Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1428 Abstract Art Masterpiece

In the blink of an eye, it was evening, and the sky began to gradually darken.

At this time, Ye Tianzheng was in a gallery at the end of the street, continuing to sweep the Portobello antique market, while Betty and the others were watching the bustle with great interest and admiring the artwork displayed in this gallery.

After some realistic performances and bargaining, Ye Tian and the gallery owner finally reached an agreement on the painting in front of them.

"Okay, Mr. Steven, £3,500, deal! This abstract painting belongs to you, congratulations!"

"Deal, Mr. Oliver, it's a pleasure doing business with you"

Ye Tian smiled and nodded, and shook hands with gallery owner Oliver, finalizing the art deal.

Immediately afterwards, he asked Taylor to open the backpack, took out 3,500 pounds from it, and handed it to Oliver, then took the abstract painting from the other party's hand, and stood it at his feet.

In order to complete the transaction as quickly as possible so as not to have long nights and dreams, Ye Tian prepared a large amount of cash before coming to the Portobello Antique Market, including not only British pounds, but also Euros and U.S. dollars.

Excluding the cash in his own wallet, Taylor and Lisa were each carrying a backpack, which was filled with colorful cash, and they were all in large denominations, the amount was quite astonishing!

Even with all this preparation, by the end of the day, the cash they brought with them has been depleted.

Ye Tian's own wallet has long been empty, not a dime left! The backpack Lisa was carrying was the same. Even the backpack behind Taylor had bottomed out and shriveled a lot!

After taking over the abstract painting, Ye Tian immediately breathed a sigh of relief, surprise appeared in his eyes, and a bright smile appeared on his face.

It is now evening, and the Portobello Antique Market is about to close. This is the last gallery Ye Tian and the others visited. If you leave this gallery, you can return home in triumph!

The transaction has been successfully concluded, there is no need to hide it anymore, you can properly express your emotions, that will be enjoyable, isn't it!

Besides, Ye Tian has been performing since the moment he walked into the Portobello Antique Market in the morning. It has been a day, and he is somewhat tired. He needs to release his true feelings!

Seeing his sudden expression of true feelings, Oliver on the opposite side was stunned for a moment, and then his heart skipped a beat.

My heart sank quickly and I fell into the bottomless abyss!

At the same time, Oliver's face also began to change drastically, from white to blue, and then from blue to black, his face became extremely ugly, as if his own father had died!

As soon as the joy of a successful transaction emerged, it disappeared without a trace, and was completely overwhelmed by endless regrets!

It's over! I was definitely cheated by this bastard, Steven, ransacked crazily, and became another unlucky guy in the Portobello Antique Market, and also became the object of ridicule by his peers.

The value of that abstract painting is by no means more than 3,500 pounds. According to the degree of joy shown by that bastard Steven, it is likely to be a top-notch work of art, which is priceless!

Although he thought so in his heart, he was very sure of the result of being cheated, but Oliver was still a little unwilling to believe it, and still had a bit of luck, hoping that the result would run counter to the facts!

Taking a long breath in secret, and adjusting his emotions a bit, Oliver tried to calm down, but asked anxiously:

"Mr. Steven, now that the deal has been concluded, this abstract painting belongs to you. Can you explain this painting? I would like to hear your opinion.

Judging from the degree of joy you showed, this abstract painting is obviously not simple. Could it be the work of that master artist? How much is it worth? "

Ye Tian didn't answer right away. He first turned his head to look at the sky outside the gallery, then turned his head to look at the anxious Oliver, and then said with a smile:

"Mr. Oliver, are you sure you want to know the answer to this question? I think it's better to be a little confused. This way at least you can maintain a relatively happy mood and benefit your physical and mental health!"

When he said these words, Ye Tian's tone was very sincere, but the bright smile on his face and the unconcealed pride in his eyes, no matter how you looked at it, he deserved a beating!

Now that the story has been said, even a fool can understand the meaning of Ye Tian's words. Obviously, Oliver, who is doing business in Portobello Antique Market, cannot be a fool!

Don't give up until the Yellow River!

Although Oliver's heart has been swallowed by despair, he still does not give up, and there is still a glimmer of hope remaining.

"Mr. Steven, I still want to hear your appraisal conclusion, and I really want to know which artist's work this abstract painting is, and how much is it worth?

Even if the answer will make me very painful and extremely regretful, I am willing to bear it! Otherwise, I will be tortured to death by these questions, and you will understand the feeling! "

Oliver said with a sad face, his eyes and tone were full of despair.

