Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1424 European Vase

After wandering around the bookstore for a while, Ye Tian and the others bid farewell and left, walking out of Brown's bookstore.

Next to the bookstore is a shop selling silverware. The door is open. There are many silverware inside and outside the store, mainly silver tableware, and they are all modern handicrafts.

When walking past this silver shop, Ye Tian took a quick glance at this shiny silver shop, and then walked past the door with Betty and the others without stopping for half a step.

Opposite the silverware shop is a flower shop, all kinds of flowers are blooming, colorful, decorating Portobello Street, adding a bit of color and beauty to the place.

The next thing that appeared was a shop selling antique rugby balls, antique cricket balls, and antique golf equipment. There were many antique golf equipment inside and outside the store.

When he came here, Ye Tian couldn't help but stop, and began to admire these relatively small antiques, and quickly scanned the area within his sight to see if he could find anything.

Compared with sports collections in the United States, such collections in the UK have a longer history and a wider range of categories, including many traditional British sports, such as cricket.

It's a pity that Ye Tian didn't find the treasure that touched his heart inside and outside this antique shop, which is a bit regrettable!

Although this shop also has some valuable antique golf equipment and other supplies, but those items are signed with the name of the former owner and the age, the value is clear at a glance, and there is nothing to miss!

In this regard, all sports antiques in ancient and modern China and abroad are the same. Only those antiques signed by celebrities or famous generals and special commemorative editions are valuable, and nothing else is worth mentioning.

Even if a cricket bat once belonged to the Queen of England, or even appeared on some important historical occasion, if it is bare and cannot see any signatures and marks, its value will not be that high!

The reason is very simple, without a signature or other imprints, people will not be able to identify its origin and see its special significance, and the value will naturally be impossible to increase!

If there are signatures and seals on it, the value goes up, but it is difficult to escape the sharp eyes of the antique dealers, so Ye Tian has nothing to miss here!

Of course, those antique golf equipment made of special materials, such as gold golf equipment, are not included in this!

After wandering around this antique store, he took out an antique golf club and waved it lightly at the door of the store. Ye Tian put down the golf club and took Betty and the others out of this antique sports store.

saw them leave,

The owner of this antique shop couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief secretly, and relaxed a lot. At the same time, he couldn't hide the disappointment in his eyes.

Although he successfully avoided being picked up by others, Ye Tian's actions are enough to show that there is no hidden treasure in this shop. How can he not disappoint the shop owner?

Not only the boss of this antique shop, but also the bosses of other shops are very conflicted!

They are afraid that Ye Tian will pick up leaks in their shop and take away the treasures and wealth that belonged to them, and they also hope that Ye Tian will find one or two top-level antique works of art to make their shop famous!

Of course, there is a premise here, that is, Ye Tian found a top-level antique artwork and gave an accurate valuation, but he didn't take it away!

Is it possible for such a thing to happen? Totally impossible!

Anyone in the field of antique works of art knows very well in their hearts that that bastard Steven is extremely greedy, and he will never let go of any opportunity to pick up leaks, especially those top-level antique works of art!

Then walking forward, Ye Tian and the others saw shops and stalls selling second-hand bags, antique lv suitcases, second-hand clothing, antique records, souvenirs, and various special snacks!

In these shops and stalls, Ye Tian found a few forgotten antique works of art. Although the value is not high, it is still worth selling.

Ye Tian didn't take the items he found, he sent the relevant information to Bowie, ready to let Bowie take action and secretly sweep the goods!

Moments later, Bowie would be in those shops or patronizing the booths, and by the time he left, he'd been rewarded, with a big smile on his face.

And Ye Tian and the others continued to walk on the street not far ahead, just like walking in the old days!

Each of them was very relaxed, laughing and chatting, while admiring the scenery on both sides of the street and all kinds of items!

However, the many security personnel scattered around them are tight on the outside and tight on the inside, always maintaining a high level of alert and ready to respond at any time.

Those security personnel disguised as tourists have already mixed into the crowd, walking around Ye Tian and the others from far or near, secretly protecting Ye Tian and the others, and always paying attention to the surrounding situation.

