Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1368 Take down the Swan Restaurant

In a blink of an eye, two days later, Paris Charles de Gaulle International Airport.

"Gentlemen, it is a great honor to cooperate with you. Good luck, see you in New York!"

Ye Tian said with a smile, shaking hands with the representatives of the three major auction houses in New York and the representatives of the two art insurance companies one by one.

At this time, they were standing on an airstrip at Charles de Gaulle Airport, surrounded by heavily armed and highly alert security personnel!

Among these security personnel, there are a group of guys led by Matisse, but most of them are armed security personnel under the command of two art insurance companies, and their strength is also very sturdy!

A little further outside, there are a large number of nervous and envious Paris policemen and airport security personnel. These guys are also on high alert!

And on the runway behind many New Yorkers, there is a smooth and huge American Airlines Boeing 747 passenger plane parked!

In order to safely transport those valuable antique works of art to New York, two art insurance companies joined together and chartered this Boeing 747 airliner to undertake the transportation task.

Those antique works of art belonging to Ye Tian have been appraised in the past two days, and the procedures for entrusted auction have also been completed, and have been entrusted to the three major auction houses in New York!

In the next few months, those valuable antique works of art will appear in the auctions of the three major auction houses in New York one after another, bringing Ye Tian astronomical wealth!

Of course, through the auction of those antique works of art, the three major auction houses in New York will also make a lot of money!

At this time, all those valuable antique artworks have been loaded onto this Boeing 747 aircraft, and they are waiting to take off and fly directly to New York on the other side of the ocean!

"Steven, see you in New York. I wish you a happy stay in Europe. If there is another good thing like this, please remember to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you again!"

Larry from Sotheby's joked, still very excited.

"I'll try my best, but it's impossible to loot Paris again, if I go into the Saint-Ouen Antique Market again, I'm afraid I will be attacked by the antique dealers in the market!

However, you can try the Notting Hill antique market in London. I will go to London in two days, and I will also visit Notting Hill. If there is something to gain, I will contact you! "

Ye Tian said jokingly,

The tone is very relaxed.

"Hahaha, London's Notting Hill Antique Market, it seems that the old-fashioned British guys are going to be in bad luck. If the antique dealers in Notting Hill hear this news, they will definitely tremble!"

"That's right, France and the UK are separated by a strait, and the news of the frenzied looting of the Saint-Ouen flea market must have spread throughout the British Isles and the entire Notting Hill antique market!

Steven, I bet that when you arrive in London, you will definitely become the target of everyone's attention, and you will also become the target of all antique dealers, and even become the target of public criticism! "

A group of New Yorkers said excitedly that the atmosphere was very warm.

After chatting for a few words, the people from the three major auction houses and the two art insurance companies left and boarded the Boeing 747 not far behind them one after another.

After they all boarded the plane, Ye Tian said to David beside him:

"David, after this batch of antique works of art arrived in New York, you rented an independent vault in the underground vault of Sotheby's Auction House in the name of the brave and fearless exploration company!

Then, you put the Chinese antique artworks I picked out into the vault and keep them separately. When I return to New York, I plan to transport those antique artworks to China!

You also know that I have a personal exhibition hall in the Forbidden City. The Chinese antique art harvested this time is just used to enrich my personal exhibition hall, and that is the best destination for them! "

"No problem, Steven, just leave these things to me, and I will definitely take care of it for you!"

David responded in a low voice, his words full of confidence.

Afterwards, the two chatted for a few more words before David shook hands with Ye Tian, ​​then turned around and boarded the Boeing 747 airliner.

Soon, the engine of the Boeing 747 started to spin up, and it slid forward slowly, at an increasing speed, and finally roared up at the end of the runway, straight through the sky!

Seeing the Boeing 747 soaring into the sky and turning into a white spot in the sky, Ye Tian and the others walked towards several Mercedes bulletproof SUVs parked not far away, preparing to leave Charles de Gaulle Airport!

When their convoy drove out of Charles de Gaulle International Airport and just drove onto the airport expressway, Ye Tian's cell phone rang suddenly, and the call was from a company employee sent to Brussels.

Ye Tian gently slid open the phone screen lock, and the familiar voice of his staff immediately came over.

"Steven, the historical building where the Grand Place and the Swan Restaurant are located now completely belongs to you, and all legal procedures have been completed without any problems!

What to do with that building next? Should the Swan be closed and moved from the historic building? That building is now yours, at your discretion! "

Hearing the news, Ye Tian immediately waved his fist excitedly and cheered directly.

"Whoa! That's awesome!"

Just yesterday, Ye Tian and David, who were in Paris, witnessed the whole process of signing the contract for the purchase of the historical building of the Swan Restaurant through phone video, and readily paid the high purchase price.

Due to the special historical status of that ancient building, its huge international popularity, and its prime location, Ye Tian spent a total of more than 20 million US dollars to purchase that historical building!

That's it, there are many additional terms, and the rules and regulations are very detailed!

If it weren't for the fact that it was the former residence of the two great men of Marne and the birthplace of the "Declaration of the Revolution", it had extraordinary value, and if it wasn't for the fact that there might be a huge treasure hidden deep underground in that building.

For this kind of celebrity's former residence, Ye Tian is generally unwilling to touch it, it's not troublesome enough!

But obviously, that famous historical building is different. In order to win it, let alone more than 20 million US dollars, even if it is 200 million US dollars, Ye Tian will not hesitate to sell it, and he is willing to do it!

It's a pity that the Brussels municipality didn't understand his determination, so he lost a god-sent opportunity to rip off for nothing!

After signing the real estate transaction contract, there are still some final things to be done as usual, and they are relatively trivial!

What Ye Tian didn't expect was that the Belgian, who has always been procrastinating and inefficient, was so straightforward this time, completing all the procedures in less than a day!

No need to ask, it must be the role of money.

Facing the extremely attractive over 20 million US dollars, the management of the historical building where the Swan restaurant is located, as well as the Brussels city government, must want to settle down to avoid accidents!

But what they thought, for more than 20 million US dollars, they sold a treasure with infinite possibilities, and they cried sometimes!

Even if there is nothing in the secret passage deep underground, just the historical building itself is a huge treasure, which can continuously bring huge wealth to the owner!

Not to mention anything else, just the large number of Chinese tourists who flock here every year and have heard the name of the Swan Restaurant for a long time can make the owner of that building earn a lot of money!

After a little celebration, Ye Tian immediately went on to say:

"You only need to do one thing now, that is to live in a hotel near the Grand Place in Brussels, go to the Swan restaurant every day and enjoy the scenery on the Grand Place, and you don't have to do anything else!

As for the Swan Restaurant, let them continue to operate. I have no intention of driving them away. I will go to Brussels again after I finish dealing with the British and French affairs, and I will deal with the historical building then!

Since that building already belongs to me, you should help me keep an eye on it, and don't let anyone infringe on my private property, including the operators of the Swan restaurant. They can operate, but they are not allowed to destroy that building!

In addition, I would like to remind you that when enjoying the beautiful scenery of the Grand Place in Brussels, you must be careful about your wallet. Like many tourist attractions in Europe, the Grand Place in Brussels is a paradise for thieves! "

"Understood, Steven, leave it to us here, there won't be any problems, this trip to Europe is really cool, it's like a vacation!"

"Hahaha, then you can enjoy this wonderful holiday, the scenery in Brussels is not bad, well, come here, goodbye!"

Ye Tian said with a light smile, then hung up the phone and ended the call.

The historical building of the Swan Restaurant has been settled, and the secrets or treasures buried deep underground in that building finally belong to me. I don’t know what kind of surprises that secret passage will bring to me!

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