, only this golden Madonna statue, the treasure of Lima is worthy of the name! "

Just when people were talking about it, Ye Tian's voice came out again.

"Combining what I said before, here, I can say with great certainty that this golden statue of the Virgin Mary must have come from the hands of the top art masters!

It's a pity that I don't know for the time being that this is the work of the master artist, but it doesn't matter, since this golden statue of the Madonna has appeared, it will definitely be revealed one day!

Professor Douglas and Professor Delgado, this is your job. You are experts in Latin American history. I believe you will find the answer soon. I look forward to hearing your good news! "

"That's right, Steven, this golden statue of the Madonna is indeed a top-notch antique artwork, 100% from the hands of top art masters, I've never seen anything comparable to it, it's simply beautiful!"

"We will find the answer! Steven, the top artist who can create such a perfect sculpture, can never be unknown. As long as he appears in Central and South America, he will definitely leave his mark!"

Professor Douglas and Professor Delgado nodded one after another and said, both of them are extremely excited and full of confidence!

Ye Tian smiled lightly and nodded, then continued:

"Before Lima, the capital of Peru, was liberated, this golden statue of the Virgin Mary had been placed in the largest church in Lima for all believers to admire and worship!

In 1820, the army led by Bolivar approached Lima, and when Lima was about to be liberated, the last governor of Lima snatched the golden Madonna statue and tried to bring it back to Spain.

Everyone knows the following story. The governor of Lima and all the Spaniards under his command were killed by the famous pirate William Thompson and thrown into the Pacific Ocean to feed the fish.

Later, Captain Thompson buried the treasures of Lima, including this golden Madonna, on Cocos Island. After that, the golden Madonna disappeared for nearly two hundred years.

Until today, when our three-party joint exploration team came to Cocos Island, the golden statue of the Virgin Mary was able to see the sky again, and once again radiated dazzling light! "

"clap clap"

Suddenly there was a round of applause at the scene, which was very enthusiastic!

Everyone in the living room on the main deck gave Ye Tian their own applause, and there was a bit of gratitude in each applause!

The same is true for countless live broadcasts, with enthusiastic applause one after another without interruption.

"Well done, Steven, well done!"

"Thank you, Steven, for bringing this perfect golden icon back to life!"

Of course, there are also voices from Peru, from Lima, so that would not be a compliment!

"This is a national treasure that belongs to Peru and Lima! This is our Virgin Mary! No one can take it away!"

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