Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1385 Art Village

Barbizon is the name of a village on the edge of the Fontainebleau Forest, and it is also a well-known name in the history of Western art.

At nearly 6:30 in the afternoon, Ye Tian and his convoy drove through the Fontainebleau Forest and slowly arrived at the intersection of this artistic village.

"Matisse, tell the guys to stop. Let's get out of the car and walk into the village of Barbizon. The convoy will follow slowly. The helicopter should stop in the parking lot at the entrance of the village.

This is a beautiful village full of artistic atmosphere, the footprints of artists can be seen everywhere on the streets, and the scenery at every step is very charming, definitely not to be missed!

Ye Tian said through the wireless earphones, his words were full of anticipation.

"Okay, Steven"

Matisse responded and immediately notified.

In the blink of an eye, this heavy convoy slowly stopped on the side of the road.

Immediately afterwards, Mattis and many security personnel got out of the car first, dispersed quickly, pulled up a cordon, and checked the surrounding situation.

After confirming that there was no danger, Mathis notified Ye Tian and the others to get out of the car.

Ye Tian immediately reached out to open the car door, took Betty out of the Mercedes-Benz bulletproof SUV, and set foot on the land at the entrance of Barbizon Village for the first time!

Standing still on the ground, Ye Tian saw a sign erected at the entrance of Barbizon Village at a glance, then pointed to the sign and said:

"That is the famous French painter, representative of the Barbizon School, known as the peasant painter, and the most beloved painter in the history of modern French painting, Francois Miller's representative work, "Vespers".

Of course, this "Vespers" is not an oil painting on canvas by Miller, but a painting made of mosaics. The real "Vespers" is collected in the Louvre, and we have seen it before.

Miller's "Evening Prayer" has now become the symbol of Barbizon. Personally, I also like Miller's works very much, and appreciate his simple and kind artistic language! "

With that said, Ye Tian took Betty and walked towards the wooden sign erected by the roadside at the entrance of the village.

Anderson and the others immediately followed and walked towards the wooden sign representing Barbizon Village together.

Pedestrians and tourists who happen to be at the entrance of Barbizon Village,

They all looked at Ye Tian and the others in surprise, and whispered.

"I'm going! Why did Steven come to Barbizon? This is not a good thing, but wherever this guy appears, there must be no peace. Could something happen to Barbizon today?"

"That's right, I also have this premonition. Those galleries and antique shops in Barbizon are probably going to be unlucky, just like those unlucky guys in the flea market in Saint-Ouen, they cannot escape the bad luck of being ransacked!"

At the same time as there was a lot of discussion, several local residents of Barbizon and the artists who lived here took out their mobile phones and began to notify their friends of the news of Ye Tian's arrival.

A few others took a deep look at Ye Tian, ​​then turned around and walked quickly into Barbizon Village with serious expressions on their faces.

In two or three steps, Ye Tian and the others arrived in front of Miller's "Evening Prayer", they all stopped and began to appreciate this famous realistic masterpiece.

The size of the original "Vespers" is very small, only 55cm*66cm. The size of the mosaic "Vespers" in front of me is much larger, which is two or three times the size of the original work.

The content shown in the painting is a couple of peasants who are working in the field. When they heard the bells of the church in the distance, they put down their work and began to pray devoutly!

For this devoutly praying peasant couple, the man took off his hat and held it in his hand, bowing his head in prayer, and the woman also bowed her head in prayer, clasping her hands in front of her chest.

Their tools were by their side, a simple iron fork for digging potatoes, and there was only a broken basket with a few potatoes in between them!

Not far from the peasant woman, there is a simple cart with two small bags of potatoes on it, which is the harvest of their hard work for a day!

In the distant view of the picture, the setting sun is about to set in the west, and the afterglow shines on the earth. The twilight casts a bleak atmosphere on the earth, which is a bit sad!

Here, the painter devoted all his heart and soul to portraying this bleak atmosphere, allowing it to cover this amiable and poor working couple.

