Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1268 Antique Store

In less than half an hour, Ye Tian and the others arrived at the antique shop where Brother Zhang was cheated!

The curator of the Royal Museum of Fine Arts of Belgium, Gaitrink, and another expert in the appraisal of antique works of art from this museum also rushed here at the invitation of Ye Tian.

To them, the life or death of an antique liar is not important at all. They really want to see with their own eyes whether Ye Tian's process of authenticating antique works of art is as exaggerated as in the legend.

Of course, their main purpose is to see if they can get some information out of Ye Tian's mouth, what secrets are hidden in the building of the Swan restaurant, is there really a treasure?

The motorcade drove into the street where the antique shop was located, through the front windshield of the Mercedes-Benz bulletproof SUV, Ye Tian saw the antique shop ahead at a glance!

This is an old street near the Grand Place in Brussels. The antique shop is located on the first floor of a seventeenth-century old building. The facade facing the street looks antique and has a bit of historical charm!

It is a pity that such a good store has fallen into the hands of antique swindlers, and it is really a great waste to be deceived by them!

The arrival of Ye Tian's convoy immediately caused a commotion at the entrance of this antique shop, and everyone looked at the convoy.

When the convoy stopped on the side of the road in front of the antique shop, Ye Tian and the others got out of the car and appeared in front of people's eyes, the area immediately boiled!

After a brief surprise, many media reporters gathered at the door of the antique shop rushed over like a tide, and everyone was scrambling to be the first, very excited!

Among them are not only Chinese journalists stationed in major media in Brussels, but also many reporters from local media in Brussels and other major media in the world.

Brussels is the headquarters of the European Union and the capital of Europe. It gathers a large number of media reporters from all over the world all year round. This time it just came in handy and created a lot of momentum.

Apart from many media reporters, there were seven or eight Belgian policemen at the scene, who were maintaining order at the scene, with slightly nervous expressions.

There are many onlookers near the entrance of this antique shop, including locals in Brussels and tourists from all over the world.

Without exception, these melon-eating people all held the mentality that watching the excitement is not a big deal, and they talked happily one by one. On this point, people all over the world are the same, they all love to join in the fun!

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian and his group were surrounded by many media reporters.

It's leaking.

The footsteps have not yet stabilized, and a media reporter has already thrown out his own question. It is a reporter from China, and the question is asked in Mandarin.

"Good afternoon, Ye Tian, ​​I'm a reporter from CCTV. Why did you come to Europe this time? Did you find any famous treasures in Europe? If so, can you tell us more about it?

What is your relationship with Mr. Zhang who was cheated in the antique shop? It is understood that you personally identified the blue and white plum vase as a fake, which is why today's series of events happened, is that true? "

Ye Tian looked at the CCTV reporter who asked the question, nodded at him with a smile, and then said loudly in Mandarin:

"Good afternoon, all journalists and friends from China. I am Ye Tian. It's a pleasure to meet you in Brussels"

While saying these words, he cupped his fists and bowed to all the Chinese reporters on the scene. He was very friendly and impeccable.

Immediately afterwards, he switched to English and greeted many foreign media reporters at the scene.

After saying hello, he began to answer the question from the CCTV reporter just now, still in perfect Mandarin.

"Our trip to Europe this time is just for tourism. By the way, we are doing some private things. We are not here to explore treasures in Europe. Of course, I also very much hope to find treasures in Europe and Brussels.

What is the relationship between me and the cheated Mr. Zhang? Of course it has something to do with it, we are all Chinese, we should help each other when we go out, it is absolutely impossible for me to watch my compatriots being deceived and remain indifferent!

When I was having lunch at the Swan Restaurant yesterday, I ran into Mr. Zhang’s family. Mr. Zhang asked me to help identify the so-called antique porcelain he had just bought.

After my identification, the blue and white plum vase is not an antique porcelain at all, but a high imitation that has not been fired for a few years, but it is only worth a few thousand yuan, which is far less than the value of antique porcelain! "

Before the words fell, all the Chinese reporters on the scene gave Ye Tian warm applause.

"clap clap"

Among the waves of applause, there was also a voice of praise.

