Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1328 Love Lock Bridge

In just a few minutes, Ye Tian and the others walked through the south exit of Pyramid Square to the François Mitterrand Avenue on the Seine River, and walked along the sidewalk near the river to the Pont des Arts not far away.

This is a beautiful street. On the left is the Renaissance-style art palace, the Louvre, and on the right is the picturesque scenery of the Seine River.

Ye Tian and the others were laughing and chatting while admiring the beautiful scenery on both sides of the street. It didn't take long before they reached the bridge head of the Pont des Arts on the north bank of the Seine.

The Pont des Arts in Paris, located on the Seine River, spans the north and south banks. It was built in 1804. It was destroyed by German bombing during the two world wars and was finally rebuilt in the 1980s.

In 1804, in order to connect the French Academy and the Art Exhibition Hall on the north and south banks of the Seine River, the then French Emperor Napoleon ordered the construction of this pedestrian-only bridge.

In the past one or two hundred years, this is just an ancient bridge for pedestrians. Although it has a long history, it does not have much romantic color. It is just a very ordinary wooden bridge on the Seine River!

There are many shrubs and green plants planted on this pedestrian bridge, and there are benches for pedestrians to rest.

Because of its unique location, this bridge is known as the "Sky Art Garden on the Seine", which is its relationship with art and why it got its name!

But at the beginning of this century, because of the famous love book, Federico Mocha's "I'm Sorry, I Love You", this ordinary bridge has just gained fame and gradually developed into one of the most romantic landscapes in Paris.

In "I'm Sorry, I Love You", the protagonist hangs the lock with his name on Rome's Miovio Bridge and throws the key into the Tiber River to represent eternal love.

With the popularity of this love book, the trend of hanging love locks first rose in Rome, and then swept the whole of Europe and even the whole world.

The most famous of these is the Pont des Arts in Paris. In just a few years, the Pont des Arts has been covered with all kinds of locks that symbolize love, and there is almost no gap!

The number and weight of the love locks hanging on the Pont des Arts even crushed some sections of the bridge, forcing the French government to remove a large number of love locks to relieve the pressure on the Pont des Arts!

Although this romantic trend of hanging love locks on bridges became popular all over the world because of "Sorry, I Love You", it is not the first move.

In many parts of the world,

Including China, there has been a tradition of hanging love locks since ancient times. The tops of famous mountains and rivers such as Huangshan and Taishan in China are covered with concentric locks that symbolize love.

The tradition of Europeans chaining bridges began in the early 20th century to commemorate the lovers who died in the war and express their thoughts. Over time, this tradition has been maintained.

Because of the love locks on the bridge, the Pont des Arts in Paris is also known as the "Love Lock Bridge".

For couples in love, it is undoubtedly a very romantic thing to hang a "love lock" symbolizing eternal love on the Pont des Arts in Paris, and then throw the key into the Seine River.

Especially women in love pay more attention to this kind of thing, such as Betty, she is no exception!

During this trip to Paris, apart from the custom-made wedding dress and the top jewelry worn during the wedding, hanging a "love lock" on the Pont des Arts in Paris is probably the most important thing in her heart.

As soon as she reached the bridge, Betty's eyes were already shining with excitement. She wished she could rush to the Pont des Arts immediately, lock the padlock she brought from New York on the bridge, and then throw the key into the Seine River far away!

However, when Ye Tian took her up the Art Bridge and saw the densely packed padlocks on the guardrails on both sides of the bridge, leaving almost no gaps, she couldn't help feeling worried again.

"Honey, where do we hang the lock? The guardrails on both sides are covered with locks, and there is no gap at all. You can't lock it on someone else's padlock, right?"

Betty frowned and whispered, holding a golden padlock brought from New York in her hand.

It was a padlock specially customized by Betty in New York before coming to Europe. It was very exquisite and beautiful, and the names of Ye Tian and Betty were engraved on it, which was quite romantic.

Hearing Betty's words, Ye Tian immediately smiled and said in a low voice:

"It doesn't matter, my dear, the Pont des Arts in Paris is so long, let's walk forward slowly, looking for a suitable padlock location while enjoying the scenery of the Seine River.

