Following the security personnel of the Royal Museum of Fine Arts of Belgium, the escorts of the Brussels police also rushed to the entrance of the antique shop and drove an armored escort vehicle.

The arrival of these two groups of security personnel and armored escort vehicles immediately caused a sensation.

Seeing this situation, many onlookers and media reporters at the entrance of the antique shop instantly confirmed their previous speculation that that lucky guy Steven must have made a major discovery in this antique shop.

As for what the major discovery is, we can only ask that guy Steven after he comes out of it!

Just when many onlookers and media reporters outside were discussing and looking forward to it, inside the antique shop, Ye Tian and the others were also preparing to pack their things and leave.

Ye Tian reassembled the antique dressing table and restored it to its original shape, then turned to Gatlink and Jurgen, said with a smile:

"Gatlinck, Jurgen, should we sign a provisional agreement? This will be more formal, and then you can take away the oil painting from Miró's cubism period.

When you go back and organize antique art appraisal experts to complete the appraisal and confirm the authenticity of the painting, if you decide to acquire this top art work, you can sign a transaction contract with me at any time.

If you don't plan to acquire this top art piece, that's okay, just return this oil painting to me at that time, as before, it's best to make a decision before I leave Europe.

For you, the Royal Museum of Fine Arts of Belgium, I still trust you, and I believe that you will not steal this top-level artwork, and no one will be able to hide it from my eyes."

"No problem, Steven, we can sign the agreement now, your lawyer happens to be here, and there are quite a few witnesses here, there are no procedural problems.

It's a pity that you don't want to keep these pieces of Queen Mary's top jewelry in Belgium. It's a pity. If you can keep them, it will be perfect!

As for the appraisal of this Miró painting, you don't have to worry. We will organize experts to conduct appraisal as soon as possible, but it's just a procedure, and it won't take long.

The Royal Museum of Fine Arts of Belgium will definitely acquire this Miró painting. Is it easy to come across such a Miró painting in transition period? We are willing to miss it!

After the appraisal is completed, I will contact you as soon as possible to sign a formal transaction contract. It must be before you leave Europe. You guys are waiting to collect the money! "

Gatrink said beamingly,

The expression is extremely excited.

Jurgen next to him was the same, his face beaming and his eyes shining brightly.

For them, today's trip was really worth it!

This time, he not only witnessed a series of major discoveries capable of causing a sensation in the world, saw several priceless antique works of art, but more importantly, took down this important painting that represented the change of Miró's artistic style.

Undoubtedly, this is a huge achievement, worthy of a champagne to celebrate.

Of course, they also had some regrets, that is, they failed to win the top jewelry of Queen Mary, especially the famous diamond necklace with great historical significance.

But they also knew very well that even if Ye Tian was willing to keep the diamond necklace in Belgium, their museum would not be able to take it. It was just an unrealistic dream.

Ye Tian didn't immediately sign an agreement with these two, but pointed to the set of antique furniture next to him and said:

"Tell me about this set of Rococo-style antique furniture of Martha Christina's servant. Are you interested in collecting it in the Royal Museum of Fine Arts of Belgium or the Museum of Belgian History?

At this time, the significance of this set of antique furniture is different from before. Not only do they have hidden compartments, but they have been hiding Queen Mary's top jewelry for more than two hundred years.

Because of these pieces of legendary top-level jewelry, this set of antique furniture will definitely become famous, and its value will also rise, which is more than ten times higher than the price I bought!

If you intend to collect this set of antique furniture, you will not bother me. Take this opportunity to transport this set of antique furniture away, so that we don’t have to do it ourselves.

If you have no interest in this set of Rococo-style antique furniture, then I am going to send it to a famous auction house in Brussels, and I believe it can fetch a very good price! "

Gatrink and Jurgen turned their heads to look at the set of antique furniture at the same time, and exchanged opinions in whispers.

In the blink of an eye, they made a decision.

"Steven, I'm convinced, you are not only extremely lucky, you are a top professional treasure hunter and expert in antique art appraisal, and you are also extremely shrewd.

As for this set of special antique furniture, the Royal Museum of Fine Arts really intends to collect it. Since you proposed it, let us transport them away. How about the price? "

Gatrink said angrily, but his eyes flashed with excitement.

"That's great. After all, we are away from home and it is not convenient to carry these bulky guys. The price is as I said just now, and it is ten times higher than the price I bought them!"

Ye Tian said with a light smile, and gave the exact price of this set of antique furniture.

"Whoa! You are a greedy guy, well, we accept the price, who made us like this antique rococo furniture!"

Gatlink nodded and accepted the price offered by Ye Tian, ​​with a hint of joy on his face, which he couldn't hide at all.

Next, under the witness of Joseph and Anderson, Ye Tian and Gatrink signed a provisional agreement and recorded a video.

After completing this procedure, Ye Tian picked up the painting from Miró's cubism period, and handed it to Gatrink himself.

Afterwards, Gatrink called in the security personnel of his own museum and asked them to move the set of antique furniture, while he hugged the Miró painting, not wanting to let go.

On the other side, Ye Tian whispered to Mathis:

"Let the guys outside get ready, we're going out soon, and we must never let anyone get close to me, Betty, whether it's reporters, onlookers, or the Belgian police!"

"Understood, Steven, leave it to us!"

Matisse replied in a deep voice, and then began to arrange through wireless invisible headphones.

In a blink of an eye, many armed security personnel outside completed the arrangement, and even Walker and the others, who were mixed in the crowd of onlookers, had already raised their vigilance.

After confirming that everything was ready, Ye Tian said to everyone around him and Brother Zhang and his wife:

"Okay, things here are completely over, it's time to leave! There are still a large group of onlookers and many media reporters waiting for us outside, that is another good show, let's go!"

After finishing speaking, he took Betty and walked towards the door, preparing to leave the antique shop.

At this moment, a voice that was extremely shrill and on the verge of collapse suddenly came from everyone's ears.

"Steven, you bloody devil, robber, liar! You can't just leave like nothing happened! You can't take those priceless treasures with you!

That Miró Cubist painting, and those pieces of Queen Mary's top jewellery, all belong to me, you shameless robbery! "

No need to ask, this is obviously the roar from Ghent, the owner of the antique shop. The voice is full of resignation and despair, and also full of unforgettable hatred!

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately stopped in his tracks, turned his head and looked coldly at Ghent, who was slumped on the ground with a face full of despair, and Ghent's son, whose eyes were red and angry.

"Mr. Ghent, everyone knows who these priceless treasures belong to. These treasures belong to my private property, and there is no doubt about it.

You have been in this industry for most of your life, and you should have the awareness of being picked up by others long ago. If you don't even have the ability to bear this, it can only be said that you have spent most of your life in vain!

As for which of the two of us is the liar, everyone can see very clearly. Although I often find mistakes, I have never deceived anyone, relying on my own strength and vision.

As I said just now, there are times when fate must be there, and there is no time for fate, so don’t force it! These treasures are obviously not meant for you, even if they are close at hand, you can't find them!

Here, I would like to advise you, try to be calm and calm, and don't expect treasures and wealth that you can't get at all, so that you can live for a few more years! "

After finishing speaking, Ye Tian turned around and pushed open the door of the antique shop, took Betty and walked out, ignoring the Gent father and son who had completely collapsed.

As soon as they walked out of the antique shop, there was an extremely shrill roar behind them, like a cuckoo crying blood!

"Steven, you bloody devil, I am at odds with you!"

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