In the coffee shop, many customers and shop assistants who were still in shock were lying on the ground or hiding behind the tables, chairs and bar counters. Everyone's eyes were full of fear and even trembling!

Among these people who were avoiding danger, there were three motorcycle riders wearing leather clothes and helmets, also lying on the floor, their outfits were very conspicuous.

At this moment, they were discussing in low voices while looking nervously at the street outside the coffee shop.

"The gunfire stopped. It seems that the battle is over. I don't know who are the two sides in the exchange of fire, who wins and who loses? These bastards are crazy. How dare they wantonly fight on the Champs Elysees Avenue!"

"I'm sure it's 100% a terrorist attack. Only those fanatical religious extremists would be so crazy, fearless of life and death, and dare to create a large-scale attack on the Champs Elysees!"

"Did you hear that? Two heavy motorcycles fled here quickly. There must be terrorists running away. The outside is still very dangerous. If I heard correctly, they are two Yamaha heavy motorcycles!"

Hearing the discussion of the three motorcyclists, several customers and shop assistants around nodded slightly, agreeing with their conclusions.

Not only the customers and clerks in this cafe, but almost all the tourists on the Champs-Elysées and the people who work here think that this is another terrorist attack in Paris!

Of course, the tourists and clerks inside Graff's jewelry store, as well as the people near the jewelry store, don't think so.

They were very sure that this was a disaster brought to Paris by Steven's bastard. It had nothing to do with the terrorist attack, but the tragedy of the scene was no less than that of a terrorist attack!

The gunshots stopped for a while, and the atmosphere in the coffee shop eased a little, and everyone was not particularly nervous anymore!

A few bold customers who were closer to the door even raised their upper body and began to look outside.

Almost at the same time when they looked up, two black shadows suddenly flashed outside the window at a very fast speed.


With a loud noise, the door of the coffee shop was suddenly knocked open from the outside, and two tall figures directly broke into the coffee shop and stopped a little behind the door.

This sudden change almost didn't scare the souls of the people in the coffee shop away, and the screams immediately sounded, full of panic.


The ear-piercing scream just started, but was suppressed by a voice from the door.

"Everyone don't need to be too nervous. We don't have any malicious intentions, and we won't hurt you. It's safe outside. You can stand up. It won't be very comfortable lying on the ground!"

Hearing this, the people in the coffee shop raised their heads and looked at the two guys standing at the door.

The next moment, there was an exclamation at the scene.

"I'll go! It's Steven, that crazy guy. Don't ask, the shootout outside must have started because of him, and it has nothing to do with the terrorist attack!"

"Fake! This guy is exactly like the legend. He is a plague god through and through. No matter where he goes, he will bring blood and killing!"

Hearing the people's discussion in the coffee shop, Ye Tian's face turned red a little, he was somewhat embarrassed.

But now is not the time to be embarrassed, and besides, I can't blame myself for today's fire merger, but I can only blame the Pink Panther's scum who wanted to die!

Without the slightest hesitation, Ye Tian once again interrupted the discussion of everyone present.

"You are not mistaken, I am Steven, I am very glad to meet you here, good afternoon, Paris is a very beautiful city, except of course, now!

Who owns the black Ducati Devil XS outside and the silver-gray Augusta F4RR? We want to borrow it and go after a few scumbags!

It should be said that I would like to buy those two really nice and cool heavy duty motorcycles so that we can let them go without worrying about damaging the vehicle or worrying about the owner!

The price I gave is very generous. One hundred thousand euros per car is enough for you to buy two Ducati Devil XS and two Augusta F4RRs. It is a very cost-effective business! "

When he said these words, Ye Tian fixed his eyes on the three motorcyclists, waiting for their reply.

Before he finished speaking, two of the knights jumped up with their helmets in their hands, and began to celebrate crazily. They don't remember any gun battles, and they don't care about any danger!

"Whoa! One hundred thousand euros for my Ducati Devil XS, did I hear you right? This is simply amazing, what a day!"

"One hundred thousand euros! It's unbelievable. Not only can I buy another Augusta F4RR, but I can also earn tens of thousands of euros. Is there anything more beautiful than this?"

Ye Tian smiled softly, and then interrupted the two ecstatic motorcycle riders.

"Guys, you heard me right, a car worth 100,000 euros, my lawyer is at the Graff jewelry store not far away, you can go to find him, or go back to Hotel Regina to ask me to get the money.

