Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1295 World Record

"Larson, forty-five million euros!"

Ye Tian announced the price loudly, the voice resounded throughout the auction hall, and shocked the audience.

Before his voice fell, the scene was completely blown up, and exclamations began to sound crazily.

"Oh my god! Forty-five million euros, did I hear you right? Is the currency unit quoted by that guy in Steven really the euro? It can't be the yen, right? How is this possible?

This is just a diamond, not Picasso or Monet, how could such a sky-high price be called? Could it be possible for Steven to regard this as a top art auction? "

"What a crazy guy, he really lives up to his reputation! Everyone, don't forget, the top jewelry that Steven picked up for nothing in Brussels yesterday once belonged to Queen Mary.

The famous diamond necklace closely related to the French Revolution alone is estimated to be worth ten Oppenheimer's blues. With this bowl of water at the bottom, Steven doesn't care about money.

As long as he likes it, he will dare to offer it at any price. How can others compete with him? There is no doubt that Oppenheimer's Blue will definitely fall into the hands of this guy, Steven! "

While exclaiming incessantly, everyone looked at Ye Tian, ​​with different eyes, full of envy, jealousy and hatred.

The few buyers who were still in the competition naturally also stared at him, eyes full of fear and helplessness!

"Ye Tian, ​​you kid is so crazy, if you don't sing, you will become a blockbuster! To compete with a guy like you, you must have a good heart, otherwise you will have to be shocked by your kid!

It seems that I have nothing to do with this Fancy Vivid blue diamond, so I'd better withdraw the troops as soon as possible, and then we'll see how you crush those jewel tycoons, that scene must be very enjoyable! "

Mr. Liu behind him said with a wry smile, with a bit of regret in his words.

Mrs. Liu, who was sitting next to him, was staring at the 'Oppenheimer's Blue' on the display shelf reluctantly, with a resentful expression on her face!

Ye Tian turned around and nodded to Mr. Liu, then smiled and said in a low voice:

"Sorry, Mr. Liu, we came to Antwerp this time just for the 'Oppenheimer Blue'. For this top-level fancy vivid blue diamond, I am bound to get it, and the price is not a problem at all!

Thank you so much for your high hand,

For you, this Fancy Vivid blue diamond is just the icing on the cake. As far as I know, you have won several top diamonds in succession in the past two years, let me give this one to you! "

Ye Tian chuckled and said in a low voice, secretly complimenting the other party a few words.

"You boy is really good at talking, no wonder you are so successful, I admire you! Next, I will see you, the back wave of the Yangtze River, how to beat those front waves to death on the beach!"

Mr. Liu smiled and said in a low voice, and directly gave Ye Tian a thumbs up, his eyes full of admiration.

Before he could finish speaking, Larson's excited and high-pitched voice was uploaded from the auction platform again and reached the ears of everyone present.

"The eighth buyer, Mr. Steven, quoted 45 million euros. The current price is 46 million euros, 46 million euros. Which gentleman or lady should offer? Don't miss this opportunity! "

While bidding loudly like a cannonball, Larson kept his eyes on the competitors in the front row and a Christie's staff member in the telephone bidding area, automatically filtering out everyone else!

At this point in the auction, there is no need to pay attention to other buyers.

The final buyer of 'Oppenheimer's Blue' can only be selected from among the few existing competitors, and it is basically impossible for any unexpected situation to occur!

When Larson's gaze swept over Mr. Liu's face, Mr. Liu shook his head with a light smile, officially announcing his withdrawal from the competition, and he behaved very gracefully!

Immediately afterwards, Larson looked at Mr. Zheng and Lawrence again.

Both of them were thinking about it, their expressions were quite dignified, even a little ugly, and they didn't respond!

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that Ye Tian's sudden appearance has brought heavy psychological pressure to them. The price of 46 million euros probably has already touched the upper limit of their quotation!

Even if they didn't hit the upper limit, it wouldn't be too far away, that's why they were so cautious and didn't raise their placards immediately to answer the price!

