Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1213 It's time for a showdown


A terrified scream suddenly sounded, and the platform was completely chaotic.

Those passengers who hadn't had time to board the train couldn't control their emotions any longer, they bent down and bowed their heads and started running in a hurry. Everyone was full of fear, and they only hated their parents for giving them two missing legs.

Those passengers who had already boarded the train saw the situation on the platform and immediately understood what happened.

There is no doubt that Steven and the others must have found those wanted Chicago scumbags, and those scumbags were on the platform, so the passengers on the platform ran around in panic!

After confirming this point, the train immediately became a mess.

Everyone in the train began to find a place to hide. Some people quickly rushed to the junction of the carriages, and some quickly lay on the floor of the carriage, and even got under the seats to avoid the stray bullets that might fly into the carriage!

Of course, some passengers rushed to the doors, trying to get out of the train and out of Grand Central Station!

Unfortunately, they were one step too late.

Before these passengers rushed to the doors, all the doors of this train were suddenly closed, directly cutting off the connection between the train and the platform.

Immediately afterwards, there was a loud siren sound from the direction of the front of the car.

Before the whistle sounded, the train bound for New Jersey had already moved, slowly left the platform, and headed straight for the tunnel not far ahead.

Faced with this situation, the passengers on the train could only accept their fate.

One by one, they lay on their seats, on the floor of the carriage, or other corners, and prayed secretly, praying that the train would leave the platform as soon as possible, and leave the central station as soon as possible!

At the same time, each of them is also secretly praying that there will be no wanted Chicago scum in the car, and that they can go home safely and reunite with their families!

The two Chicago scumbags who had already got on the train also pretended to be terrified and lay on the floor of the carriage, trying to escape from Grand Central Station on this train and flee to New Jersey!

At this moment, how could they care about the two companions who stayed on the platform, their own safety is the most important thing, so those two companions can ask for blessings!

The platform was full of passengers fleeing in a hurry, and the terrified screams kept ringing out one after another!

Ye Tian and the others had retreated about ten meters away, and stopped at a distance of more than twenty meters from the two Chicago scumbags, staring closely at the two scumbags in front of them, everyone was on high alert!

The New York police and station security personnel on the platform also withdrew for a distance in different directions, and all of them drew their guns, pointing their muzzles at the ground, ready to shoot at any time!

In order to protect himself, the hip-hop guy had already pulled out his pistol, quickly took a hostage, put the pistol against the hostage's head, and blocked the hostage in front of him.

The hostage was a beautiful woman in her early twenties, who looked like a student, or just graduated, and her youthfulness had not faded!

At this moment, the beautiful woman was almost frightened, her face was full of tears, and her body was shaking constantly, obviously extremely frightened.

The Chicago scumbag in a suit and leather shoes held an explosive detonator in his right hand and a Glock pistol in his left hand. He also took a hostage in front of him as a shield!

At the same time, he also held the middle-aged female hostage, and slowly approached his companions so that they could support each other and strengthen each other!

When these two guys took advantage of the chaos to take hostages, Ye Tian and the others watched from a distance of more than 20 meters, and did not intervene, allowing the two scumbags to hold a hostage each.

The reason is mainly because of the 4 explosives carried by the scum in the suit!

There are too many people on the platform. Once the bomb explodes, there will be heavy casualties, and the consequences will be disastrous!

That's why Ye Tian and the others didn't intervene, but watched with cold eyes, waiting for the right opportunity to make a move.

Wait for that train to leave the platform, wait for all other passengers on the platform to flee, or to a relatively safe place,

Then you can have a showdown with those two idiots!

At that time, it is their time of death!

Soon, the train bound for New Jersey drove out of the platform as a whole, and the speed became faster and faster, and disappeared into the tunnel ahead in a blink of an eye.

Passengers on the platform also fled in all directions, or hid in places they thought were safer. The platform, which was bustling with people not long ago, suddenly became much more empty! ..

On the side of the escalator leading to the basement level of the central station, only Ye Tian and the others, a few New York policemen, and a few security personnel of the central station were left. There were not many people!

