Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1352 Buildings Witnessing the History of the French Revolution

Anderson opened the door of this ancient building very smoothly. After identifying himself and having a chat, the owner immediately agreed to Anderson's request to visit this ancient building.

This building is located next to the famous Notre Dame de Paris, and has a very long history. It is an architectural work of art in itself. Many people must have come here to ask for a visit.

The homeowner must have gotten used to this situation, thinking that Anderson was just another curious tourist, so he nodded in agreement!

But when the homeowner saw Ye Tian who walked to the door, he froze in place immediately, with a bit of fear and deep remorse in his eyes!

It wasn't until this moment that he realized that this was definitely not a group of ordinary tourists, but a group of guys who could destroy his own apartment building, and even the whole of Paris. Everyone was ruthless and tough!

The moment he saw Ye Tian, ​​the homeowner immediately thought of the scene that Ye Tian dragged the body of the boss of the Pink Panther from the bottom of the Seine to the bank step by step, which he saw on live TV two days ago.

For all Parisians, it was an extremely bloody and terrifying scene, and even became a nightmare for many people, and this homeowner was no exception!

Thinking of the scene he saw on the live TV a few days ago, the owner of this apartment building couldn't help shivering secretly, his legs were a little weak!

"It's so unlucky, it's Steven and his gang of crazy American bastards. If I knew it was them, I wouldn't even open the door if I killed him!"

While cursing secretly, the homeowner was about to take back what he had just said and refuse Ye Tian and his group's request to visit this ancient building.

Ye Tian rushed ahead of him, smiling like a spring breeze and said

"Good morning, sir, if you excuse me, I'm Steven, from New York, USA. Nice to meet you. This apartment building is really beautiful and pleasing to the eye!"

With that said, Ye Tian stretched out his right hand to the homeowner, acting very friendly!

Reaching out and not hitting a smiling person is a wise saying no matter which country you live in, and France is no exception!

As soon as Ye Tian came up, he threw out such a bunch of compliments, and his attitude was impeccable, his purpose was to stop the owner's mouth!

Faced with this situation, the homeowner could only shake hands with Ye Tian, ​​and said with a smile

"Good morning, Mr. Steven, I've known you for a long time, I'm Clement, the owner of this apartment building, welcome to visit Paris, I'm glad to meet you too!

Thank you for your compliments, this is an old building with a lot of history, it is truly beautiful and it is a great honor to own this beautiful renaissance style building! "

When he said these words, Clement's mood was both a little apprehensive and a little proud, very contradictory!

Before he finished speaking, Ye Tian had already picked up the bait, and he didn't give the other party a chance to say that he refused everyone to go in and visit!

"It seems that you have a lot of research on this ancient building, Mr. Clement, this is indeed a Renaissance style building, and it is an early Renaissance style that is relatively rare in Paris!

Presumably you also know, Mr. Clement, I am an insider in the field of antiques, an expert in the identification of antique works of art, and I like all antique works of art that reflect the history and civilization of mankind!

These include historical buildings built in various historical periods and in various artistic styles,

Just walked here and the moment I saw this apartment building, I fell in love with it irresistibly!

If possible, I would really like to walk into this apartment building and take a good look at this old building instead of looking at its facade, which would be a pity!

Of course, this requires your permission, even if you charge for it, it is a matter of course, I am more than happy to pay to admire such a beautiful and old historical building! "

Now that this is all said and done, what else can Clement say?

How much he wanted to reject the Yankees in front of him! But he couldn't say no to it. Deep in his heart, he was somewhat afraid that Ye Tian would turn around and find fault.

After a little hesitation, Clement gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, nodded and agreed to Ye Tian's request to come in and visit.

next, leaves

Tian introduced a few companions around him, and then followed Clement and walked into this ancient historical building as he wished.

Walking into this historical building with Ye Tian, ​​besides Betty and Anderson, Mathis, Taylor and Lisa, a total of six people!

The rest of the security personnel stayed outside the door. They quickly dispersed and became vigilant. The eyelids of the Paris policemen not far away were twitching!

The many Paris police who witnessed all this were very curious. They didn't understand why Ye Tian only knocked on the door of this apartment building and entered this building for a visit. Is there any purpose?

How did they know that what Ye Tian is really interested in is not this ancient building, although it is indeed very beautiful, and it is rare to see it in Paris!

Ye Tian's real goal is the secret buried deep underground in this historic building, the secret closely related to Napoleon!

While entering the apartment building and admiring its interior layout and decoration, Ye Tian pretended to be curious and asked

"Mr. Clement, can you tell us about the history of this ancient building? I'm very interested. This building is very close to Notre Dame Cathedral. If I'm not wrong, they must be related, right?

In terms of the location and elegant layout of this building, it must have been the residence of princes, nobles, wealthy merchants, or priests in the past. It is basically impossible for ordinary people to own it. Could it be that your ancestors were French nobles? "

Clement turned to look at Ye Tian, ​​then nodded and said

"You guessed it right, Steven, this ancient building is indeed related to Notre Dame de Paris, before the outbreak of the French Revolution, it was an annex building of Notre Dame de Paris!

After the outbreak of the French Revolution, at the beginning of the nineteenth century, the building was nationalized and became the property of the French government, to be precise, the property of Emperor Napoleon! "

Hearing this, Ye Tian's eyes immediately flashed with ecstasy, but no one noticed it!

Sure enough, it has something to do with Napoleon! And it is very likely that it is Napoleon's private property. When it is nationalized, the whole of France is Napoleon's private property at that time!

While feeling ecstatic in his heart, Ye Tian continued to be a loyal audience, admiring this ancient building while listening to Clement's explanation.

"After the first French Empire was overthrown, the owner of this ancient building changed again. It did not return to Notre Dame de Paris, but became the private property of a famous businessman at that time!

Years of foreign wars have brought the defeated France to the brink of collapse. In order to alleviate the stretched national finances, a number of government assets were put up for auction, including this building!

It was at the public auction that the famous businessman from the south of France bought this building and used this ancient Renaissance-style building as his residence in Paris.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long. Less than ten years later, the famous businessman died of typhoid fever, and his children and grandchildren were all incompetent people. It didn't take long for those guys to completely ruin the huge family business.

After the July Revolution of 1830, a famous revolutionary lived here and became the new owner of this ancient building, and was later driven out at gunpoint by another revolutionary.

In the surging revolutionary wave, this ancient building kept changing its owners, witnessing the most passionate and exciting revolutionary years in French history.

It wasn't until the end of the nineteenth century that the place settled down. The new owner was a well-known French painter at the time, and he spent the rest of his life here quietly until his death!

Then, there were two more owners. In the early 1950s, my grandfather paid for the old building and became the new owner of the apartment building.

Since then, our family has been living here. Until now, we are not nobles or rich people, but ordinary citizens. The reason why we can own this building is really a fluke!

But now we can't afford to live in this apartment building, and the damn property taxes in France are so high that I have to rent out some of the rooms here! ..."

After speaking, Clement complained, with a forced smile on his face.

But in Ye Tian's ears, these words were like

The sound of sounds of nature is extremely beautiful!

You can't afford the high property tax, buddy can, buddy not only can, but also very happy to take this hot potato!

While talking, they had already entered the living room on the first floor of the apartment building.


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