Afterwards, Larson looked at the Christie's employee in the telephone bidding area. The mysterious unknown competitor was participating in the bidding through that Christie's employee!

To Larson's disappointment, the Christie's employee also shook his head, announcing his withdrawal from the competition on behalf of the mysterious client on the other end of the phone.

At the same time, Mr. Zheng from Hong Kong and Lawrence from Graff Jewelry in the UK finally made a decision after some deliberation.

Mr. Zheng from Hong Kong shook his head slightly, announcing his withdrawal from the competition, then turned his head to look at Ye Tian, ​​and gave him a thumbs up!

It can be seen that there is still a bit of regret in his eyes, but more of envy and helplessness!

The decision Lawrence made was exactly the opposite. The old British man also turned his head to look at Ye Tian, ​​then gritted his molars, and accepted the offer of 46 million euros!

With almost no gap, Larson's passionate voice sounded again, still high-pitched and loud.

"Buyer No. 10 should ask for 46 million euros. It's Mr. Lawrence from the UK. The current price is 47 million euros, 47 million euros. Mr. Steven, do you agree?"

Larson directly named him by name, his eyes were fixed on Ye Tian, ​​and he could no longer see other people, his eyes were extremely hot!

Apart from Ye Tian, ​​there were no other competitors on the scene!

Not only Larson, everyone in the auction hall looked at Ye Tian, ​​expecting his response.

Ye Tian did not disappoint everyone. As soon as Larson's voice fell, he raised the bidding number plate in his hand and loudly announced a shocking price.

"Larson, fifty million euros!"

The scene was instantly quiet, deathly quiet, except for the sound of rapid breathing, there was no other sound.

Everyone was completely stunned by this crazy quotation, and they looked at Ye Tian dumbfounded, their eyes full of inconceivable and crazy.


Ye Tian patted his palms lightly twice, waking up everyone present!

There is no time to waste now, God knows when the Ante Weipu police will rush into the auction hall and stop the auction!

If the auction is interrupted at this time, it would be too bad luck!

Before the applause fell, the scene was completely boiling, and everyone hugged their heads and exclaimed.

"Fifty million euros! That's crazy. If I remember correctly, this should be the latest record for the auction price of a single gemstone in the world. It's unbelievable!"

"Without a doubt! This is a brand new world record, breaking all previous sales records for single gemstones. This guy Steven is really crazy to the extreme!

Wow! My buddies are really eye-opening today, to be able to see such an exciting scene, even if "Oppenheimer's Blue" has nothing to do with me, buddies are still honored! "

Amid wild exclamations, everyone in the auction hall stood up and looked towards Ye Tian.

"clap clap"

The applause began to sound, very warm!

Everyone at the scene applauded, giving Ye Tian their own applause.

This is a common practice in auctions. Every time there is a record auction price, there will be such warm applause!

In the blink of an eye, these passionate applause gathered together, and like a hurricane, madly swept the entire auction hall, swept every corner!

Lawrence was also applauding, and at the same time nodded to Ye Tian with a smile on his face, but that smile was awkward no matter how you looked at it, and his eyes were full of regret!

Seeing this scene, everyone at the scene immediately understood.

The end is set! The largest Fancy Vivid blue diamond in the history of auction in the world ahead, 'Oppenheimer's Blue', has fallen into the hands of that fellow Steven!

After nodding to Lawrence, Ye Tian turned his head to look at the auction stage, waiting for Larson to announce the auction result, and the hammer was sold!

At the same time, Matisse's voice came from the earphone again.

"Steven, the Pink Panthers have rushed out of the apartment building, rushed to the street behind the apartment building, and started to force their way out.

There were not many Antwerp policemen on the street behind the apartment building, and they were beaten by the Pink Panthers, and they were already defeated! "

"It seems that the 'Pink Panther' guys still have some strength, but I don't know if they can escape the frantic siege of the Antwerp police!

The ending here has been decided, I have successfully won the 'Oppenheimer Blue', and the most important thing is waiting for Larson to knock on the auction hammer! "

Ye Tian chuckled and said in a low voice, with a bit of complacency in his eyes.

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