Regarding my reputation, you can rest assured that my buddies always keep their promises and keep their promises. Now hand over your motorcycle keys, we are about to set off, and there is no time to waste here.

One more thing, take off your special motorcycle knee pads and hand them over to us along with the motorcycle keys. We should be able to use them in the next pursuit! "

"Of course we believe you, Steven. For a super rich man like you, two hundred thousand euros is nothing more than a drop in the bucket, and we don't take it seriously at all!"

The motorcycle rider holding a Ducati helmet nodded and said, he was so happy that he could hardly find North.

"Here, Steven, here are the keys to my Augusta F4RR. I'll take off the knee pads right away. Do you want this helmet? It's free!"

The knight of Augusta F4RR was even more refreshing. He took out the key and threw it over. Then he bent down and started to untie the knee pads.

Ye Tian reached out to catch the key, then smiled and said:

"There is no need for the helmet. We don't need it. You should keep it for yourself. It should be a souvenir. If you buy another car, you will need it in the future!"

While speaking, the two motorcyclists quickly took off their knee pads, and handed them to Ye Tian and Mathis.

Another motorcyclist who was also in this cafe, his eyes were already red with envy, and he was about to bleed out!

Just when Ye Tian and Mathis were wearing knee pads, the buddy couldn't bear it any longer, and said with great urgency:

"Steven, do you want my Kawasaki? My car is also very good. I will sell it to you for 100,000 euros, which is the same price as the other two cars!"

Ye Tian looked up at this guy, then shook his head with a light smile.

"I'm sorry, buddy, we only need two cars, and the Kawasaki is out of consideration, you'd better save yourself to ride!"

Hearing this, the rider of the Kawasaki heavy motorcycle was immediately dumbfounded, with a look of disappointment on his face.

Immediately afterwards, the guy gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, and said again:

"50,000 euros is fine! Steven, you only need to pay 50,000 euros, and the Kawasaki outside the door is yours. It's a good deal!"

Ye Tian looked at the expectant guy again, and said in a slightly contemptuous tone:

"Dude, let's be honest, it's not about the money! Your Kawasaki is so crappy, dude doesn't even care about it!"


The other two motorcycle riders burst into laughter immediately, and they laughed so proudly that they didn't consider the feelings of their companions at all!

The rider of the Kawasaki heavy motorcycle was so angry that he rolled his eyes, his face was flushed, not to mention how embarrassing his expression was!

The other customers and clerks in the cafe laughed too, all looking at the Kawasaki rider with sympathy in their eyes.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian and Mathis strapped on their knee pads, and were about to leave the cafe and start a hunt.

Before turning around and walking out of the cafe, Ye Tian glanced at the three motorcycle riders, his eyes finally stopped on Kawasaki rider's face, and then said:

"Man, it's okay to make money from me, tell your friends in Paris, and all the motorcycle riders you know, to help keep an eye out for the two heavy Yamaha motorcycles.

Those two Yamaha heavy motorcycles just escaped from here, and fled to the Charles de Gaulle side. On the back seat of one of the motorcycles, there was a guy with a gunshot wound on his shoulder, which was not difficult to identify!

For specific information about the two Yamaha motorcycles, you can ask my men. They are not far from the Graff jewelry store, where the fierce firefight just happened.

After inquiring about the news, you tell my subordinates directly, and they will inform me that as long as the information is valuable, 50,000 or 100,000 euros will be fine, enough for you to exchange for a very good motorcycle!

Those guys who escaped from here are some of my enemies, not locals in Paris, and have nothing to do with you. We are not the police, and there is no obstacle to our cooperation! "

Hearing this, the Kawasaki knight jumped up excitedly and cheered loudly.

"Great! Steven, Paris is our territory. As long as those guys are on the streets of Paris, don't try to escape our eyes. The top sports car depends on those guys!"

"That would be great! I'm waiting for good news from you, good luck, we're going to run some errands, bye guys, nice to meet you!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Tian pushed the door and walked out of the cafe with Mathis.

The cafe behind them was completely boiling in an instant.

"I'm going! This guy Steven is so ruthless, he's going to hunt him down to death! Those guys who just escaped from here are doomed, and no one can save them!"

"It's so crazy! It seems that Steven, the bastard, can't stop unless he completely ruins Paris. Who can provoke such a bastard!"

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