Miller used his paintbrush and superb painting skills to emphatically depict the piousness and simplicity of the peasant couple, expressing his infinite sympathy for the peasants' living conditions!

Since Ye Tian focused on explaining this world-famous painting when he visited the Louvre before, there is no need to repeat it now!

The few of them just stood quietly in front of the painting, admiring it seriously, being intoxicated by the wonderful artistic conception shown by the painting, and sighing at Miller's pinnacle painting skills.

After enjoying it quietly for a while, Ye Tian couldn't help feeling emotional.

"This is really a poem written for the laborers, it's so beautiful! No wonder people in Barbizon choose this famous painting as a village symbol, there is nothing more suitable than it!"

Hearing this comment, both Betty and Anderson nodded slightly, obviously agreeing very much.

After admiring it for a while, Ye Tian pointed to the road leading to the village under his feet, and said with a smile:

"Let's go in. There are still many famous paintings of the Barbizon School in the village, as well as many galleries and antique shops. We can enjoy them!"

After speaking, he walked towards the village, and Betty and the others immediately followed.

Mattis and other security personnel scattered around them, watching the surrounding situation vigilantly, ready to respond at any time.

Following them, several black Mercedes-Benz bulletproof SUVs also started slowly and drove into this world-famous art village!

Further behind, those Paris policemen who followed closely followed closely behind!

Walking along the cobbled sidewalk for about fifty meters, Ye Tian and the others stopped again and looked at a famous painting on the right wall!

Like the "Evening Prayer" at the entrance of the village, this is also a famous painting of the Barbizon School. It is also made of mosaics, and it is also one of Miller's masterpieces, "The Gleaners".

This famous oil painting was created by Miller in 1857. It is one of his masterpieces. It is currently collected in the Musée d'Orsay in Paris. It is a top art work at the treasure level of the town hall!

When they visited the Musée d'Orsay before, Ye Tian and the others stopped in front of this famous painting for a long time, appreciating it carefully, and Ye Tian also gave a very professional explanation!

Seeing this painting again at this time, Ye Tian didn't say anything more, everyone just admired it quietly, and discussed a few words in a low voice from time to time!

This painting depicts the most common scene in a rural area. In autumn, the golden fields look endless. On the land after the wheat harvest, three peasant women are bending over to carefully pick up the fallen ears of wheat.

The mounds of wheat stacks behind them seem to have nothing to do with them.

Although the appearance and facial expressions of the three peasant women cannot be clearly seen on the screen, Miller used his own brush to depict their figures as solemn and beautiful as classical sculptures!

In this oil painting, Miller used a charming warm yellow tone, and the calm and rich colors of the red and blue turbans also melted into the yellow.

This tone makes the whole picture quiet and solemn, expressing Miller's deep sympathy for the difficult life of farmers and Miller's love for rural life in an idyllic style.

The technique of the whole work is extremely simple and simple, the clear sky and the golden wheat field appear very harmonious, and the rich colors are unified in the soft tone, showing a charming rural scenery.

Like Miller's other representative works, although the contents of the paintings are easy to understand and simple, they are by no means mediocre and superficial, but rather profound and thought-provoking.

And this is an important feature of Miller's art.

After appreciating this masterpiece of Miller for a while, Ye Tian pointed to another painting on the wall across the street, and said with a smile:

"Let's go and admire that painting, it seems to be a realistic landscape painting by Corot, it is one of his representative works, and it is also famous in the history of art!

Strictly speaking, Corot is not considered a painter of the Barbizon School, but he has very close contacts with several representatives of the Barbizon School, and some people also classify him as a Barbizon School painter.

For the villagers of Barbizon, this is undoubtedly what they want to see the most! Next, we will definitely see a lot of Corot's works, all over the streets and alleys of this village! "

While speaking, Ye Tian had already crossed the road, came to the opposite side of the street, and started admiring the masterpiece of Ke Luo!

At the same time, he also secretly turned on the perspective, his eyes directly penetrated the wall, and looked at the artist's studio behind the wall to see if he could find something!

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