"You did a great job, Ye Tian, ​​you must not let those damn liars get away with it!"

"Good job, Ye Tian, ​​we Chinese tourists are by no means fat sheep. We can be slaughtered by those liars and thieves, so we should expose the ugly faces of those scumbags!"

The applause and praise soon fell, and another reporter from China asked loudly:

"Ye Tian, ​​I'm a reporter from Phoenix Satellite TV's Brussels reporter station. Why are you here today? Are you here to testify?"

Ye Tian looked at the beautiful reporter who asked the question, then smiled and said:

"Mr. Zhang called me just now, saying that the antique shop owner who cheated him refused to admit it, and insisted on an appraisal conclusion issued by an antique art appraisal expert, and then he was willing to refund.

That's why I came here. I am very confident in my vision of appraising antique works of art, and I will never be wrong. The appraisal conclusion I issued can also withstand anyone's doubts and tests! "

When he said these words, Ye Tian's tone was extremely firm and resolute, and his eyes showed strong confidence.

No one at the scene doubted his words at all, and they didn't even have such a thought.

As a prominent figure in the limelight, the media reporters at the scene knew him more or less.

Everyone knows that Ye Tian's eyesight is extremely sharp, and he almost never looks over when appraising antique works of art, and this time must be no exception!

Immediately after the Chinese reporter, a foreign reporter asked loudly:

"Good afternoon, Mr. Steven, I'm a reporter from The Times, can you tell me about the Golden City? I think many people are very concerned about the Golden City-related matters!

As far as I know, in the past week, many professional treasure hunters and adventurers, as well as many exploration companies, large and small, have poured into Honduras! Go to the ancient city of Copan to find the golden city!

When will you dauntless exploration companies start to move? What a tempting treasure to officially join the team of treasure hunting and exploration! I believe your company will not miss this opportunity! "

Not only the foreigner reporter, but everyone at the scene, no matter the media reporter or the many onlookers, as well as Gatlinck and the others, everyone is very concerned about this question, and they all hope to hear Ye Tian's answer.

In an instant, everyone looked at Ye Tian, ​​and all the microphones stretched forward again, almost hitting Ye Tian's face. Fortunately, Taylor and the others blocked it.

People's eyes are not only hot, full of curiosity and envy, some guys even have jealous and even greedy lights in their eyes.

That was the golden city of the Mayan Empire! There are treasure legends that have been passed down for hundreds of thousands of years in Central and South America. Who wouldn't want to find it? Who wouldn't want to keep those dazzling gold and silver treasures and antique works of art for themselves?

Ye Tian quickly glanced around the scene, then said loudly with a smile:

"Regarding the matter of the Golden City, the press conference held by the Columbia University School of History has made it very clear that we have nothing to hide and everything is very transparent!

If you want to know more about the Golden City, go back and read the relevant reports of that press conference, and check the research results on the hexagram golden scepter head!

This reporter friend is right, our exploration company will indeed not miss this opportunity to discover the Golden City, and I believe that any exploration company with pursuit will not miss this opportunity!

But our Bravery Exploration Company is a company that strictly abides by local laws and will not do anything illegal. If we want to explore the Golden City, it is also under the premise of legality.

Only with the permission of the Honduras government, or a joint exploration agreement with them, will we organize a team to go to the ancient city of Copan in Honduras to explore the famous golden city of the Mayan Empire.

Here, I would like to appeal to those professional treasure hunters and adventurers who have already rushed to Copan, Honduras, or are preparing to go to Copan, Honduras, to explore the Golden City, try not to damage that ancient city.

It is the largest ruin left by the Mayan Empire in the world, the most powerful proof of the existence of Mayan civilization, and the common wealth of our mankind. No one with conscience should destroy it.

I also hope that those guys can be lucky, even if they can't find the famous Golden City, they can ensure their own safety. It is rainy and hurricane season in the ancient city of Copan, which is definitely not a good time for treasure hunting! "

Everyone at the scene was dissatisfied with Ye Tian's answer that didn't have much to say, but there was nothing they could do about it.

Next, Ye Tian answered a few more questions, Gatlink also answered two questions, Ye Tian ended the street interview, and led Betty and the others into the antique shop ahead.

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