Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1261: The Blocked Secret Passage

After sitting down at the table, Ye Tian and the others quickly ordered the dishes, which were some of the signature dishes of the Swan restaurant! Plus a bottle of top red wine from Bordeaux, France.

Next, they began to look around and admire the famous restaurant, the former residence of the famous people who set off a revolutionary frenzy.

As a matter of course, Ye Tian once again assumed the role of narrator, telling Betty and the others the story about the Swan Restaurant in a low voice.

"This is a Renaissance-style building, just like the former residence of Hugo we just visited. Compared with the Brussels City Hall on the other side, this building was built a little earlier.

Before the 1840s, although many celebrities lived in this building, it was not famous for it. It can only be regarded as an ordinary building around the Grand Place in Brussels.

It was not until February 1845, when Marx moved from Paris to Brussels, that this building ushered in the most glorious and important period of history. In April of the same year, Engels also moved here from Barmen.

For a long time since then, it has become the source of the revolution of the working class in Europe and the world, attracting countless attentions and leaving a strong mark in history.

It was in this Renaissance-style building that Marx and Engels co-founded the National Communication Committee and the German Workers' Association, leading the labor movement throughout Europe.

It is also here that Marx wrote a series of famous works, such as "The Poverty of Philosophy", and the more important work is the revolutionary program of the revolutionary movement, "Manifesto of the Revolution".

After the "Communist Manifesto" was born, it spread quickly, setting off countless magnificent revolutionary waves in Europe, Asia, and all over the world, sweeping the entire world.

You were born in the United States and grew up in the United States. The education you received from the beginning was an education that served capitalism. You may not understand the importance of the "Democracy Declaration".

But in China, in all other socialist countries, as long as they have received the most basic education, they understand very well what the "Declaration of the Communist Party" means, understand its importance, ..."

When making this explanation, Ye Tian tried his best to keep his tone calm and not let himself be too excited, just like expounding an academic point of view without mixing personal emotional factors.

The reason for doing this, of course, he has his own considerations.

For now, I am still living in the evil American imperialism and the dire straits of capitalism, so I probably won't leave in a short time.


In order to avoid giving others a handle, in order to avoid being used against him by others, Ye Tian must always pay attention to his words and deeds, some things are really not suitable for touching.

Although it is no longer the Cold War period, and ideological confrontation and struggle are not so serious, who can guarantee that no one will make a fuss about this? Still be careful!

While explaining to Betty and the others, Ye Tian also looked around, admiring the furnishings and decorations of the Swan Restaurant, looking very carefully.

Of course, he didn't miss the chance to see through!

This is the place where the two great mentors, Marx and Engels, worked, lived, and even fought. Maybe there will be surprising discoveries.

Wherever he looked, the dining area on the first floor of the Swan Restaurant, the basement, and several rooms adjacent to the dining area were presented in Ye Tian's eyes one by one, without any secrets at all.

In the dining area on the first floor, except for a few antique cultural relics related to Marne covered by bulletproof glass, and a few other antique artworks of average value, Ye Tian didn't find any treasures.

For this situation, Ye Tian had expected it a long time ago, and it couldn't be more normal.

From 1845 to the present, 170 or 80 years have passed, which is quite a long time.

During this time, the building has changed its use several times, being the residence of the two great teachers of Marne, a café, a hotel, etc., and now a restaurant.

Every change in the nature of use basically means a large or small renovation, and it is impossible to keep any secrets in such an important area as the dining area on the first floor.

Although Ye Tian also found something, in a room adjacent to the dining area, he found a hidden compartment behind an oil painting, the location is very hidden, and it will not be noticed easily.

But the secret box was empty, not even a piece of waste paper, let alone the documents related to the "Declaration of Independence" from the hands of the two great mentors of Marne.

In just three to five seconds, Ye Tian saw through the dining area on the first floor of the restaurant and the adjacent rooms, and found nothing.

