Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1222 Manhunt Operation

"No! Steven, because I know your strength very well, I can't let you participate in the search and arrest operation. I don't want to watch this block be destroyed by you guys,..."

Philip's head shook like a rattle, and he didn't want to let go.

Before he could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by an unexpected situation.

"bang bang bang"

Suddenly there was a burst of intense gunfire in the security zone, shaking the entire block.

It can be heard that there are not only the sound of assault rifles firing, but also the sound of shotgun shooting, as well as the relatively crisp shooting sound of pistols. The fight is very lively!

Hearing the gunshots, Ye Tian immediately stopped talking, raised his eyes to look at the apartment buildings in the security area, and looked in the direction of the gunshots, with murderous intent in his eyes!

The same goes for Matisse and the others, all looking at the apartment buildings not far ahead, everyone is on high alert, everyone's eyes are full of fighting, ready to fight at any time!


On the street outside the warning area, there were bursts of terrified screams, from the melon-eating crowd watching the excitement.

Some timid onlookers have already started to flee in all directions, looking for a hiding place! But most people still stayed where they were, and continued to watch this rare drama, and they were even more excited!

Especially the many media reporters, their eyes were shining with excitement. Perhaps this is what they want to see the most. The more lively the fight, the better and the more chaotic the better!

One by one, they held up their cameras or camcorders, and frantically took pictures of the apartment buildings in the warning area, with flashes coming and going continuously!

Standing in front of Ye Tian, ​​the Assistant Chief of the Manhattan Police Department, Philip, immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and began to understand the situation at the scene of the firefight.

"Guys, what's going on in there? Hurry up and report, who are you exchanging fire with? Is it those two scumbags from the South Side of Chicago? Where exactly?"

As soon as he finished speaking, an annoyed voice came from the intercom.

"We were in the third apartment building north of the intersection, on the west side of the seventh floor of this apartment building, and the firefight was not with those two Chicago scumbags, but with a bunch of local drug dealers in Hell's Kitchen.

This place seems to be the lair of the gang of drug dealers,

When the cordon was raised before, these idiots failed to evacuate in time. We searched here just now and asked to search the house, but they refused to open the door. That's when there was an exchange of fire! "

"Fack! What a pity, I hate this damn neighborhood, it's full of scum! Take down those blind scum for me, don't let any of them go!"

Philip gritted his teeth and said loudly, his nose was almost smoking with anger.

Ye Tian, ​​who was standing beside him, had a smile in his eyes, somewhat gloating.

After Philip gave the order and ended the call, Ye Tian immediately smiled and said in a low voice:

"Philip, congratulations, you might be able to beat the rabbits this time, and while taking care of those two Chicago scumbags, you can also capture a group of drug dealers and get rid of a few gangster lairs!

But I still have to say, this is Hell's Kitchen, one of the messiest neighborhoods in Manhattan, a veritable hotbed of crime, God knows how many drug dealers and gangsters are hidden in those apartment buildings!

Although the police force at the scene seemed to be sufficient, it seemed that it was not enough to thoroughly search the block and not miss any corner. Don't let those two Chicago scumbags go because of this.

Faced with this situation, I think you should abandon your prejudices and allow me and these armed security personnel to join the search and arrest operation to end this chaotic situation as soon as possible, which is good for everyone! "

After saying this, Ye Tian looked at Philip with a smile on his face, his eyes full of confidence, and he was very sure that the other party would nod in agreement.

Philip looked back at the apartment building that was in the middle of a fierce exchange of fire and gunfire, and then pondered for a while, with a rather ugly expression on his face!

In just two or three seconds, he made a decision.

"Okay, Steven, you can participate in the search and arrest operation, as agreed before, you must accept the supervision of the New York police, and you must control the use of force, and you must not act arbitrarily!

During the hunt for those two Chicago scumbags, it is very important that you can't force your way into residents' houses, you have to be barked or knocked open by the accompanying police officers before you can enter and search.

As you can see, there are many media reporters here. We don't want to be bitten by those crazy guys. I believe you are the same. After all, you are not real law enforcement officers, so you must be careful.

Another point is that during the hunt, if you encounter local drug dealers or gangsters, you must reveal your identity as soon as possible, and you cannot actively attack those scumbags, you can only defend and counterattack.

If you find those two Chicago scumbags and hope to keep them alive, we need to track down some things from those scumbags, especially the source of the 4 plastic explosives! It's very important"

Philip gritted his back molars and said with extreme reluctance, with a very helpless expression.

Obviously, this is the answer Ye Tian most wants to hear, it's perfect!

"Awesome! That's what dude wants"

Ye Tian cheered excitedly, and then said quickly:

"Philip, I'm sure that you made a very wise decision, as long as you can participate in this search and arrest operation, we can agree to the conditions you just mentioned.

Evan and a few other guys from the NYPD can follow us into the cordoned area, carry out the manhunt together, and supervise us during the operation.

Each of us is wearing a pinhole camera, which will record the entire process of the search and arrest. You, the New York Police, will also receive a copy of the relevant video materials.

During the operation, we will control the use of force and pay attention to our own behavior. We will never break into residential buildings, embarrass your police, and let media reporters find excuses to attack!

Even the local drug dealers and gangsters in Hell's Kitchen, if they don't attack, we won't provoke them, those two Chicago scumbags are our target.

In case those local scumbags don't know how to flatter them and take the initiative to attack, then we won't be polite, we will exercise our right of self-defense and clean up the city!

As for the life and death of those two Chicago scumbags, it depends on whether God cares for them. When exchanging fire with them, we will pay attention, and we will not kill them if we can capture them alive, and try to keep them alive! "

"Okay, Steven, I hope you can keep your word. Remember what you said just now. You can now enter the warning area and participate in this search and arrest operation!"

Philip nodded slightly and said, his face was still not very good-looking.

Immediately afterwards, he notified all the New York police and FBI agents in the cordoned area through the walkie-talkie that Ye Tian and the others also participated in the search and arrest operation, so everyone should not misunderstand!

As soon as he finished speaking, there were complaints and some curses coming from the intercom, from the New York police and FBI agents at the scene.

Ye Tian seemed to have never heard of these unfriendly voices.

At this moment, he had turned his head to look at Matisse and they said loudly:

"Guys, Mattis is in charge of the next search and arrest operation, and he is also in charge of the group! Let's go, enter the security zone, and let's find those two Chicago scumbags!"

As soon as the words fell, he turned around immediately, lifted the plastic warning belt with his hand, and strode into the warning area.

Behind him, the nine of them, the heavily armed Mattis, and the six New York police officers in charge of supervision also strode up. Everyone was high-spirited and in a state of high vigilance.

Seeing Ye Tian and the others striding into the warning area with a murderous look and participating in the search and arrest operation, the area not far behind where many media reporters and onlookers were located suddenly became ebullient.

"I'm going! Steven and his gang of murderous guys are also gone. I'm sure those two Chicago idiots are dead, and they don't even want to leave Hell's Kitchen alive!"

"Isn't that right! Steven is known for being cruel and ruthless, and he always kills everything. This time it must be the same. Those two Chicago idiots are dead!

In addition to those two Chicago idiots, the local scum trapped in those apartment buildings should also be careful. If they mess with Steven and his gang, they will definitely not be able to eat and walk around! "

While people were discussing, some local gangsters standing outside the cordon to watch the excitement quickly took out their mobile phones and started calling their friends.

It can be seen that each of them has a very dignified expression, with fear hidden in their eyes!

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