Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1300 Wishful thinking

The meeting room fell silent, only the sound of heavy and rapid breathing, and no other sounds.

The French people on the opposite side were completely dumbfounded. They stared dumbfounded at the dazzling top-level jewelry on the table, and their eyeballs almost flew out of their sockets!

After a short pause, the French people on the opposite side had a good experience of being shocked, and then Ye Tian smiled and broke the silence in the meeting room.

"Gentlemen, these are the top jewels that once belonged to Queen Mary and now belong to me personally. Each piece has a magnificent history behind it, and each piece is of great value.

Regarding the authenticity of these top-level jewelry, I am very sure that jewelry of this level cannot be counterfeited at all. The things have been shown in front of you, and you can start to identify them.

Before starting the appraisal, I must explain some things. In order to avoid misunderstandings, these top-level jewelry must not leave my field of vision. You must also be cautious when conducting appraisals! "

Following Ye Tian's words, the obsessed Frenchmen on the opposite side immediately sobered up.

Immediately afterwards, several Frenchmen hugged their heads in excitement and exclaimed, each of them looking crazy.

"My God! These jewels are so beautiful, they are beyond compare. They are undoubtedly the same jewels that Queen Marie smuggled to Brussels during the Revolution, authentic!"

"Wow! This diamond necklace actually exists in the world, and a part of history during the Great Revolution was indeed about to be rewritten. What a great discovery this is!

Queen Mary was sent to the guillotine. Now it seems that she is not wronged. She deserved it. This diamond necklace is too luxurious and dazzling. It is absolutely priceless! "

After expressing their ecstasy to their heart's content, the Frenchmen calmed down a little.

Immediately afterwards, Martinez struggled to move his eyes away from the dazzling jewelry, looked up at Ye Tian, ​​and said excitedly:

"Don't worry, Steven, we will be extremely careful! To you, these jewels are just a few valuable antique works of art that can be sent to auction.

But for us, these pieces of jewelry embody a piece of French history, and it is the most magnificent and passionate piece of history in France. Can we be careless? "


I understand your feelings. These are indeed several very important historical evidences, which are of great significance! Well, you can start the identification, please! "

As he spoke, Ye Tian stretched out his hand and pushed the three pieces of jewelry forward, directly in front of Martinez and Benoit.

The next moment, the French people on the opposite side felt like being electrocuted. They immediately pushed away their chairs and stood up. They gathered together and began to admire the three pieces of jewelry.

At this time, everyone's eyes were shining with excitement, and they all looked fascinated, staring at the three pieces of jewelry closely, tsk tsk in admiration!

Ye Tian and the others sat in their seats leisurely, laughing and chatting in low voices, while tasting the mellow coffee, waiting for the French to finish their appraisal.

At that time, you can negotiate terms and then slaughter the French together.

After appreciating for a while, the experts on antique artwork appraisal and jewelry appraisal on the opposite side took out their identification equipment, flashlight, magnifying glass, etc., and began to carefully appraise those jewelry.

As for the identification results, do you still need to ask?

It took about fifteen minutes for several experts from the Louvre and Fontainebleau to complete the appraisal, and the conclusions they reached were completely consistent.

"Martinez, there is no doubt that these jewels belonged to Queen Mary and were secretly sent to Brussels during the Revolution. They are very important historical relics.

Their reappearance in the world will definitely rewrite a period of history during the Great Revolution, and will also unravel some of the historical doubts related to it. For France, these are national treasure-level antiques! "

An expert in the appraisal of antique works of art from the Louvre said decisively, giving the conclusion of the appraisal, his voice trembling with excitement.

On the other side, the appraisal experts of the Fontainebleau Palace were not idle either. One of them presented the appraisal conclusion to Benoit, his eyes glowing equally excitedly!

"Great! This is really a great discovery, enough to make a sensation in France!"

Martinez and Benova cheered at the same time, and waved their arms vigorously, almost crazy.

At this moment, Ye Tian stood up suddenly, stretched his ape arms and took the three pieces of jewelry back. The movement was so fast that the French didn't even react.

By the time they realized it, it was too late, the three priceless top jewelry items had returned to Ye Tian, ​​and they were placed on the table in front of him, within reach!

The cheers stopped abruptly! The scene was quiet again!

The Frenchmen were all dumbfounded, they didn't know how to deal with it for a while, they stared at Ye Tian dumbfounded.

"Gentlemen, the appraisal is over. The conclusion is exactly the same as what I said. There is no discrepancy. In this case, should we talk about the transaction? I hope we can reach an agreement!"

Ye Tian said with a light smile, waking up the French people on the opposite side.

After waking up, Martinez was about to speak, but was robbed by the guy from the French Ministry of Culture.

"Mr. Steven, these jewels once belonged to Queen Mary, and now they belong to France, to all French people, and are of great historical significance.

I hope you can return these jewels to France. To express our gratitude, our French government will publicly reward your behavior and give you some financial compensation! "

Hearing this, everyone at the scene looked at Ye Tian.

The eyes of the French people on the opposite side are full of expectations, expecting him to give the most perfect answer!

Although they also know that there is basically no such possibility, but if they are not guaranteed, there will be miracles!

Betty and Anderson are different, they are all smiling, waiting to see a good show!

Ye Tian turned his head to look at the official from the French Ministry of Culture, then sneered with disdain and said:

"It is undeniable that these three pieces of top jewelry once belonged to Queen Mary, and Queen Mary secretly sent them to Brussels during the French Revolution, this is a fact!

But that was once, they belong to me now, they are my private property, inviolable, this is also an iron fact, no one can deny it, and I have legal transaction documents.

Let me donate these top-level jewelry to France in exchange for a reward and some financial compensation. I am very sorry that I can't do it and let you down. Maybe my awareness is not enough!

To put it bluntly, you are purely wishful thinking, and there is no possibility of realizing it at all. To make such an excessive request on this occasion, to be honest, it is a bit beyond my expectation.

There is only one way to bring these top-level jewelry back to France and display them in French museums, and that is to agree to my transaction terms and exchange them with antique works of art!

If you can't accept my conditions, then I'm sorry, you may have to go to New York to participate in the autumn auction and compete with other buyers who are interested in these jewelry.

That is also a way to get these top-level jewelry. France is a developed country, and it is not short of money. I hope you can defeat all opponents and take these jewelry!

But you also have to be prepared to fail. For jewelry from European royal families, the super rich in the United States have always flocked to it, not to mention such a famous priceless treasure! "

Before he could finish his words, the eyes of the French people on the opposite side had already started to burst into anger, each of them gritted their teeth, wishing they could jump over and beat Ye Tian up, that would only relieve their hatred!

Especially the guy from the French Ministry of Culture, his complexion changed instantly, he was swollen like a pig's liver, it was extremely ugly, and his teeth were gnashing loudly!

Betty and Anderson, who were sitting on both sides of Ye Tian, ​​tried their best to hold back their smiles, all of them were crazy happy!

As soon as Ye Tian finished speaking, the official from the French Ministry of Culture stood up suddenly, his eyes wide open, and he was about to explode.

However, Martinez reached out in time to stop the guy, telling him to control his emotions and sit down first.

Afterwards, Martinez turned back to look at Ye Tian, ​​and said solemnly:

"Steven, according to the rules in the field of antique art collections, I have to admit that those top jewels do belong to you, there is no legal doubt about that.

Since you don't plan to return those jewels to France and are going to exchange them with us, then it is better to be respectful than to obey. Tell me about your transaction terms, we are all ears! "

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