Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1231 I don't want much

After everyone introduced each other and greeted each other, the door of the conference room was pushed open again, and several guys in suits and leather shoes walked in.

The faces of these guys are still very familiar to everyone, starting with the assistant to the mayor of New York, followed by three senior officials of the New York City government, and two congressmen, each of whom is a well-known figure in the city.

Different from those financial bigwigs, the expressions of these New York City Hall officials are much more relaxed, and there is a hint of joy in their eyes.

For these guys, there are only advantages and no disadvantages in discovering treasures in New York City. After the treasure is unearthed, a share of New York must be indispensable.

Even if the Federal Reserve is very strong and takes away most of the treasures, the achievements of the New York authorities will be indispensable. As for the opportunity to show their face in front of the news media, it will definitely be indispensable.

And the part of the treasure that was cut off by Ye Tian also had to pay taxes, so that he could make a small profit.

In two or three steps, the mayor's assistant brought the rest of the people up to him and greeted them warmly.

"Good morning, Steven, I didn't expect us to meet again so soon. You guys are so lucky to have discovered another treasure, which is really enviable."

This assistant to the mayor is an old acquaintance of Ye Tian, ​​and he has dealt with him several times before.

The most recent one was just two days ago, after the scumbags in Chicago were wiped out, the New York police held a joint press conference to explain the details of the operation that day to all the media.

As the central figure in the incident, Ye Tian was naturally indispensable. It was at that press conference that he met the mayor's assistant and exchanged pleasantries.

"Good morning, Blake, I didn't expect you to come forward to negotiate with us. That's good, everyone knows each other, and the atmosphere of the negotiation must be very relaxed."

Ye Tian said with a light smile, and shook hands with the other party.

Next, the two introduced their entourage to each other and shook hands one by one.

Afterwards, the three parties sat down and formally started the negotiation.

At the very beginning, Black couldn't wait to ask:

"Steven, can you tell me where the secret vault is? When did you find that treasure? How did you find it? I'm very curious and want to know more about it."

Not only was he curious, but everyone at the scene wanted to know the answers to these questions. When they heard him ask this question, everyone immediately looked at Ye Tian, ​​expecting his answer.

Will Ye Tian give the answers to these questions? Of course not!

Before the ratio of rewards for discovering the treasures has been negotiated, the Heavenly King Laozi should not even want to know the answers to these questions, let alone these people in front of him.

"Don't be impatient, Blake, and other gentlemen, after we have negotiated the terms and signed a formal agreement, I will announce the answers to these questions. It must be a huge surprise.

As you all know, I am a professional treasure hunter. My company is a treasure exploration company. Finding and finding treasure is my business, and it is the raison d'être of Intrepid Quests.

Today's treasure is no exception. Although I can't announce the specific location of this treasure for the time being, what I can tell you is that this secret vault is in New York, and it is on a piece of public land.

It is precisely because it is on public land that I came to you to cooperate and negotiate with you, trying to get a relatively generous reward for treasure discovery. We are businessmen, so we can't work hard in vain! "

Ye Tian said without hesitation that he showed his ambition when he came up.

"You guys are exactly like the legends, you are a guy who is extremely obsessed with money and extremely greedy, but your luck is extremely good. It seems that all the treasures in the world have fallen into your hands."

Black said angrily, but his eyes were full of envy.

The same goes for the other people on the scene, who all nodded in agreement, expressing their agreement with what he said.

Ye Tian quickly glanced at everyone present, then continued with a smile on his face:

"Business is business! Since starting a company and running a business, if I am not persistent enough about money and lack the motivation to chase it, then why bother to ask for trouble to start a company? Bankruptcy will happen sooner or later.

Let's talk about the treasure, because the location of the treasure is public land. For safety reasons and to avoid unnecessary troubles, I did not enter the secret vault.

Everything in that secret vault is intact, still covered with dust, no one has touched it, and there is not a lot of things kept in it, and when the treasure is opened, everyone will be able to see it.

Although I didn't go deep into the secret vault, according to my judgment, the secret vault has existed for at least seven or eighty years, dating back to the 1930s and 1940s.

And I can be sure that nine out of ten of the things stored in that vault are the reserve gold of the Federal Reserve. Of course, it cannot be all of them, but only a very small part of the gold reserve of the Federal Reserve.

Regarding my vision, I am very confident, and I am sure that it is impossible to make a mistake. This has been proved in previous exploration operations, and everyone knows this point.

I believe the Federal Reserve can also prove it from the side. Such a huge amount of reserve gold was deposited in a secret vault. Even if it is a long time ago, there must be relevant records.

Even if there is no written record for the sake of strict confidentiality, there must be relevant rumors handed down. Regarding this point, I believe these gentlemen from the Federal Reserve can give us an answer."

As he said that, Ye Tian looked at the people in the Federal Reserve sitting across from him, and at the head of the financial tycoon, Christopher.

The same goes for everyone else in the meeting room, they all turned to look at those people.

Christopher took a deep look at Ye Tian, ​​then nodded bitterly and said:

"Steven is right, the Federal Reserve does have such a secret vault to store reserve gold, and that secret vault is in Manhattan, not far from the Federal Reserve's New York headquarters.

But no one knows the exact location of the secret vault, including the Federal Reserve's top decision-making body, the seven-member executive committee, and we have only heard of the secret vault.

The secret vault was set up at the beginning to deal with the Second World War. The hidden gold should be regarded as war reserve gold, but it was not used in the end.

It was President Roosevelt who advocated the establishment of the secret vault, and the specific implementer was a senior member of the original five-member Executive Committee of the Federal Reserve. Everything was carried out in absolute secrecy.

Not long after the establishment of the secret vault, the senior executive member of the Federal Reserve died in a car accident. Soon after, President Roosevelt also died, and the Second World War soon ended.

Since then, the secret vault has completely disappeared from people's field of vision, and was gradually buried in the dust of history. Until today, it was discovered by a lucky guy like Steven.

According to relevant rumors passed down within the Federal Reserve, the secret gold vault contains a large amount of reserve gold, worth billions of dollars, in addition to some very important equipment and materials.

It was for the sake of secrecy at the beginning, so no written records were left, only some unverifiable rumors were left. The Federal Reserve also tried to find the secret vault, but found nothing”

Before the voice fell, there was a sound of exclamation in the meeting room.

“Whoa! Reserve gold worth billions of dollars, that’s an exaggeration!”

"It turned out to be a secret vault set up by President Roosevelt. It's really old!"

Amidst the exclamation, Ye Tian's triumphant voice suddenly came, and it was clearly heard by everyone present.

"Gentlemen, as Mr. Christopher said, it was a secret vault set up by President Roosevelt, and I saw the Federal Reserve logo on those boxes full of gold, and I saw the relevant year.

I don’t know how much gold is reserved in that secret vault, but the amount must be astonishing. I only ask for 25% of the gold as treasure discovery rewards, which is not a high requirement! "

As soon as the voice fell, the meeting room was completely boiling.

"25% of the reserve gold in the secret vault! This appetite is too big, why don't you grab it?"

"Today, my eyes were opened. There are such greedy guys in the world. It's really unheard of!"

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