The London policemen from Scotland Yard who followed Ye Tian and the others also maintained a high level of alert, staring at Ye Tian and the others closely, not daring to relax for a moment!

While talking, Ye Tian and the others had come to another booth.

This is a porcelain booth, placed on the sidewalk on the right side of the street. The booth is not big, and the goods are not very large. There are only thirty or forty pieces in total, and they are placed at different heights on solid wooden shelves!

When he came here, Ye Tian stopped immediately, first nodded to the stall owner, and then looked at the porcelain on the stall.

The porcelain placed on the booth includes porcelain from China and local European porcelain, with different styles, and it looks a little messy when placed together.

After a quick glance at the many porcelains on the stall, Ye Tian pointed to a pair of vases on the second floor of the wooden frame with inlaid copper gilt handles, and asked the stall owner:

"Good morning sir, I'm Steven, nice to meet you, can I have a look at the pair of vases? They look nice!"

The caucasian stall owner in his fifties took a deep look at Ye Tian, ​​then turned his head to look at the pair of gaudy vases, his eyes showed some joy, some doubts, but more vigilance.

After thinking for a while, the stall owner just nodded and said:

"Good morning, Mr. Steven, I've known you for a long time. I'm Andy. Welcome to my china stand. It's a pleasure to meet you too. It's an honor! Of course you can look at the pair of vases, just be careful!"

After speaking, Andy took a step forward to shake hands with Ye Tian, ​​and made a gesture of invitation, then turned his head to look at the pair of vases again, the doubt in his eyes became stronger!

"Okay! Mr. Andy, I will be careful"

Ye Tian nodded in agreement, then walked forward, reached out and took down a vase from the wooden stand, held it in his hand and began to appreciate it, looking very focused!

While admiring this European-style vase, he kept staring at another vase in the corner of the porcelain booth from the corner of his eye, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes from time to time.

Fortunately, he performed very well, and everyone at the scene, including Betty, found nothing abnormal.

The vase in the corner is Ye Tian's real goal and the real reason why he stops in front of this porcelain stall. The pair of gaudy European vases in front of him are just a cover-up!

Of course, this pair of European-style vases is not bad, they are also a pair of antique vases, but they are far from the point where Ye Tian's heart is moved and he wants to sell them!

After pretending to concentrate on admiring, or performing, Ye Tian then raised his head, looked at the stall owner with a smile and said:

"Andy, how much is this pair of European style vases? If the price is right, I would like to have them"

Hearing this, Andy was stunned for a moment, and then glanced at the vase in Ye Tian's hand again, his eyes were both surprised and puzzled, very complicated!

After a short pause, he gave the answer.

"Steven, this pair of European-style vases costs 120,000 pounds. If you can accept this price, then you can take this pair of vases!"

"Hey! This is rather to kill the wrong than to let go!"

Ye Tian complained secretly, almost laughing out loud.

For this kind of situation, he had expected it a long time ago, and he was not surprised at all!

Now no matter where he goes to any antique market, all antique dealers will be highly vigilant, lest they be missed by him, or even ransacked wildly, and become another unlucky guy and another joke in the antique market!

Therefore, when confronting him, many antique dealers would charge wild prices without considering the actual value of the subject matter. Some guys were even unwilling to do his business, preferring not to make money to avoid being scammed!

"Wow! £120,000, what an exaggerated price! If I'm not mistaken, these should be a pair of vases from the Royal Wassey Porcelain Company.

The porcelain of the British Royal Wassers is really good, but I really can't see where the value of this pair of vases is worth 120,000 pounds? Do they have another story?

Andy, can you explain that to me? If this pair of vases were used by Queen Victoria, let alone 120,000 pounds, it is 1.2 million pounds, and I can accept it! "

Ye Tian pretended to be surprised and said with a smile, with a narrow smile in his eyes.

Hearing these words, Andy was stunned, and stared at Ye Tian dumbfounded, his face quickly turned red! 2k reading network

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