Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1307 Palace of Art

Go east along Rivoli Street for a short distance, and cross a crossroad, which is Plaza Caruso, also known as Pyramid Square.

The entrance of the Louvre, the glass pyramid of the Louvre designed by the Chinese architect Mr. I.M. Pei, is located on the east side of the Arc de Triomphe of Caruso.

Walking to the intersection, Ye Tian immediately pointed to a gold-plated sculpture on the north side of the intersection and in the middle of the street, riding a horse and holding a flag high, and introduced:

"This is a sculpture of Joan of Arc, completed in 1874. Joan of Arc is a French national hero, nicknamed 'The Maiden of Orleans', and one of the few Catholic female saints!"

While speaking, the group of them had already walked in front of the statue of Joan of Arc, and then stopped to admire the gilded figure sculpture.

At the same time, Ye Tian continued to play the role of narrator, introducing the story about Joan of Arc to Betty and Anderson.

"Saint Joan of Arc was a French rural girl, and she was illiterate. From the moment she walked out of the countryside to her death, in just a few short years, she left a strong mark in French history!

During the Hundred Years' War between Britain and France, Joan of Arc, who was only a teenager, led the already weak French army to fight a series of battles with the invading British army and won many victories one after another.

The victories she achieved one after another on the battlefield greatly inspired the French people at that time, and also made her a legendary heroine herself, and even put on a layer of mythology.

Even the French emperor at that time, Charles VII, was crowned in Reims, France under her support, and officially became the king of France, successfully maintaining the legitimacy of the French king.

It is a pity that in a small-scale battle in 1430, the queen Joan of Arc was pitted by pig teammates, unfortunately captured by the enemy, and finally burned to death by the British on charges of heresy and witches,..."

After staying in front of the bronze statue of Joan of Arc for two or three minutes, Ye Tian and the others strolled across the road and officially entered Caruso Square.

Walking past the side of the Museum of Decorative Arts, the huge palace complex of the Louvre appeared in front of everyone, magnificent, exquisite and shocking!

The Arc de Triomphe of Caruso and the glass pyramid in front of the Louvre also came into view.

Especially the glass pyramid, although it is a modern building, its style is quite different from the surrounding buildings, but it does not look obtrusive, but rather beautiful.

It was not yet nine o'clock in the morning,

The Louvre hasn't opened yet, but around the glass pyramid of the Louvre, on the square in front, and on the Place Caruso, there are already crowded and bustling crowds.

Obviously, these are tourists from all over the world waiting to enter the Louvre, everyone is excited and looking forward to it!

Ye Tian and the others who entered Caruso Square were also part of these tourists, and they were also looking forward to the next visit.

You know, this is the Louvre, the first of the four major museums in the world, the most famous art palace in the world, the largest art treasure house in the world, and the palace of all treasures that attract worldwide attention!

Anyone who likes antique works of art, or any tourist who comes to Paris, cannot miss this palace of art, let alone Ye Tian, ​​who is a top expert in identifying antique works of art!

Not far forward, Ye Tian and the others came to the Arc de Triomphe of Caruso, then stopped and began to admire the ancient Arc de Triomphe.

The Arc de Triomphe of Caruso was originally the entrance to the Tuileries Palace. After the disappearance of the Tuileries Palace, the Arc de Triomphe became the main symbol of Caruso Square.

The original intention of the French to build the Arc de Triomphe of Caruso was to highlight Napoleon's great achievements and remember this Corsican dwarf who made the French proud!

The rose-colored marble bas-reliefs on the Arc de Triomphe represent Napoleon's diplomatic and military victories.

These reliefs specifically depict scenes from the Treaty of Pressburg, Napoleon's entry into Munich, Napoleon's entry into Vienna, the Battle of Austerlitz, the Treaty of Tilsit, and the surrender of Ulm.

At the top of Caruso's Arc de Triomphe, there are four bronze horses standing. Beside the horses, there is a gold-plated goddess of peace and victory. The sculpture is very beautiful, vivid and lifelike!

Compared with the Arc de Triomphe in Paris at the west end of the Champs-Elysées, which stands in the center of the Charles de Gaulle Square, the Arc de Triomphe in Caruso is nearly twice as small, but has a longer history, about 30 years earlier than the Arc de Triomphe in Paris!

After admiring the Arc de Triomphe of Caruso for a while, Ye Tian and the others passed through the round arch under the Arc de Triomphe, and continued to stroll forward, heading straight for the glass pyramid in front of the Louvre after taking a few photos.

Not far forward, after passing through a garden in the middle of the street, Ye Tian and the others formally entered the square in front of the Louvre, very close to the glass pyramid.

At this moment, Matisse's voice suddenly came from the earphones.

"Steven, look at your front left, there are three Arab guys approaching us, sneaky, obviously with bad intentions!"

"I've seen those three guys a long time ago. Just as we came over from the garden in the middle of the street, these guys are staring at us. Specifically, they are staring at me and Betty. They have good eyesight!

There is no doubt that these three guys are very likely to be thieves. Judging from their appearance, it is highly likely that they are immigrants, either from North Africa or from the Arab region of the Middle East.

There are thieves everywhere in Paris, especially some famous tourist attractions, which are a paradise for thieves. As expected, we have only left the hotel for a long time, and we were targeted by thieves!

If it was a different time and a different location, I would still be in the mood to tease these short-sighted guys, but forget it now, the Louvre is about to open, and I'm not in the mood to deal with these bastards.

Go up and warn them, tell them to go away! Pay attention to safety, these guys are likely to be armed, or they can be handed over to the Paris police who are following us! "

Ye Tian sneered and said in a low voice, and glanced disdainfully at the three Arab thieves who were approaching.

While saying these words, Ye Tian also secretly turned on the perspective, thoroughly seeing through the three guys.

As he expected, the three guys all had daggers on their bodies. For Mathis and the others, this thing was not a threat at all.

"Understood, Steven, leave it to us, we will be careful, but it's just three thieves, what threat can there be?"

As he spoke, Mattis stepped forward with two security personnel and walked straight to the three Arab thieves.

Next, after being warned face-to-face by Matisse and the others, the three Arab thieves retreated immediately, quickly backed away, and quickly opened the distance between them and Matisse and the others.

When they backed away, the three guys all took a deep look at Ye Tian and Betty, their eyes flashed with fear and greed at the same time.

Obviously, they finally recognized the true identities of Ye Tian and Betty, even though Ye Tian and Betty were wearing sunglasses.

The three thieves had just retreated, and the Paris policemen in plain clothes who followed Ye Tian and the others immediately separated into two people and quickly followed the three thieves.

No need to ask, the Paris police are here to warn those idiots, so that they don't get angry, bring death for themselves, and cause a lot of trouble for the police.

While talking, it was nine o'clock in the morning, and it was time for the Louvre to open.

Like all the tourists who came to visit the Louvre, Ye Tian and the others, who bought the tickets early, also chose a line to stand, and began to follow the line, slowly entering the Louvre!

At the main entrance of the glass pyramid, Ye Tian and the others first underwent a security check. After making sure that they were not carrying any weapons, they passed through the security checkpoint and began to walk down a spiral staircase.

About ten minutes later, Ye Tian and the others, who had completed the ticket checking process on the basement level of the glass pyramid, walked to the Denon Pavilion on the first level, officially starting the art tour of the Louvre!

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