The next day, Paris Saint-Ouen flea market.

Ye Tian entrusted his team of French lawyers to deal with the transaction of the ancient building on the Isle of Cité, while he himself got out and continued to take Betty on a tour of the city of Paris.

At this time, they are in the Saint-Ouen flea market in Paris, the largest flea market in the world, and also the oldest and most famous antique flea market in the world!

At the same time, it is also the birthplace of the flea market, whose history can be traced back to 1884.

Initially, the poor living in the communities in the northern outskirts of Paris picked out valuable things from the discarded things they picked up, and set up stalls here to sell them, gradually forming a market.

After a period of time, this trading model was quickly borrowed by the upper class in Paris, and they also came to this market to sell high-priced items such as antiques and treasures.

In the following hundred years, this flea market has continued to grow and develop, and its influence has become greater and greater!

Today, Saint-Ouen Flea Market has become the most famous, oldest and largest antique flea market in the world!

There are more than 2,500 stalls selling antique arts and crafts, more than 500 large-scale stores, 13 sub-markets, covering an area of ​​more than 30,000 square meters, and as many as five or six million tourists visit here every year!

As a professional treasure hunter and an insider in the field of antiques, the Saint-Ouen flea market is a must-see for Ye Tian during his trip to Paris, and it is absolutely not to be missed!

For him who possesses clairvoyant abilities, this is a huge treasure with its doors completely open and completely undefended, where he can take whatever he wants and plunder wildly!

No, it only took them more than an hour to come to the Saint-Ouen flea market, and they won more than a dozen antique works of art one after another at extremely low prices, and each piece was very valuable!

In the eyes of many people in the market, the antique works of art carried in the hands of Matisse and the others and sent back to the car by them were not worth much at all!

But Ye Tian knew better than anyone else where those antique artworks came from, and what kind of artistic value and market value they had.

Just as he kept sweeping goods and frantically looting the antique stall owners in the Saint-Ouen Flea Market, the news that he came to the Saint-Ouen Flea Market also spread throughout the market, causing quite a stir!

Many antique stall owners in the Saint-Ouen flea market were both worried and excited about his arrival.

The mood is very complicated!

The worry is whether these crazy Yankees will bring danger to everyone, and even turn the Saint-Ouen flea market into a battlefield. The bloody killing that happened a few days ago is still vivid in my memory!

What's exciting is that bastard Steven is a super rich man with money in his pocket, and he is famous for never being stingy with money as long as he sees the antique works of art that make his heart flutter!

Of course, there are also people who have other ideas!

Not long after arriving at the Saint-Ouen flea market, Ye Tian and the others had a few more tails behind them, and each of those guys had greedy eyes, staring closely at Ye Tian's every move!

These guys are not the thieves that can be seen everywhere in the market, because of the existence of Matisse and the Paris police who don't hide their identities, even if they borrow the courage of the thieves, they don't dare to join Ye Tian!

The guys following Ye Tian and the others are all treasure hunters and antique vendors who make a living in the Saint-Ouen flea market, and they can be regarded as Ye Tian's colleagues to some extent.

These guys all knew about Ye Tian's ability to appraise antique works of art. The reason why they followed Ye Tian was to take advantage of the east wind to pick up some leaks and make a small fortune!

If possible, they would even want to cut off the bullshit, seize the right time, and snatch one or two valuable antique works of art from Ye Tian's hands, maybe they can get rich overnight and change their lives!

For these tails following behind, Ye Tian didn't care at all, he just laughed at these guys in secret, so reckless!

This kind of situation is too common. When he was visiting the antique market in New York before, a group of guys often sneaked behind him, trying to take advantage of the east wind to pick up leaks, or cut off one or two antique works of art!

However, those guys, without exception, all fell into his ubiquitous trap, and every one of them wanted to cry without tears, and gritted their teeth hating him, but there was nothing they could do!

After a period of time, he went to the antique market to shop again, and no one dared to follow him to try to take advantage. Everyone stayed away from him for fear of being tricked by him again!

Obviously, the people in the Saint-Ouen flea market have only heard of Ye Tian's extremely sharp eyes, but have never seen him. They don't know enough about his endless tricks!

"It seems that it is necessary to teach these guys a lesson, let them learn a lesson, and let them experience the wonderful feeling of being cheated!"

Ye Tian took the opportunity to look back at a booth behind, and glanced at those colleagues whose eyes were flickering, and a sharp light flashed quickly in his eyes!

Then he turned around and looked at a booth on the right.

This is a very common flea stall that can be found everywhere in the flea market in Saint-Ouen!

The booth is about three meters wide, with a shed on it. There are two tables in the front, display shelves on both sides and the back, and there are some second-hand goods and specious antique artworks!

In addition, there are some old books and some beautiful handicrafts piled on the ground.

Those so-called antique works of art placed on the tables and shelves are real and fake, even if there are a few genuine ones, they are not worth much, and they are not worth selling at all!

After a quick glance, Ye Tian had a complete grasp of the situation at the booth.

Although there was nothing exciting in this booth, he did not leave immediately, but pointed to an item on the booth, and asked the stall owner in a slightly excited tone:

"Dude, can I have a look at this bronze hourglass? It's a nice looking thing, with a bit of history, like it's been a while!"

"No problem, Mr. Steven, please do as you please, just be careful, this is a very good antique, I believe it will make you fall in love with it!"

The stall owner in his thirties said with a smile, his tone was very sincere, but a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes.

Top antique art appraisal experts? Don't blow it, right? Why does it look like a mallet!

The scorn in the stall owner's eyes did not escape Ye Tian's eyes, nor did he take it to heart.

After getting the stall owner's permission, Ye Tian reached out to pick up the bronze hourglass, and admired it seriously, with a serious expression and a hint of joy!

This is a bronze hourglass with a simple shape, about 20 centimeters high, small and exquisite, the upper and lower bases are both round, and three branch-shaped copper pillars as thick as index fingers connect the upper and lower bases.

Between the three branch-shaped copper pillars, there are two drop-shaped transparent glass covers, the texture is crystal clear!

The glass cover above the hourglass is filled with some white fine sand. The sand is passing through the narrow pipe and flowing into the glass cover below, giving people a feeling of time passing!

In Ye Tian's eyes, this hourglass has no value at all, it can only be regarded as a well-made handicraft, which is far from an antique work of art!

But it was such a worthless gadget, but he looked at it quite seriously, and even unknowingly, he showed a hint of joy!

His performance all fell into the eyes of the guys behind, and instantly made the eyes of those guys brighten up, and they became excited!

"Looking at his expression, that guy Steven seems to have discovered something again. Is that bronze hourglass a valuable antique work of art? I don't know when it came from that era. How much is it worth?"

"It's definitely not that bad to be able to be spotted by that guy Steven and let him appreciate it for a long time. Maybe it's a valuable antique. Let's go and have a look!

If Steven intends to take down the bronze hourglass, we must take the first shot. We have missed several antique works of art before, so we must not miss the opportunity this time! "

After saying that, these guys walked over to the booth where Ye Tian and the others were, and everyone's eyes flashed with greed.

Little did they know, there was a bottomless pit waiting for them ahead of them, and they would definitely be able to trap them so that their lives would be worse than death, unforgettable!

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