Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1373 The Birth of Beastism

? After leaving the Guimet Museum, Ye Tian and the others did not return to the Regina Hotel, but went to the Center Pompidou in the Latin Quarter of Paris!

The Center Pompidou is a modern art museum located on Avenue Beaubourg on the right bank of the Seine River, nicknamed "Beaubourg" by the locals in Paris.

Because the post-modernist building looks very much like a factory, this famous museum is also known as the 'oil refinery' or 'cultural factory'!

This is a very famous museum, one of the three major art treasure houses in Paris, the other two art treasure houses are the Louvre and the Orsay Museum.

If the Louvre represents the ancient civilization of France, it is solemn and elegant! Then the Center Pompidou is a symbol of modern Paris, fashionable and avant-garde!

Unlike most museums in Paris, the Pompidou Cultural Center closes very late. Except for Tuesdays, this museum will not close until 9 pm!

Every Thursday, the Center Pompidou will extend its opening hours until eleven o’clock in the evening, and today happens to be Thursday!

Because of this, Ye Tian and the others rushed to this world-renowned cultural and art center without worrying about being rejected or not having enough time to visit!

Near seven o'clock, the group of them arrived at the Center Pompidou, and then bought tickets to enter this famous museum, starting another art journey!

The Pompidou Center for Culture and Art is divided into four parts, the Industrial Design Center, the Public Information Library, the Modern Art Museum, and the Music and Vocal Research Center, for adults to visit, study, and conduct research.

In addition, this cultural and art center has specially set up two children's playgrounds, one is a children's library with 20,000 children's books and paintings.

The other is a children's studio, where children aged 4 to 12 can come here to learn painting, dancing, acting, and handicrafts.

The reason why Ye Tian came to the Center Pompidou was entirely for the Museum of Modern Art, and he was not interested in other content of the Center Pompidou!

The Pompidou Museum of Modern Art is different from those old art museums. It focuses on the word "modern" and specializes in introducing various Western plastic arts since the 20th century.

The works of art collected in this modern art museum are all representative works of major modern art schools, clearly and completely reflecting the progress of modern art!

These include Fauvism, Cubism, Abstractionism, Surrealism, Structuralism, Conceptual Art and Pop Art, among others,

There are more than 2,000 works in total.

In addition to the large collection of modern artworks, the collection display method of this modern art museum is also unique and very modern!

The museum has designed a main tour route in chronological order!

On this route, representative works of various art genres are arranged according to the time of appearance, and there are many small exhibition rooms around them to introduce the works of a certain genre and a certain writer.

In this way, the audience can not only understand the general situation of modern Western art, but also conduct in-depth research on a certain field or writer of interest.

Moreover, there is also a shelf that can be lifted and moved in the museum, hanging those works that have not been exhibited!

Visitors only need to press the button, and these automatic racks will start to move up and down, displaying the collections that the audience wants to appreciate but not exhibited in front of people.

Walking on this main tour route, every visitor to the Center Pompidou has a feeling of walking on the road of modern art, which is very wonderful!

After entering the museum, Ye Tian and the others walked quickly to the escalator while admiring the huge post-modern style building, preparing to go straight to the Museum of Modern Art on the fourth floor.

As usual, on the way, Ye Tian introduced this world-famous cultural center to Betty and the others.

"In 1969, to commemorate President Charles de Gaulle who led France to defeat Hitler in World War II, then French President Georges Pompidou proposed to build a modern art museum.

This is the origin of the Pompidou Cultural and Art Center. In 1974, before the completion of the cultural center, President Pompidou died of cancer. After the completion of the building, it was named the Pompidou Center to commemorate it.

The biggest feature of the Pompidou Cultural Center building is the exposed steel structure and complex pipelines. This huge post-modern building has caused huge controversy since its construction.

Compared with the traditional style of buildings in Paris, this building is too avant-garde, even a bit deviant, which is generally unacceptable to the people of Paris, but the art world has given strong support!

Despite the great controversy, the Pompidou Cultural Center has attracted more than 150 million visitors in the decades since its opening, and has become another famous landmark in Paris,..."

While speaking, Ye Tian and his group had already boarded the escalator, and quickly disappeared from the lobby on the first floor, and went up to the second floor!

At the same time, there was a wave of small waves in the hall on the first floor, and the discussion sounded, spreading to every corner!

"I'm going! Why did this crazy guy, Steven, come to the Pompidou Cultural Center? When I saw this guy, I would think of the scene where he dragged the corpse up the banks of the Seine River. It was horrible!

It seems that I have to change my visit plan, leave the Pompidou Center as soon as possible, and try to stay away from Steven, a bastard. If I continue to stay here, God knows what will happen next! "

"Obviously, the bastard Steven came here for the Museum of Modern Art on the fourth floor, for those top-notch artworks. Fortunately, this is not an antique flea market, so don't worry about being ransacked by him!"

On the other side, the person in charge of the Center Pompidou has also received news that Ye Tian has come here!

After hearing the news, the person in charge immediately frowned, with a headache!

Now all Parisians are well aware of Ye Tian's danger.

Especially professionals in the field of antique art collections have an extremely deep understanding, and the person in charge of the Center Pompidou is no exception!

Although he knew that Ye Tian was very dangerous and a well-known troublemaker, he couldn't issue an order to drive Ye Tian and the others out of the Center Pompidou!

All he could do was to tell his security personnel to keep a close eye on Ye Tian and the others, to keep them from causing trouble at the Center Pompidou!

So, when Ye Tian and the others came to the Museum of Modern Art on the fourth floor, besides the Paris policemen in plain clothes, there were a few more nervous tails behind them!

For this kind of situation, Ye Tian and the others have long been accustomed to it, and they don't care about it at all!

Using the ability of perspective, Ye Tian instantly identified the identities of those security personnel. After confirming that there was no danger, he immediately withdrew his gaze and ended the perspective!

Immediately afterwards, he walked into the first personal exhibition room of the Museum of Modern Art, the personal exhibition room of Henri Matisse, a famous French painter, the founder and main representative of Fauvism!

While entering this exhibition room, he also began to introduce this exhibition room and Matisse, the master of Fauvism, to Betty and the others in a low voice.

"Fauvism got its name from the Paris Autumn Salon in 1905. At that time, a group of avant-garde artists led by Matisse caused an uproar with a series of works exhibited at the salon.

Someone figuratively called Matisse's paintings "a pot of paint thrown in front of the public", while the famous French journalist Louis Vosser exclaimed, "Donatello was locked in a cage of wild animals!" '.

Not long after, this quip was published in Gil Blass magazine, which gave Brutalism its name, and soon gained widespread recognition in the art world, and then, Brutalism began to flourish!

In the history of art, it is generally believed that Fauvism, born in 1905, is the beginning of modern art. As the founder and representative of Fauvism, Matisse's personal exhibition room will appear here! ..."

While talking, Ye Tian and the others had already entered the Matisse exhibition room, came to the painting closest to the entrance of the exhibition room, and began to appreciate this representative work of the master of Fauvism Matisse!

In the following time, they were in this personal exhibition room, admiring the unrestrained passion of the master artist Matisse, feeling the frenzy of Fauvism, and swimming in the ocean of art!

And this is just the beginning, there will be cubism, abstraction, surrealism, structuralism, etc., as well as outstanding works of famous art masters such as Kandinsky, Braque, and Picasso!

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