Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1215 Removing the Bomb Threat

The primary target of Ye Tian's attack was not the hip-hop scum who jumped off the platform, but the guy in suit and tie!

The 4 plastic explosives in the guy's backpack are too much of a threat, they have to be dealt with first, and they have to be killed in one hit, and then deal with the hip-hop scum.

In a blink of an eye, the guy dressed in hip-hop had retreated to the entrance of the tunnel with the hostages in his arms, and about one meter behind, he could enter the deep tunnel.

Through perspective, Ye Tian could clearly see that a smile appeared on that idiot's face.

And at the edge of the platform, the scumbag in suit and leather shoes was about to jump off the platform and run away.

Since he held the detonator in one hand and the Glock in the other, for safety's sake, when jumping off the platform, he would most likely free up one hand and use his palm to support the ground before jumping off the platform.

No matter who is carrying a powerful bomb, they will probably do this. This is a subconscious instinctive reaction, and what Ye Tian is waiting for is this opportunity!

As he expected, the scumbag in suit and leather shoes really freed up one hand, and it was the right hand holding the detonator, bent down and stretched out his hand to press the ground. ..

Because of the bending and squatting movements, the right half of that Chicago scumbag was also exposed from behind the middle-aged female hostage!

It's now! Godsend!

There was a cold smile on Ye Tian's face, murderous intent was revealed in his eyes.

In an instant, he had already flashed out of the queue, out of the range covered by the police shield, and then through the scope of the G3, firmly locked on the right wrist of the scum in front, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

At this time, Ye Tian has been using perspective all the time, within a distance of more than 70 meters, he is the real god! It is absolutely possible to kill or kill!

"bang bang bang"

The gunfire sounded again, the sound of assault rifle bursts, deafening!

The muzzle of the G3 assault rifle in Ye Tian's hand suddenly flashed a dazzling flame, which was extremely beautiful, but exuded an aura of death!

Three scorching 5.5mm rifle bullets spewed out from the muzzle of the G3 assault rifle at high speed, and went straight to the right wrist of the Chicago scum at the end of the platform!

The three bullets just flew out,

Ye Tian raised the gun again like lightning, locked the head of that Chicago scum firmly, and pulled the trigger again mercilessly.

"bang bang bang"

Another burst of assault rifle fire, another three deadly rifle rounds.

For bullets flying at high speed, the distance of more than 30 meters seems to be non-existent, and it is fleeting!

When Ye Tian pulled the G3 trigger for the second time, the three bullets fired in the first batch had already flown to the target, and hit the right wrist of that Chicago scum with great accuracy.

Under the attack of three 5.5mm rifle bullets, the guy's right wrist was completely broken in an instant, and it was broken very simply, without even a trace of skin attached.

Under the powerful impact of the rifle bullets, the palm that was detached from the arm flew directly to the outside of the platform, bringing out a series of bright red blood beads in the air.

The same fuse that ran from the sleeve of the Chicago scumbag's suit to the bomb's detonator was snapped by a rifle bullet.

Like the broken right hand of that Chicago scumbag, the bomb detonator also flew off the platform, and flew even further!

The bomb detonator is destroyed, which means that the 4 plastic explosives in the backpack of that Chicago scumbag can no longer be detonated!

4 Although plastic explosives are powerful and a well-known high-energy military explosive, they are very stable in nature and can only be detonated by certain methods, such as electric detonators and the like.

Except for some specific detonating materials and methods, it is difficult to detonate 4 plastic explosives in other ways, even if it is directly hit by a rifle bullet or burned with fire, it will not be able to detonate 4!

The bomb threat is completely removed! The next thing will be easy!

The Chicago idiot whose right hand was broken didn't even have time to utter a scream before the second wave of three 5.5mm rifle bullets came roaring in, this time killing him!

Unbiased, the three 5.5mm rifle bullets hit his head with great accuracy!

These three high-speed spinning bullets penetrated into his head like a broken bamboo, and flew out from the back of his head in an instant, blowing off the entire Tianling Gai!

In the air at the end of the platform, a bewitching red and white blood flower full of death breath bloomed. It was not beautiful, but it was creepy!

Under the powerful impact of the rifle bullets, that Chicago scumbag in a suit and leather shoes was directly thrown into the air and flew out of the platform!

The moment his body flew into the air, this Chicago scum in a suit and leather shoes was already in his soul, and he went to hell to report, and he couldn't die anymore!


The terrified screams suddenly sounded, extremely ear-piercing.

The one screaming frantically was the tearful, trembling middle-aged woman standing at the end of the platform, held hostage by Chicago scum.

The bloody scene that suddenly happened in front of her eyes almost drove the middle-aged woman crazy, she immediately screamed crazily, with endless fear in her voice.

