Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1313 Running wild in the big gallery

Because they were going to visit the famous Grand Gallery of the Louvre, Ye Tian and the others did not spend two or three hours on a lunch like the French tourists in the restaurant.

They finished their lunch in less than an hour, and they were the fastest diners in the entire restaurant.

Then they said goodbye to Martinez and others, then left the dining room next to Napoleon III's bedroom, and walked happily to the Louvre Grand Gallery on the second floor of the Denon Pavilion.

The Denon Pavilion, named after Denon, the first curator of the Louvre, houses almost all the most famous paintings of the Louvre, including the well-known "Mona Lisa" .

The large gallery located on the second floor of the Denon Pavilion is a straight corridor with a length of more than 450 meters. On both sides of the corridor are countless famous top oil paintings in the history of Western art, mainly Italian paintings.

One of the three masters after the Renaissance, the other two paintings by Da Vinci, "Our Lady of the Rocks" and "St. John the Baptist", hang in this corridor.

As for Da Vinci's other masterpiece, the "Mona Lisa", it is in the special Mona Lisa Hall, protected by several layers of extremely strong bulletproof glass, which cannot be approached at all, but can only be viewed from a distance.

In the middle of the large gallery, there is a passage that leads directly to the Mona Lisa Hall. While visiting the large gallery, you can visit the "Mona Lisa" at any time.

In addition to many Italian paintings, the Louvre sometimes makes some adjustments, moving some famous paintings from the French painting hall on the other side of the Mona Lisa hall to the large gallery.

These famous paintings include "The Coronation of Napoleon I", "Liberty Leading the People", "The Oath of the Horatii", "The Raft of Medusa" and other brilliant top artworks.

Because these top artworks from Italy and France are well-known in the history of Western art, the Grand Gallery has become the most important artwork display area of ​​the Louvre.

No matter who, no matter where the tourists come from, if you visit the Louvre, you must not miss the Grand Gallery, let alone Ye Tian, ​​a top expert in antique art appraisal!

While talking, Ye Tian and the others stepped up the Samothrace stairs again and walked towards the large gallery on the second floor of the Denon Hall.

During the march, Ye Tian also introduced the past and present of the Grand Gallery to Betty and the others.

"The Grand Gallery was originally a passage connecting the Louvre and the Tuileries Palace, built by the founder of the Bourbon dynasty, King Henry IV of France, in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries.

This is a large-scale famous promenade,

It took thirteen years to complete and is the most spectacular part of the Louvre, as well as the most spectacular art gallery in the world.

During the period of the Second French Empire, the length of the Grand Gallery was shortened to two-thirds of its original length, which is what we are about to see. It is still breathtaking and shocking!

For example, Henry IV was a hunting maniac. He once galloped his horse in the Grand Gallery to hunt down foxes. This shows how grand the Louvre Grand Gallery is! ..."

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian and the others had passed the Samothrace stairs to the Louvre Grand Gallery on the second floor of the Denon Pavilion.

It was lunch time at this time. Compared with the peak hours of visiting in the morning and afternoon, the number of visitors in the artwork display area was much less, and most people went to the rest area to have lunch.

Some visitors left the Louvre and went out to eat. After lunch, many people will return to the Louvre to visit again, as long as they keep the ticket stubs, there is no need to buy tickets again.

The only trouble is that these visitors have to line up again and accept another security check.

Of course, there are also a lot of visitors who come to the Louvre to check in and leave. They have no interest in staying here to appreciate the artwork.

They are probably more interested in the Pont des Arts next to the Louvre and on the Seine River. It may be more meaningful to them to hang a lock that symbolizes love there.

In addition, there is the Champs Elysees not far away, which can be said to be a place of pilgrimage for countless women, and the attraction is extremely huge!

Just walked into the large gallery, before everyone had time to appreciate the world's most famous art gallery, they saw a strange scene.

At the entrance of the large gallery, three guys in their teens and twenties stood side by side, two men and one woman. Everyone leaned forward and made a posture of preparing to start, with an extremely excited expression on their faces.

Almost at the same time Ye Tian and the others saw these three guys, the girl standing in the middle shouted.

"Run! Whoever reaches the finish line first is the winner!"

Before the words were finished, the three guys rushed out holding hands like wild horses running wild, and rushed towards the other end of the large gallery.


While striding wildly, these three guys were also laughing wantonly, heartily and unrestrainedly!

In particular, the girl's laughter in the middle was like a silver bell, clear and sweet, resounding through the entire gallery of the Louvre!

Regarding these guys' unrestrained actions, several security personnel at the entrance of the large gallery could only look at each other with a wry smile, and then immediately ran after them.

The other two security personnel who were 20 to 30 meters ahead quickly moved to the middle of the large gallery, each with open arms, ready to intercept the three guys who were rushing towards them!

Seeing the scene in front of her eyes, Betty immediately exclaimed excitedly.

"Wow! This is the famous 'running in the big gallery', right? I didn't expect to see this scene as soon as I entered the big gallery. It's so interesting!"

While exclaiming, Betty even showed an expression of eagerness to try, as if she was also preparing to run wildly in the world's most famous art gallery!

Anderson, who was standing on the other side of Ye Tian, ​​and Mathis, who were behind, were all at a loss, unable to understand the specific meaning of the scene in front of them.

"Steven, what is 'running in the grand gallery'? Is there any allusion? Those guys are so brave, they dare to run wild in the grand gallery of the Louvre.

If they accidentally knock over a sculpture, or destroy a painting hanging on the wall, they are ready to lose their fortune, probably crying to death in the toilet! "

Anderson asked curiously, eyes full of puzzlement.

Ye Tian looked at the three guys who had been stopped by the security personnel, then smiled and said:

"'Running in the Grand Gallery' is indeed an allusion. The first person to run in the Grand Gallery was the builder of the Grand Gallery, King Henry IV of France, but he galloped on horseback.

In the early 1960s, the famous French film director Truffaut shot a scene of three people running wildly on the bridge in his best love movie "Jule and Jim".

This classic love movie must be familiar to everyone, especially the heroine Catherine, who was portrayed by Truffaut as an "eternal woman", a woman who cannot be owned!

Not long after, in another French film "Outlaws", director Godard, in order to pay tribute to "Jules and Jim", reproduced the scene of the three running wildly, and the location was the Grand Gallery of the Louvre.

With the popularity of "Outlaws", "Running in the Grand Gallery" became a behavior that countless men and women in love rushed to imitate. It became a common practice, and it also caused a headache for the Louvre.

In 2004, the famous Italian film director Bertolucci once again reproduced the classic movie scene of running wildly in a large gallery in his love movie "Dream of Paris".

With the help of these famous film directors and classic love movies, "running wildly in the big gallery" has become an extremely romantic behavior, which has been imitated by countless young men and women!

What we are seeing at this moment is the reappearance of the classic movie scene of "running wildly in the big gallery". Unfortunately, these three guys obviously can't run to the other end of the big gallery! "

After hearing Ye Tian's explanation, Anderson and the others immediately became emotional.

"Wow! I see, this is a very romantic move, but the risks are a bit high!"

"Just like the legend, the French are really romantic to the bone!"

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