Ten minutes later, Ye Tian and the others had arrived in front of No. 15 Channones Avenue.

This is an ancient building located in the middle of Shannones Avenue. The facade is milky yellow, four stories high, antique, and very sentimental!

Because it is in the street, there are no shops, cafes, or restaurants downstairs in this building. There are several pots of flowers on the windows facing the street on the second and third floors, which are very beautiful.

The door of the building facing the Rue Channones was closed, and beside it hung a blue mailbox and a metal plate with the house number on it.

Based on these external manifestations, it can be basically determined that this is a private residence, not a public building belonging to the Paris City Government.

Not far from this building, separated by a baroque four-story building, is the police station of the Paris Police on the Ile de la Cité. There are many police cars and police motorcycles parked at the door!

At this time, many policemen from that police station came to Channones Avenue and looked at this side one after another. Everyone's eyes were full of curiosity and a little nervous!

The same goes for many tourists on this street, they all looked at Ye Tian and the others curiously, their expressions were also quite nervous, even a little scared!

Ye Tian seemed to have never seen the eyes of these people!

As before, while admiring this ancient building, Ye Tian was also explaining to Betty and the others.

"This is also a Renaissance-style building, but it is in the early Renaissance style. This style of architecture is mainly represented by the architecture of Florence, Italy.

From the layout and decoration details of this building, I can basically confirm that this is a building built in the middle and late fifteenth century, earlier than other buildings on this street.

Except for the Notre Dame Cathedral and its outbuildings not far away, this apartment building can be regarded as one of the oldest buildings in this block, which is very rare,..."

While explaining, Ye Tian also turned on the perspective, and began to secretly investigate this ancient building with a history of hundreds of years, to see what secrets Napoleon or David hid here!

The line of sight easily penetrated the wall facing the street and saw the situation in the room clearly.

The first thing Ye Tian saw was a living room on the first floor of the building. The area was not too big, and the decoration in warm colors was very cozy. It should be a place for family members to gather and entertain.

Although there are several oil paintings hanging in this living room,

But it is relatively ordinary and not of much value. It should be the work of some ordinary painters.

In this living room, Ye Tian didn't find anything valuable, let alone secrets or treasures that surprised him!

Looking forward, there is a bedroom. Judging from the facilities and decoration style in the bedroom, as well as the clothes in the closet, the person living in this bedroom should be an old man.

Like the previous living room, Ye Tian also found nothing in this bedroom.

Then, his eyes entered the living room of this ancient building. The living room is relatively large, about thirty to forty square meters in size. It is also decorated in warm colors. Although it is a bit old, it looks very comfortable!

On the sofa in the living room, sat two old men, both white men in their sixties and seventies, drinking coffee, laughing and chatting, very comfortable!

There are also a few oil paintings hanging in the living room, but they are also of little value. Ye Tian doesn't like them at all!

In addition, on the side table by the window in the living room, and in the bookcase set up close to the wall, there are several antiques, real or fake, of low value, and some exquisite handicrafts.

In addition to these, there are some furniture and furniture from different eras, but they are only furniture from the 1950s at the farthest, and they are not of much value!

In the wall of the living room near the atrium garden, Ye Tian found a small hidden compartment.

But it's a pity that the secret compartment is empty, there is nothing, and it hasn't been opened for a long time, the mechanism to open the secret compartment is almost rusted to death!

Nothing was found on the other walls, they were all solid walls, and they were very thick and strong, which was the reason why this building could stand for hundreds of years without falling down!

After investigating the situation in the living room, Ye Tian shifted his gaze to the next room and continued to investigate, but still found nothing!

Afterwards, Ye Tian inspected the other rooms facing the street on the first floor, then the rooms on the second floor facing the street, the rooms on the third and fourth floors facing the street, and inspected very carefully and quickly!

In these rooms, he returned empty-handed and found nothing surprising.

But through this perspective, he also figured out one thing, this ancient building is indeed private property, and the owner is a white man in the living room on the first floor.

In the old-fashioned safe in the study room on the second floor, Ye Tian saw the title certificate of this ancient building, as well as the owner's name, a few pieces of jewelry of some value, and a pistol!

At the same time, he basically figured out who lived in this building.

In addition to the white male landlord on the first floor, there are also two female international students from the Sorbonne University living here, and a relatively average professional painter!

The latter three are all tenants who live here. By examining the situation in their respective rooms, Ye Tian grasped their identities and names in an instant.

As for the children of the sixty or seventy-year-old white homeowner, they don't live here.

He has only one daughter, who is married and supposed to live in another district of Paris.

There are bedrooms of the owner's daughter and the owner's daughter and children in this building. They only come to live for a few days occasionally, not often.

As for the owner's wife, she should have passed away. There is a photo of her in the owner's bedroom, but her daily necessities and traces of life are not visible.

By looking through the half of the building facing the street, Ye Tian grasped the general situation inside the building in a blink of an eye. The only pity is that there are no surprising discoveries!

This situation couldn't be more normal, Ye Tian didn't feel surprised at all.

You know, this is a very old building. It has been standing on the Isle of Citi for the past five or six hundred years. Even from the time of Napoleon's coronation, it has been more than two hundred years today.

After such a long time, the owner does not know how many stubbles have been replaced. If Napoleon's secret is hidden in the sandwich wall or hidden compartment of this building, how could it not be discovered?

In the past few hundred years, although the previous owners could not change the appearance and main structure of this building, the interior decoration must have undergone countless changes!

Under such circumstances, no matter what hidden compartments are hidden in the walls or under the floor, it is impossible to keep them until today, until Ye Tianlai discovers them!

At the beginning of the perspective, Ye Tian didn't have much hope for discovering any secrets inside this building!

But he still proceeded step by step, carried out perspective exploration little by little, and did not rush for success, which would lose a lot of fun.

Due to the large area and thick walls of this ancient building, subject to the limitation of perspective distance, Ye Tian cannot see through the other half of the buildings north of the atrium garden!

If you want to find out the situation of the other half of this building, you can only find ways to enter the interior of this building and the atrium garden, and you will naturally be able to grasp everything by then!

After seeing the side of this ancient building facing the street, pretending to be unintentional, Ye Tian looked at the ground and began to investigate the situation underground of this building. This is the most important thing!

If Napoleon or the painter David hid any secrets here, it is likely to be hidden deep underground, and only deep underground can keep secrets for a long time!

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