A few hours later, no one followed Ye Tian and the others, and the world became much cleaner.

Followed by Ye Tian, ​​there are only eyes full of fear, even hatred, the kind that are unforgettable!

In the past few hours, Ye Tian dug one trap after another, and brought all those guys who followed him and tried to take advantage of him into the pits, and he didn't let any one go!

After those guys spent huge sums of money to buy the so-called antique works of art that seemed to fascinate Ye Tian, ​​but were actually worthless, they immediately went to the experts or testing agencies in the market for appraisal!

After all, the Saint-Ouen flea market is the largest antique flea market in the world. There is no shortage of sharp-sighted antique art appraisal experts, and there are several scientific testing institutions that can provide testing services!

The result of the appraisal can be imagined, it is a pile of tatters, and everyone of those greedy guys wants to cry without tears, and the heartbroken Jiyu died immediately!

Then, the flea market in Saint-Ouen was filled with grief-stricken and furious curses. The object of the curse was none other than Ye Tian who led them into the pit.

No matter how stupid those guys are, they already know at this moment that they have been tricked by that damn bastard Steven, and even their underwear is about to be tricked by that bastard!

That bastard Steven has been acting all the time, and people like himself are like idiots, thinking that they have found a shortcut to make a fortune and squandered all their savings for many years, but they didn't even hear a sound!

Although they were extremely angry and wished to tear up Ye Tian and feed them to the dogs, those guys were powerless and could only watch Ye Tian continue to carefree, continue to scavenge, there was nothing he could do!

The sturdy and abnormal Matisse, as well as those loyal free bodyguards and the Paris police in plain clothes, are enough to dispel any bad thoughts from them!

Ye Tian's terrifying impression on the French also made those guys unable to muster up the courage to take revenge. Money is precious, but life is the most important thing!

The only thing those guys can do is to curse Ye Tian crazily from a distance and stare at him with hateful eyes, there is no other way!

Inevitably, the news of those guys being cheated spread like wind throughout the entire Saint-Ouen flea market!

Everyone who heard the news couldn't help feeling terrified inwardly, and the air was blowing from their backs. Fortunately, it wasn't him who was cheated, otherwise there would be no reason to cry!


Those tails following Ye Tian and the others, as well as the guys who were about to follow him to get a bargain, immediately dispersed in a rush, and there was no one in sight!

The subsequent situation was the same as when Ye Tian went to the antique markets in New York, Philadelphia, Boston and other places. Everyone stayed away from him, lest they accidentally become another dead soul of his subordinates!

While setting traps one after another, and bringing those tails into the pit, Ye Tian didn't stop frantically sweeping the goods.

During the sweeping process, he dismissed those antique artworks worth tens of thousands of euros at all, and was too lazy to waste time and energy on those antique artworks.

His standard for scanning goods in the Saint-Ouen flea market was set at 100,000 euros, and only antique works of art that exceeded this value were worth stopping him and trying to get them into his pocket!

Even though the threshold was set so high, he still frantically bought dozens of antique works of art at an extremely low price in the Saint-Ouen Flea Market, reaping a great harvest!

These antique works of art include oil paintings, sculptures, porcelain, and other miscellaneous items.

Wherever Ye Tian and his group walked, it was like being swept by a tornado, devastated and horrible!

Except for those antique works of art that the antique stall owners or shopkeepers knew their value, all other treasures that were unknown to them and were of a slightly higher grade were swept away by Ye Tian, ​​and what was left was just a pile of rags!

Due to the large number of antique artworks purchased, the four Mercedes-Benz bulletproof suvs parked outside the market had to be temporarily used as trucks to send the antique artworks bought by Ye Tian back to the Regina Hotel.

When they return to the flea market in Saint-Ouen again, they also bring a container truck in case they need it, saving you the trouble of going back and forth!

Ye Tian's crazily sweeping actions shocked the entire Saint-Ouen flea market and even the entire field of French antique art collections without any surprises!

At this time, no one thinks that he is a blind shopkeeper, and no one thinks that he is a stick. Those idiots who have been tricked to death are enough to explain everything!

There is no doubt that Steven, the bastard, is as powerful as the legend, or even stronger than the legend. He is the top expert in antique art appraisal in the world today!

This American bastard is frantically looting the Saint-Ouen flea market, looting the French antique art market, and sweeping away all valuable antique art. He is extremely greedy and ruthless!

Everyone is aware of this, but there is no way to deal with it, unless the entire Saint-Ouen flea market is closed to stop this crazy, shameless, and frightening looting!

Because of Ye Tian's crazy sweeps of goods, all the antique dealers doing business in the Saint-Ouen flea market began to re-examine their goods, lest Ye Tian would pick up a big leak, and they would lose a lot!

However, Ye Tian is unpredictable, and has a lot of tricks. He can always buy the antique artwork he likes, come here with pleasure, and leave contentedly!

Those stall owners and antique shop owners couldn't predict which item Ye Tian would fancy in his hands. He couldn't charge sky-high prices for everything and shut out the business, right?

If so, they might be able to keep Ye Tian out and avoid being picked up by him, but after Ye Tian leaves, they still don't know if they own a valuable antique artwork!

In the future, they will open the door to do business, and those antique works of art that have not been picked up by Ye Tian will inevitably fall into the hands of other people in the future, and there is no difference in the result!

Send everything to scientific testing or identification? That's impossible, the appraisal experts and related testing agencies are not charities, those guys are charging black money!

In view of this situation, they could only watch Ye Tian pick and choose at the booth or in his own store, asking the price non-stop, and then bought one or a few items from them, turned around and left!

Ye Tian's frenzied sweeps are still going on, and everyone in the Saint-Ouen flea market has focused their attention on him, closely watching his every move!

Everyone's emotions are very complicated at this time. They don't want to be picked up by Ye Tian and become the unlucky ones ridiculed by their peers, but they also want to witness surprises and see if there is a priceless treasure in this antique flea market!

While talking, Ye Tian and the others came to another elegantly decorated antique shop, ready to go in and see if they could get any surprises in this antique shop.

As soon as she walked up the steps in front of the antique shop, Betty suddenly pointed to a sign in French written on the door of the antique shop, and asked curiously in a low voice:

"Honey, what does that sign say? What exactly does it mean?"

Ye Tian glanced at the sign hanging on the doorknob. Although he didn't know French, he understood the meaning of the words on the sign very well.

"Honey, that sign says it only accepts professionals, so it can be seen that the owner of this antique shop should be an expert, and he is too lazy to talk nonsense with non-professionals!

In the Saint-Ouen flea market, there are some antique shops with a long history, strong professionalism, and high-quality goods. It is not uncommon to hang such notices!

The antique shops that dare to put up such notice boards basically have a bit of background. Generally, the shops are full of genuine products with a certain value, and even top-level antique works of great value!

Since this antique store hangs this sign majestically, it means that there are good things in the store. I am very much looking forward to seeing the situation in the store, and hope to find surprising discoveries! "

With that said, Ye Tian took a step forward and pushed open the door of this antique shop, and walked in with Betty.

Almost as soon as he entered the antique shop, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he secretly cheered excitedly!

"This trip is really right, there are not only surprises here, but also huge surprises! There is no doubt that today is definitely a lucky day for my buddies!"

Out of politeness, he didn't immediately look at the antique artworks displayed in the store, but with a smile on his face, he looked at the antique shop owner who was welcoming him!

While the antique shop owner was walking towards the door, his eyes were also fixed on Ye Tian, ​​his eyes were both nervous and excited, and his emotions were quite complicated!

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