Not only did he want to know the answers to these questions, but so did Betty and Anderson. Everyone on the scene looked at Ye Tian, ​​but their eyes were different.

The eyes of Betty and Anderson were full of excitement and anticipation, and the eyes of the two gallery staff were also full of anticipation, but more regret and pain.

As for the other customers who were also in this gallery and stood aside to watch the excitement, in addition to anticipation, there was Chi Guoguo's envy and jealousy in their eyes!

Ye Tian glanced at the crowd, then nodded with a smile and said:

"You are right, Mr. Oliver, I understand your thoughts very well, if we switch positions, I would also like to know the answers to these questions, otherwise I will be tortured crazy.

Since you insist, let me talk about this abstract painting. After I finish explaining, I hope you can accept the result of this fait accompli and maintain a relatively happy mood.

You and I both know that this is an abstract painting created in the first half of the last century, but there is no artist’s signature on this painting. Who did it come from? It becomes a question!

After preliminary identification, I can basically confirm that this is a masterpiece of the famous Russian painter, one of the greatest figures of modern art, the founder of abstract art, and the master of art Kandinsky! "

Before the words fell, the scene was completely boiling, and exclamations began to sound crazily.

"My God! This turned out to be a painting by the master of abstraction, Kandinsky. If it is true, it must be a priceless top art work. It is simply incredible!"

"Three thousand and five hundred pounds to buy a masterpiece of Kandinsky, who can think of such a thing? It's just a fantasy, it's crazy!"

Everyone else in the gallery was crazily exclaiming. Everyone's eyes were fixed on the abstract painting in Ye Tian's hands, and they were not willing to move away for a moment. Their eyes were extremely hot and full of inconceivability!

Looking at Oliver at this moment, he was muttering to himself in a daze, his expression was extremely painful, and his heart was probably bleeding.

"Kandinsky's abstract paintings, how is this possible? Isn't his paintings in the period of free abstraction based on expressionism? You can always see the color of expressionism.

Later, under the influence of Russian Suprematism and Constructivism, he gradually turned from free abstraction to an abstract form, but he did not abandon the expressionist basis of his early style.

But in this abstract painting, there is no expressionism. Because of this, I did not think of Kandinsky. Who would have thought that this is his painting! "

Ye Tian turned his head and looked at Oliver, who was in a daze and had red eyes, a trace of pity flashed in his eyes.

But business is business, and pity won't soften his heart to return this top-notch work of art to Oliver.

"You're right, Mr. Oliver, Kandinsky's paintings in the two periods of free abstraction and a kind of abstraction can indeed see the color of expressionism.

But you seem to have overlooked one point, that is the transitional period between these two styles of painting, that is, the period when Kandinsky returned to Germany and joined the Bauhaus in 1921.

His representative painting during that period is "White Line, No. 232", and there are two paintings before and after, namely "Grey, No. 222" and "Emphasis on the Angle, No. 247".

Combining and appreciating these three paintings in chronological order, you can see the transformation of Kandinsky's painting style, especially "White Line, No. 232", which has many similarities with this painting! "

"Ah! "White Line, No. 232", a work of the transition period? Why didn't I think of this? How stupid!"

Oliver exclaimed, and froze in place, the pain in his eyes became more intense, and his heart was probably riddled with holes!

At this moment, a customer standing a little far away suddenly asked:

"Mr. Steven, can you tell us about the price of this abstract painting? Since it is the masterpiece of abstract art master Kandinsky, it must be a top-notch work of art that is priceless, right?"

Ye Tian turned his head to look at the person who asked the question, then glanced at the other guys who were full of expectations, and then nodded with a smile and said:

"Dude, you are right, this is indeed a priceless and top-notch work of art, once it appears in the art market, it will definitely cause a sensation.

There are very few works of Kandinsky's transitional period, and only two or three works are known so far, each of which is a priceless top-level artwork, which is almost impossible to see in the market.

In view of this, combined with the current art market conditions, I value this painting at 16 million US dollars. If it is done properly, it is not impossible to exceed 20 million US dollars! "

Not surprisingly, the gallery was boiling again, cheers and exclamations sounded at the same time, almost blowing off the ceiling of this gallery!

Oliver, who was hit hard, couldn't hold on any longer at this time, his legs went limp, and he sat down on the floor directly, with a mournful expression on his face, in extreme pain!

. Nine Heavens Emperor

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