Immediately afterwards, he pretended to be inadvertent, looked down at the floor of the dining area, looked through the floor, and began to explore the basement and the situation deeper underground.

The basement of this building has only one floor, which is basically the same area as the first floor, with a slightly different layout, divided into several rooms, large and small.

Restaurant operators use the basement here as a warehouse, where food such as rice, flour, grain, oil, and other sundries are piled up, and there is also a cold storage for storing meat and seafood.

Two of the rooms near the plaza have been converted into staff lounges with beds, desks, computers, clothes and everything in between.

The entire basement was stuffed to the brim and looked rather messy. It was not as solemn, elegant and artistic as the facade and first floor of this building showed.

Seeing the mess in the basement, Ye Tian knew, don't expect to find anything in this basement.

God knows how many times this basement has been turned over and redecorated by previous owners. Even if there is a secret, it has already been discovered by others.

As he expected, in this basement, Ye Tian didn't find anything surprising, nor did he find any valuable antique works of art.

Then, his gaze continued downward, penetrating the floor of the basement, and looked deeper underground.

When his gaze was about one meter deep into the ground, a surprise finally appeared, and it was what Ye Tian had been waiting for for a long time, almost making him cheer for it.

It was a deep and damp arched passage, about 1.78 meters high and 1 meter wide. The interior space was relatively spacious enough for an adult to pass through.

Its location is more than one meter deep directly below the basement of the Swan Restaurant, and it slopes all the way down, extending deeper into the ground.

One end of the secret passage is connected to the basement of the Swan restaurant, and the other end is not yet known where it leads, and it needs to be explored to be clear.

But judging from what Ye Tian can see through perspective, the direction it leads to is exactly the east side of Brussels City Hall.

This secret passage may lead to the city hall not far away. If that is the case, it will be very fun!

Perhaps for safety reasons or for other reasons, the entrance and exit of this secret passage connecting the basement of the Swan restaurant has been sealed with bricks and earth!

In order to cover up the traces of the existence of this secret passage, the people who sealed the secret passage by hand filled the entrance and exit of the secret passage with bricks, stones and soil more than one meter thick, fully camouflaged.

If there is no clairvoyance ability, even if you put Ye Tian where the entrance and exit of the secret passage are, and give him a shovel and let him dig casually, it is impossible to find this secret passage!

This secret passage was buried so perfectly that no one could find any traces of its existence with the naked eye, and no one knew that there was a deep secret passage underground.

Fortunately, Ye Tian has the ability to see through, and this secret passage, which has long been artificially buried, can no longer be hidden, and it is clearly presented in his eyes.

Ye Tian had no way of knowing who dug this secret passage, so he could only secretly guess the usefulness of this secret passage, but he was very sure of the age when this secret passage was dug and blocked.

When filling and burying the secret passage connecting the entrance and exit of the basement of the Swan restaurant, the person or persons were buried by hand, and an arched iron gate was erected in the ground more than one meter deep from the entrance and exit of the secret passage.

There is a big lock hanging on the back of the iron door. Although it is very rusted, Ye Tian can accurately judge the year of its production from the dazzling red light emitted by the big lock.

Looking through the iron gate, Ye Tian saw several candlesticks on the walls on both sides of the secret passage. From the dazzling red light emitted by these candlesticks, he could also judge the approximate year when the secret passage was excavated.

This secret passage was roughly excavated in the mid-1840s, and the time when it was closed and buried, that is, the iron gate was erected and a big lock was erected, was in the early 1850s.

That was the period when Marx and Engels lived here, the period when Marx wrote the "Manifesto of the Revolution", and the most glorious period of history of this building.

After confirming this point, Ye Tian's eyes immediately flashed with ecstasy.

Although until now, he still hasn't found any valuable antique artworks or important documents in that secret passage, but he is sure that he will definitely find something in the secret passage!

Even if nothing is found in the end, the secret passage has already been cleaned up, and the secret passage itself is a very important discovery, enough to cause quite a stir!

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