As soon as Ye Tian and the others walked to the door, the door of that ancient building was opened from the inside, and Clement appeared immediately and walked out from the door!

Walking out of the gate with him were two French lawyers hired by Ye Tian, ​​and another white man in his forties who appeared to be Clement's lawyer.

In addition, there was a Caucasian woman in her thirties and a Caucasian man in his 36s and 70s. The two stood side by side behind Clement. They were probably his daughter and son-in-law. They both looked very excited!

"Good morning, Mr. Clement, nice to see you again, you look very well"

Ye Tian stepped forward, greeted Clement with a smile, and extended his right hand to the old French man.

"Good morning, Mr. Steven, it is a great honor to welcome you to my house again. After today, this ancient historic building may belong to you!"

Clement shook hands with Ye Tian to say hello, with a bright smile on his face, but a bit of sadness could be vaguely seen in the depths of his eyes!

This is human nature, nothing more than normal!

After all, their family has lived in this ancient building for decades, and suddenly sold it to someone else, and moved away from here, everyone will inevitably feel a little sad and reluctant!

"It would be great if the transaction can be completed, I really like this old building in the early Renaissance style and hope to own it!

And you don't have to be sorry, Clement, that once the deal is done, you won't have to worry about property taxes or how to maintain the building anymore!

I will be responsible for those things in the future. You only need to enjoy life and enjoy the warm sunshine of the Mediterranean Sea. That is the true meaning of life! "

Ye Tian said with a light smile, drawing a vision of a better life for Clement.

After a few pleasantries, Clement pointed to the man and woman behind him, and introduced to Ye Tian:

"Steven, this is my daughter Elaine, next to her is Elaine's husband, Felix! They live in the eighth arrondissement of Paris!"

As soon as his words fell, Ye Tian immediately took a step forward and greeted Elaine.

"Good morning Ms. Elaine, I'm Steven, nice to meet you,

You are so beautiful, just as beautiful as your name, just like the song "My Name Is Elaine", which is so touching! "


There was a burst of laughter at the scene, and everyone laughed, including Betty who was standing behind Ye Tian.

Yi Lian also laughed lightly, a blush flew across her face.

"Good morning, Mr. Steven, I am also very glad to meet you, thank you for your compliment, you are really an elegant gentleman, very different from the legend!"

As she spoke, she shook hands with Ye Tian with a rather elegant manner.

Afterwards, Ye Tian shook hands with the lawyers hired by Felix and Clement one by one, said hello, and performed impeccably.

Next, he introduced Betty and Anderson.

After everyone got to know each other, under the leadership of Clement, they walked into this ancient building with a history of hundreds of years!

When entering the living room, pretending to be inadvertent, Ye Tian glanced at the ground, his movements were very subtle, and he couldn't see anything unusual!

At this moment, he had secretly opened the perspective, his eyes penetrated the floor under his feet, and looked at the corner of the basement where the wine cabinet was placed, and the entrance to the secret passage hidden under the granite strips!

Everything in that corner was the same, there was no trace of entry and exit, and Clement and the others did not find the entrance to the secret passage!

Immediately afterwards, he withdrew his gaze and ended the perspective!

Afterwards, everyone sat down and chatted with each other while drinking the coffee made by Elaine.

After chatting for a while, Felix suddenly asked curiously:

"Steven, I heard that you swept through the entire Saint-Ouen antique flea market two days ago, and bought countless valuable antique works of art from there at extremely low prices. Is this true?"

Ye Tian looked at Felix, then shook his head with a light smile and said:

"The rumors are a bit too exaggerated. I did go to the Saint-Ouen flea market two days ago and bought some antique artworks there.

But I have to say that the Saint-Ouen flea market is indeed the largest and most famous antique flea market in the world. There are indeed many good things there, dazzling! "

"You must be self-deprecating. It has spread throughout Paris. The Saint-Ouen antique flea market has almost been swept away by you. Many antique dealers who regret it want to commit suicide by jumping the Seine!"

Felix shook his head and said, apparently not believing what Ye Tian said just now.

Ye Tian didn't respond, but just smiled softly.

Then Felix went on to say:

"Steven, you are a well-known expert in the identification of antique works of art, and a top professional treasure hunter. In your opinion, are there any valuable antique works of art or treasures in this building?"

After finishing speaking, he stared at Ye Tian closely, his eyes full of anticipation, expecting to hear the best answer.

The same goes for everyone else in the living room, everyone looked at Ye Tian, ​​expecting his answer.

Ye Tian turned his head and glanced around the living room, then at the atrium garden, then smiled and said:

"This ancient building was built in the middle and late fifteenth century, and it is a relatively rare early Renaissance style in Paris. It is in a fairly good state of preservation and is itself a valuable antique work of art.

It is for this reason that I want to buy this ancient building and keep it in my pocket. Apart from the building itself, the sculpture in the atrium garden can barely be regarded as an antique work of art.

But the value of that sculpture is relatively average. In addition, some interior decorations, roof carvings and decorations of this building also have a certain artistic value, and these are integrated with the building!

Apart from the above, I have not found any other antique works of art in this ancient building. As for the hidden treasures, so far, I have not seen any traces of their existence!

But after all, this is an ancient building with a history of hundreds of years. Maybe there is really some treasure hidden here, but it is just unknown. If there is a treasure, of course it would be great! "

When he said these words, Ye Tian's tone and expression were very relaxed, and nothing abnormal could be seen.

Of course he knew exactly what Felix meant.

It's nothing more than testing with words to see if there are treasures here, and to see if he bought this ancient building with ulterior motives!

Of course there is a treasure here, and it is Napoleon's treasure. The wealth buried in it is enough to make most people in this world completely crazy!

But, buddy will tell you? Go dreaming!

If it weren't for Napoleon's treasure, my buddy would be full! Buying such an old building in Paris, even though it is a rather rare Early Renaissance style building!

On the premise that there is no treasure of Napoleon, only the Notre Dame de Paris not far away may be able to make my buddies tempted by it, and they are willing to pay for that famous building!

"Hey! Looks like I'm thinking too much!"

Felix sighed in disappointment, and a hint of disappointment flashed in the eyes of Clement and Elaine.

After a short pause, Felix said expectantly again:

"Steven, we hope to add such a clause in the real estate transaction contract. After the transaction is completed, if you find treasures in this building, we also have the right to distribute the treasures!

Of course, we can talk about the specific treasure distribution ratio. I believe we can reach a consensus. As the former owners of this building, we should enjoy the benefits of the treasure! "

After going around for a long time, I finally got to the point, but this is wishful thinking, and there is no possibility of realizing it at all!

Without the slightest hesitation, Ye Tian immediately gave a firm answer!

"Felix, I don't know if this is your idea or Clement's, but no matter who it is, I can tell you very clearly that this is simply impossible!

If I want to buy this old building, it must include all interests in this building, which is my consistent style, otherwise I would rather give up this beautiful building!

When doing business, I like to be straightforward, open and transparent as much as possible, and I don't want to leave any flaws or legal loopholes, which may bring some unnecessary troubles!

If you really have the sincerity to sell this ancient building, when signing the transaction contract, all the rights and interests related to this building must be transferred accordingly, and it has nothing to do with you anymore!

After the transaction is completed, even if I find the treasure here, it has nothing to do with you. All the wealth in the treasure belongs to me personally, and no one is entitled to share it!

Regarding the price of this ancient building, we can discuss it, but it is impossible for me to agree to the request you just made. You had better think carefully about how to choose! "

Hearing these words, Felix, Clement and Elaine looked at each other in dismay, everyone's eyes were full of disappointment!

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