Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1392 Layout Transaction

The next day, at nine o'clock in the morning.

The person in charge of the French branch of Sotheby's auction house rushed to the Regina Hotel with several top art appraisal experts. Everyone was extremely excited, with extremely bright smiles on their faces.

"Good morning, Steven, nice to meet you, what a beautiful day, just woke up in the morning, birds were singing in my window, and then I got your call"

As soon as he walked into the presidential suite, the head of the French branch of Sotheby's auction house gave Ye Tian an extremely warm hug, with exaggerated expressions and movements.

"Edward, good morning, I am also very glad to see you again, it has been a few months since we left New York, and you are actually much fatter than before!

Let go of me quickly, my buddy is almost out of breath, if you don't let go of those two elephant-like arms, be careful that I will put you on the ground! "

Ye Tian said loudly jokingly, pretending to struggle a few times.


There was laughter in the room, and everyone laughed.

After greeting each other and exchanging a few pleasantries, everyone went into the living room and sat down, and we got to the point.

The reason why Edward and the others came to the hotel was of course for that outstanding painting by Gauguin, "Susanne Dancing"!

Ye Tian originally wanted to bring this never-before-seen masterpiece of Gauguin back to New York, and send it to the top auction in New York Autumn Auction to make a fortune!

However, what Martinez said last night made him change his mind, and he had to make a change!

Last night, Martinez and other authorities in the field of French antique art collections, famous collectors, and appraisal experts appreciated and appraised this outstanding painting of Gauguin one by one!

Needless to say, the results of the appraisal, everyone at the scene unanimously agreed that this is indeed a work of Gauguin's peak period, and it has never appeared in front of people, and this is the first time it has been published!

Coupled with the emotional entanglement between Gauguin and Suzanne, this painting is particularly special and of extraordinary significance, and it will surely become a good story in art history.

After confirming the authenticity of the painting, a group of Frenchmen didn't shy away from Ye Tian at all, and couldn't wait to discuss in a low voice at the scene.

As a result of their discussions,

In the end, Martinez conveyed it to Ye Tian.

Due to the high value of this Gauguin painting and its special status in art history, they will advise the relevant authorities to add this oil painting to the list of antique artworks restricted from leaving the country!

Martinez, as the vice-chairman of the Federation of French Artists, undoubtedly has a lot of weight in his speech. Since he said so, it means that this oil painting will definitely be restricted from leaving the country!

After talking about this, Martinez and several other cunning guys immediately offered to buy this newly released masterpiece of Gauguin!

Ye Tian had no way to stop the Frenchman's decision to restrict "Dancing Susannah" from leaving the country, but he had the right to refuse to sell this top-notch work of art on the spot, which was more or less a small revenge!

The answer he gave was to let these Frenchmen raise money and prepare to go to the auction to fight hand-to-hand with other buyers and have a good fight, the winner is king!

And he also clearly told everyone that this oil painting created by Gauguin's lover has a high auction reserve price, and no one should try to pick up a bargain, let alone team up to make a game, it will only be self-defeating!

There is only one way to get this oil painting, and that is to go to the auction and raise a placard to bid. Whoever can persevere to the end and exceed the auction reserve price can get this masterpiece of Gauguin!

Regarding Ye Tian's decision, what can Martinez and the others do? They could only accept it with gritted teeth, and then left angrily, going back to draw circles and curse Ye Tian!

Not long after these guys left, agents from the Paris Police Art Prevention Team came to visit and told Ye Tian clearly that "Dancing Susanna" would never be allowed to leave France!

Even if it is successfully auctioned in the future, the ban on leaving the country will still be in effect. Of course, it has nothing to do with Ye Tian!

Because of this, these guys from the French branch of Sotheby's auction house can replace their colleagues at Sotheby's in New York and show up at the Regina Hotel to pick up a ready-made bargain!

This is pie in the sky! Edward, can they not be ecstatic?