But Ye Tian, ​​who made the killing, had no time to consider her feelings.

Immediately after finishing the second burst, he immediately yelled in a deep voice:

"Evan, give me the police shield, I've already killed that scumbag in a suit and tie, I have to rush over to make sure the 4 bomb doesn't fall into the hands of another scumbag.

You stay where you are, get ready to pick up the pieces, get professional EOD and medics out here ASAP, Walker, cover my back, make sure my back is safe"

Before he finished speaking, he stretched out his left hand and grabbed the police shield held by Evan.

Evan's reaction was very fast and he cooperated very well. He gently sent his hands to the side, and handed the heavy police shield with a height of 1.45 meters to Ye Tian.

In the next moment, Ye Tian picked up the police shield with his left hand, blocked it in front of him, held the G3 assault rifle in his right hand, and rushed forward quickly, heading straight to the end of the platform, like a hurricane!

It wasn't until he rushed three or four meters away that Evan and Walker responded from behind.

"Okay, Steven, don't worry, I will protect your back!"

This is Walker's response, decisive and confident.

"Understood, Steven, I will contact the EOD and medical personnel immediately"

Evan responded loudly, his voice was extremely excited, but also a bit fearful.

This guy Steven's marksmanship is simply miraculous, absolutely no matter where to shoot! It's really terrifying, countless times scarier than the legends!

Fortunately, I am not the opponent of this bastard, and I never thought of being an enemy of him, otherwise I will definitely die, just like those extremely stupid Chicago scum!

Ye Tian, ​​who rushed out at high speed, looked past the Chicago scum who was dead in the air, and stared closely at the hip-hop guy at the entrance of the tunnel, ready to shoot and kill that scum at any time.

At this time, the scum in hip-hop costume had woken up from the shock, and immediately roared at the top of his voice, like crazy!

"Fuck U! Steven, I'm going to kill you devil!"

While roaring sharply, that scumbag kept shooting, pouring bullets and hatred crazily.

Only in this way can he overcome the endless fear a little bit, and he can muster up a little courage, so that he won't be so frightened that his legs go limp and his feet go limp, and he collapses on the ground!

It's a pity that the bullets fired from the Glokley in his hand didn't achieve any results at all. Some of them hit the police shield in front of Ye Tian, ​​while the other part flew elsewhere!

Seeing this situation, that Chicago scumbag was completely desperate!

But driven by a strong desire to survive, he is still struggling in vain. No one wants to die, and he is no exception!

There may be people in the world who look down on death, but it's definitely not this Chicago scum!

He dragged the beautiful hostage, using the beautiful hostage as a shield, retreated into the deep tunnel behind him, and retreated step by step to the depth of the tunnel.

Considering the safety of the beautiful hostage, Ye Tian did not fire and attack, but kept restraint all the time, but his feet were advancing rapidly!

4 The bomb threat has been lifted, is the remaining Chicago scum still a problem? How about letting him live a few more minutes? No matter what, he will definitely die today!

Want to escape from your buddies? Go dreaming!

In just five or six seconds, Ye Tian had strode to the end of the platform and stopped at the end of the platform.

After quickly scanning the scene and making sure that there was no danger, Ye Tian was about to jump off the platform, rush into the tunnel not far ahead, and continue chasing that hip-hop Chicago scumbag.

At this moment, a voice with a crying voice but full of anger suddenly came from the side.

"Steven, you're a total jerk, and that damn Chicago idiot has a bomb on him, don't you know? If you know, why are you shooting?"

Needless to say, the one who denounced Ye Tian was naturally the middle-aged woman who was taken hostage and walked around the gate of hell.

Apart from Ye Tian at the end of the platform, she was the only one who could breathe. Although she was still limp on the ground, she didn't have the strength to stand up at all.

Ye Tian turned his head to look at this terrified and extremely angry woman, and then jokingly said:

“Good evening lady, nice to meet you here, and of course you are not happy to meet me under the circumstances! Bad timing and makeup!”

What a fart! Good evening! This was the worst night my mother had ever had in her life, and she never wanted to experience it again!

The middle-aged woman complained crazily to herself, almost going crazy with anger.

For her extremely ugly expression and eyes full of anger, Ye Tian seemed to have never seen her, and smiled to himself and said:

"Ma'am, you are right, of course I know that Chicago scumbag has a bomb on him, but that scumbag may not have the courage to detonate the bomb and die together!

And I am very confident in my marksmanship, no one can escape from my gun, so you are not in much danger, and the facts have proved this.

Now that the danger has been lifted, someone will come to the rescue immediately and take you out of here. I will excuse you and go rescue the other hostage. Goodbye! "

After finishing speaking, Ye Tian jumped off the platform and strode towards the tunnel ahead with the police shield in hand.

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