However, it can be heard from the walkie-talkie that a large number of police and security personnel are rushing here. It is estimated that the New York police and security personnel will arrive here in a short time.

At this time, Ye Tian and the others stood in the middle of the passage, fearless!

The rest of the New York police and security personnel are scattered and hidden in every corner of the platform, and everyone is on high alert and ready to respond at any time.

And on most of the platform in front of Ye Tian and the others, there were only those two dying Chicago idiots and those two unlucky female hostages left.

In addition, there was no longer any human figure to be seen. Some of the other passengers behind those two scumbags had already fled, but most of them were looking for places to hide!

Some passengers even jumped off the platform, lying on the gap between the rails and the platform, hiding themselves tightly, which is considered a very good hiding place.

Those two Chicago scumbags didn't stay where they were. While the people on the platform were running away, they also took hostages and retreated slowly.

Tens of meters behind them, there are several deep tunnels, which should be their goal and their only hope of escape!

The scene has been cleared, and we can take action to solve the problem, and we must cut through the mess quickly, and we can't waste any more time, otherwise the New York police will get involved!

If the initiative is taken away by the New York police, it will not be so easy to deal with these Chicago scumbags and send them to hell!

Do as soon as you think of it, Ye Tian immediately stepped forward and said loudly with a smile on his face:

"Two friends from Chicago, I'm Steven, I think you should know each other, you came to New York from Chicago, you came here for me, for my treasure in Lima, am I right?

Things have developed to the point where you are not only unable to grab Lima's treasure and make a fortune! And it is very likely to be imprisoned, go to prison, and even never see the sun of tomorrow again.

To put it bluntly, you have no way out, and you should be very clear about the result of your stubborn resistance, so I advise you to throw away your weapons, release the hostages, and raise your hands to surrender! That is the only way to survive! "

As soon as the voice on his side fell, the guy dressed in hip-hop cursed loudly.

"Go to hell! Steven, you are a devil! I swear, if I escape here alive today, I will kill you bastard and avenge the dead brothers!"

Escape here alive? Be your mother's spring and autumn dream!

Ye Tian complained secretly with disdain on his face, but he said loudly:

"Want to seek revenge on me? Then it depends on whether you can escape from here. Even if you can escape, it also depends on whether you can escape the following crazy pursuit! The possibility of that is very slim!

In addition, I don't mind having a few more enemies at all. To be honest, there are too many enemies who hate me for immortality. I can't count them. One more you is not too many, and one less you is quite a lot. Can you bite me? "

Hearing this, almost everyone at the scene couldn't help but rolled their eyes, and secretly complained angrily.

is not that right! This bastard is really too ostentatious, making enemies all over the world, making enemies all over the world, and many of them are the kind who hate him as deeply as the sea and hate him forever!

But no one has anything to do with this bastard, they can only watch him continue to live freely and heartily, how can he reason? So fucking annoying!

After a short pause, the Chicago scumbag in suit and leather shoes gritted his teeth and said:

"Steven, you bastard, don't be too rampant! Don't forget that we have hostages in our hands. I believe you absolutely don't want to see the death of the hostages. You may not be able to bear that kind of result!

You all put down your guns, leave the platform, prepare a car for us, we will leave the central station with the hostages later, and we will release the hostages after it is safe!

During this period, if you dare to launch an attack, Lao Tzu will detonate the bomb immediately, and die together with the hostages, and you will die together, and then you will be criticized by words and pens! "

"Idiot! Are you stupid? I'm not a New York police officer. Why should I put down my weapon and put myself in danger for two strangers? Don't even think about it!

Of course, I have a lot of sympathy for those two ladies who were held hostage by you scum, they didn't deserve what happened to them, and I really want to rescue them and get them out of danger.

For their personal safety, I can take a step back! As long as you release the hostages, I can promise here that I will not shoot and kill you, this is the limit! "

Ye Tian sneered and said loudly, his words were full of disdain and murderous intent.

Hearing these words, almost everyone at the scene gasped, secretly terrified!

This thing is really unscrupulous! Dare to say anything, dare to say this kind of thing out loud, not afraid of being sprayed to death by the news media!

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