About half an hour later, these guys from Sotheby's auction house completed the appraisal, and the results couldn't be more clear!

Next, Ye Tian signed a consignment auction agreement with them, consigning Gauguin's "Dancing Susanna" and Susanna's body oil painting to Sotheby's French auction house.

However, he didn't immediately tell the other party the auction reserve price, God knows if these guys will leak the secret!

He was going to wait until the eve of the auction before notifying the fatty Edward, telling him the auction reserve price of the two oil paintings, trying his best to avoid leaks and ensure his own interests!

As he had imagined before, he planned to auction these two oil paintings together. No matter where the buyers came from, if they wanted to win Gauguin's painting, they must also take Suzanne's body oil painting!

In this way, it will not only create a good story in art history, but also greatly increase the value of Suzanne's body oil painting!

As for the other hyper-realistic landscape painting, no one paid attention to it at all. Ye Tian planned to bring it back to New York and display it in the company as a souvenir!

After signing the consignment auction contract, the French Sotheby's team immediately left the Regina Hotel with two oil paintings, and then went straight back to the auction house under the protection of a group of armed security personnel and police!

Sending Edward and his group away, Ye Tian and the others did not leave the hotel to visit the beautiful scenery of Paris, or sweep the antique art market in Paris!

After a short break, Ye Tian took out his mobile phone and started calling Martinez, Florent, the curator of the Guimet Museum, and Benoit of the Palace of Fontainebleau!

The time is ripe, and I can tell these Frenchmen the final answer. I choose to exchange with that museum, and that museum will get the three pieces of top jewelry from Queen Mary!

On the phone, he told these Frenchmen clearly and unequivocally that his choice was the Guimet Museum, and that he would exchange Queen Mary's top jewelry for those Chinese antiques in the Guimet Museum!

Of course, the Chinese antique artworks offered by the Jigmet Museum for exchange are the priceless treasures that Ye Tian personally selected when he went to the Jigmet Museum!

Although Martinez and Florent were furious that day and insisted that they would never accept such an exchange condition, under Ye Tian's insistence, they finally accepted it with great pain!

After receiving the call, Martinez and Florent were naturally very excited and cheered directly on the phone, although it still felt a bit painful!

Contrary to the two of them, Benoit couldn't be happy at all, his tone was full of regret, even a little frustrated!

Ye Tian on the other end of the phone is very sure that none of the Chinese antique artworks from the Old Summer Palace in Fontainebleau Palace should be lost, they are all in the pockets of his buddies!

When the treasure of Napoleon buried on the Isle de la Citi comes out, my buddies will sit firmly on the Diaoyutai. It will not be a big problem to empty the Chinese Pavilion of the Palace of Fontainebleau by then!

After confirming the museum for the exchange, Ye Tian notified Martinez and Florent of the exchange time!

He set the time in three days, and traded in three days!

Three days is enough time for the Guimet Museum to prepare, dismantle those Chinese antique artworks, pack them, and send them to a private jet, waiting for the order to take off!

To be on the safe side, Ye Tian did not inform the other party of the location of the transaction. He only told the other party that the transaction location must be outside France!

This is France, after all, and the place of the Frenchmen.

Such a high-value art transaction, God knows if those Frenchmen will have any tricks! Have to be careful!

In addition to these Frenchmen, we must also guard against those jewelry thieves and antique art thieves. Once the news is leaked, those guys will swarm like flies chasing smells!

Even though Ye Tian killed a group of members of the Pink Panthers with extremely cruel and bloody methods before, this was not enough to deter everyone!

The high value and temptation of this antique art transaction are enough to drive countless people crazy. There must be many people who are willing to take risks for this!

After talking about the business, Ye Tian chatted with Martinez and Florent for a while before hanging up the phone and ending the call!

After a short break and two sips of coffee, Ye Tian picked up the phone again.

You can notify people in China to prepare to leave and come to Europe to pick up the goods!

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