Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1266 Death of Mara

The day passed quickly, and it was already the afternoon of the second day in a blink of an eye.

After successively visiting famous scenic spots such as the Grand Place and the Atomium, and visiting the old city of Brussels, Ye Tian and the others came to the famous Belgian Royal Museum of Fine Arts.

The Royal Museum of Fine Arts of Belgium is the most important art museum in Belgium. It was built over two hundred years ago and is located in Kodenburg, downtown Brussels.

This art museum houses more than 20,000 paintings and sculptures from the fifteenth century to the present, including representative works of top artists.

In particular, the "Rubens Hall" in this art museum houses more than 20 outstanding paintings by Baroque master Rubens, and is the famous museum with the largest collection of Rubens' paintings in the world.

In addition, the immortal work "The Death of Marat" created by Jacques-Louis David, the founder of the French neoclassical school and a famous painter, is also collected here.

This classic work in the history of the French Revolution can be said to be the most important collection of the Royal Museum of Fine Arts of Belgium, and it is also the treasure of this famous museum, which is invaluable.

After visiting the famous "Rubens Hall", Ye Tian and Betty continued to stroll in this famous museum, admiring the many paintings and sculptures collected and displayed here, wandering in the ocean of art.

A few meters behind the two of them, Anderson and French translator Luis followed, as did Taylor and Lisa, who were in charge of security.

A little farther away, there are two Belgian police detectives in plain clothes, following step by step, their eyes fixed on Ye Tian all the time, not daring to relax for a moment.

As for Walker and the others, they still pretended to be tourists visiting Brussels and waited outside this famous museum, ready to provide support at any time.

The security personnel and relevant staff of the Royal Museum of Fine Arts, as well as many tourists visiting here, as well as several young painters and students who copied the works of the masters.

Almost everyone here has noticed and recognized Ye Tian. After visiting, everyone will look at them from time to time, everyone's eyes are full of curiosity!

How did this guy, Steven, appear in Europe and in Brussels? Did this guy find a treasure in Europe or Brussels, and this is for the treasure?

Ye Tian and the others acted as if they hadn't seen the attention of the people around them. They freely visited the museum, admiring the exquisite works of art, which was very comfortable.

It didn't take long,

The group of them stopped right before "The Death of Marat", and began to carefully appreciate this classic work from the period of the French Revolution.

This is a large oil painting with a height of about 1.67 meters and a width of about 1.3 meters. It was created in 1793 by Jacques-Louis David, the founder of the French neoclassical painting school and a famous painter.

The content reflected in the painting is the assassination scene of Paul Marat, the leader of the Jacobins during the French Revolution, which is a very famous historical event.

"The Death of Marat" deliberately creates a space for the poor. In the closed and narrow room, Marat collapses in the bathtub, holding a pen in one hand and a blood-stained letter in the other.

The brushwork in the upper half of this oil painting is loose and messy, and the blurred background may be a wall, or it may just be an indistinct space, representing eternal nothingness.

In the lower part of the oil painting, the rough and plain wooden box used as a desk has very delicate brushstrokes, and the words and lines on it can be clearly seen, as if telling the virtues of Marat.

By removing all action, all allegorical figures, and softening all traces of murder, this canvas creates an iconography of the revolutionary that has become a classic in the history of the French Revolution.

Ye Tian, ​​who stood still, carefully admired the famous oil painting hanging on the wall for a while, and then began to explain to Betty and the others in a low voice.

"The oil painting in front of us is the famous "Death of Marat", which is a classic work during the French Revolution and is the treasure of the Royal Museum of Fine Arts of Belgium.

Paul Marat, a famous French politician and revolutionist, was one of the leaders of the Jacobins during the French Revolution. His political stance was very radical, and his methods of dealing with the enemy were extremely harsh.

After the establishment of the First French Republic, Marat began to fiercely oppose the rule of the Girondists in the "Friends of the People" founded by himself, which later became the "Republic of France".

It was his behavior that soon caused his own death. After the Jacobins took power in June 1793, Marat emphasized the need to establish a revolutionary dictatorship and use violence to establish freedom.

Marat practiced his radical revolutionary ideas with practical actions. The Jacobins led by him set off bloody massacres in Paris and France, and sent many enemies to the guillotine!

Not long after, on July 13, Marat was assassinated by a Girondist supporter Charlotte Corday disguised as a revolutionist in her apartment in Paris, which shocked the whole of France.

The next day, France held a National Assembly. A representative spoke at the assembly, calling on the painter Jacques-Louis David to take up his paintbrush to avenge Marat, and to make the enemy tremble when he saw Marat being stabbed.

Jacques-Louis David was the founder of the French neoclassical painting school and one of the most famous painters at that time. He was also a radical revolutionary and a member of the French National Assembly.

As Mara's best friend, he accepted the task, and immediately rushed to the scene of the incident to learn about the situation, drew a head for the dead Mara, and made a plaster mask as a reference for Mara's image.

Next, he moved the dagger left by the female assassin and the bathtub in which Mara died back to the studio as a basis for creation, and quickly created a sketch of the scene of Marat's assassination.

Later, he spent about three months creating this immortal painting with his profound revolutionary friendship, and wrote the inscription himself: "Dedicated to the Friend of the People——Mara"

When creating this painting, Jacques-Louis David used strong and powerful brushes to depict the scene of a revolutionary leader being assassinated and killed in a realistic way. The picture is dark and gloomy, full of tragic colors.

The composition of this painting is bright, simple and solemn, omitting all irrelevant details. Half of the picture is occupied by a deep black background, which makes people almost breathless.

The most eye-catching thing on the screen is the corpse color of Mara's skin, the yellow of the wooden box, the green of the blanket, and the white of the sheets and paper, all of which are presented to the maximum and form a strong contrast.

Marat was leaning in the bathtub, with one hand hanging limply, and the other hand holding the letter, with his head thrown back, his expression calm, as if he was taking a nap with his eyes closed, and blood was flowing from his chest.

What this famous oil painting expresses is a famous historical moment that shakes people's hearts, reflecting a real era of great revolution with passion and ideals, bloodshed and death.

When appreciating this famous painting filled with sad beauty, everyone can feel a kind of heavy pressure, and at the same time feel a kind of shocking power.

In the painter's hand, Marat is portrayed as a saint, a hero who is dead but still lives forever, a person who is glorified by kindness, integrity and selfless patriotism.

Jacques-Louis David used the paintbrush in his hand to paint such a major historical event as the assassination of Marat into a highly dramatic and shocking immortal masterpiece.

Throughout the history of world art, this famous oil painting has a very important historical status. It is the epitome of a great revolutionary era and can be called one of the miracles in the history of modern art.

We came to Belgium this time, and the reason why we live in Brussels is that I just want to come here to appreciate this immortal masterpiece, as well as the twenty or so outstanding works of Rubens."

"You are right, my dear, standing in front of this painting, I have a feeling of desolation, I can feel a huge pressure, and my mood becomes much heavier in an instant.

When we were in school, we saw this famous painting in the art appreciation class, but until now, I really felt the power contained in this immortal masterpiece, which is enough to shock people! "

Betty said softly, her expression was quite solemn, her eyes were always fixed on the immortal masterpiece in front of her.

Ye Tian nodded lightly, then continued to explain the famous painting in front of him.

"For the protagonist of this immortal painting, the revolutionary Marat, and the other protagonist hidden outside the picture, the female assassin Corday, there are completely different evaluations in history,..."

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