I believe that we can always find a suitable padlock location. If you can’t find it on the bridge, then I will dig out the bridge deck and go to the outside or under the bridge to find a suitable padlock location. I will definitely find it! "

"It's better to lock it on the guardrails on both sides of the bridge. If there is really no suitable position, then forget it. This is just a formality. There is no need to take the risk of digging out of the bridge to find it!"

Betty chuckled and said in a low voice, without forcing it.

While chatting, their footsteps did not stop. They strolled on the Pont des Arts, admiring the beautiful scenery on the Seine River, while paying attention to the situation on the guardrails on both sides.

Matisse and the others had already dispersed, walking around Ye Tian and the others, vigilantly observing the surrounding situation, and also paying attention to the situation on the Seine River.

During the march, they paid great attention to their positions and were always on high alert.

Seemingly inadvertently, they had woven a safety net around Ye Tian and Betty, and used their bodies to block Ye Tian's sight from all directions from time to time to avoid being attacked!

The well-trained tactical actions of Matisse and the others fell into the eyes of the few Paris policemen who followed behind, making those guys gasp for air, secretly terrified!

"Steven, a damned bastard, he didn't come to Paris to travel, he just came to make trouble, okay? Who the hell is traveling with an army? And he's a special elite!"

Ye Tian and the others didn't know what the Paris police thought, and even if they knew, they wouldn't bother to answer them!

There is no other reason, they have seen this kind of situation a lot, and they have long been used to it!

At this moment, Ye Tian's attention has been completely attracted by the beautiful scenery of the Seine River, and there is nothing else in his eyes!

The turn of summer and autumn is one of the most beautiful times of the year on the Seine River.

The sparkling, crystal-clear Seine reflects the shadow of the Louvre. The river flows quietly, passing under the Pont des Arts in Paris, and then flowing into the distance, gentle and poetic!

On both sides of the Seine River, there are many historical buildings built in various eras and artistic styles, including Gothic architecture, Renaissance architecture, Baroque architecture and so on.

Row upon row of buildings of various styles is like a chronicle of western architecture. The variety of styles and the exquisiteness of the buildings are dizzying!

It is these historical buildings that truly reflect the long history of the city, and also add a lot of humanistic flavor to the Seine River, making this river even more moving!

The reason why the Pont des Arts is called the Sky Art Garden, of course, has its reasons.

Standing on the Pont des Arts overlooking the distance, you can see the Eiffel Tower standing on the Champ de Mars on the south bank of the Seine, and you can also see the Luxor Obelisk standing on the Place de la Concorde engraved with ancient Egyptian characters!

Looking to the east, it is the Ile de la Cité located in the center of the Seine River. You can clearly see the Gothic tower of Notre Dame de Paris, and it seems that you can still hear the ancient bell from the Middle Ages.

Looking from far to near, on the north bank of the Seine, also known as the right bank of the Seine, is the famous Louvre Museum, a veritable art palace.

A little further on the left bank is another famous museum, the Musée d'Orsay, across the river from the Louvre. It is called 'the most beautiful museum in Europe' and displays countless dazzling top-level artworks!

A little closer to the Voltaire Binhe Road, there are many cafes scattered all over the place, each with its own characteristics, very emotional, full of literary and artistic atmosphere!

It is said that on the left bank of the Seine, if you walk into a cafe casually, if you don’t pay attention, you may sit on the chair where Hemingway sat, under the lamp where Sartre wrote, or lean against the window where Picasso was in a daze.

Like the Louvre, the cafe on the left bank is a business card of Paris and a brilliant world cultural heritage!

It is the spiritual home of artists, and Left Bank coffee stimulates people's inspiration and enliven people's thinking.

The left bank of the Seine combines coffee with literature and art, coffee with creativity and individuality.

As a saying that all Parisians agree with, 'People on the Left Bank talk about art in cafes, and people in other places talk about coffee in cafes'.

Even Ye Tian, ​​who is not a Parisian, can't help thinking about the unique cafes on the left bank of the Seine, and he is filled with emotion.

"'Happiness is like God living in France'. This proverb widely circulated in Europe is so true. God really favors France and Paris too much, and gives Paris all the good things!"

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