Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1435 The Ghost in the Moonlight

Next to the Victorian-style office building is Princes Street, which connects Hanover Square and Regent Street. The street is relatively wide and there are many vehicles and pedestrians passing by.

Walking along Prince Street for about fifty meters, Ye Tian saw a small street on the right side of the street. The lights inside were dim, empty and very quiet!

More importantly, the office building on this side street is on the same side, and it is close to the Victorian-style office building. Entering the side street, you can reach the back door of the office building.

When he reached the intersection of the small street, Ye Tian secretly turned on the perspective, and quickly scanned around the intersection.

On the side of Prince Street and in the small street, there were some vehicles parked. The lights inside the vehicles were dimmed, and no one was found hiding in them. It was very quiet!

There is a monitoring probe at the corner of the small street, facing the center of the street. If you walk close to the walls on both sides of the street, you should be able to avoid the shooting of the monitoring probe.

Ten meters away from the street, at the back door of a restaurant, there is also a surveillance probe, which can cover the panoramic view of the street entrance.

But that's just a deaf ear, or a wiring problem that hasn't been repaired in time; or for some other reason, the surveillance probe didn't work, or maybe it was a bluff!

There were not many pedestrians around Ye Tian, ​​everyone was hurrying, or admiring the scenery on both sides of the street, or joking and chatting, no one paid attention to him who was strolling forward.

Even the technicians who provided logistical support were all focused on Hanover Square and the heavy convoy parked a few blocks away, and no one paid attention to the situation on the side street.

While speaking, Ye Tian had already reached the corner of the side street, and then disappeared from Prince Street in an instant, entering a relatively dark side street.

After entering the side street, he clung to the wall on the right side of the side street, and quickly groped towards the Victorian-style office building.

After walking about twelve or thirteen meters, he had left the coverage of the surveillance probe at the intersection, and then came to the middle of the small street, and accelerated his speed again!

The Victorian-style office building is just ahead, only two or three meters away.

Without stopping at all, the first time he walked quickly to the back of the building, taking advantage of the tendency of rushing forward, Ye Tian stomped his left foot on the ground vigorously, and his whole body jumped up like an arrow from the string, heading straight for the building in front of him. office building.

Although it was already dark at this time, and the light in the small street was relatively dim,

But in Ye Tian's eyes, it is no different from the daytime, and his vision is not affected at all.

As for the landing point of his hands and the climbing route to the roof, he had already found the best solution through perspective the moment he entered this small street.

Ye Tian who rushed towards the office building was like a black ghost flying in the night sky!


There was a soft noise in the small street, so small that it was almost inaudible.

Ye Tian clasped the edge of the window on the second floor tightly with both hands, followed by a sway of his body, exerted force with both hands, and his whole body clinging to the wall, he rushed straight to the roof.

If someone stood behind this office building at this time and looked up, he would be completely shocked by the picture he saw and exclaimed!

In the darkness, Ye Tian was like a huge gecko, with its limbs stretched out to cling to the wall, swimming on the wall behind this Victorian style office building, as if walking on flat ground, extremely freely.

Moreover, he climbed up extremely fast, using both hands and feet, and with a few ups and downs, he had already climbed to the height of five or six floors. Due to the limited light, he could hardly be seen downstairs, only a swimming mass could be seen. of shadows.

More importantly, during the climbing process, he hardly made any sound, and the small street was still abnormally quiet, as if nothing had happened.

When he approached the top of the building, Ye Tian slowed down his climbing speed so as not to disturb the sniper who was ambushing on the top of the building. His movements became lighter, like a civet cat, and he landed silently!

Of course, this is also due to the special latex soles under his feet, which can not only cover up his whereabouts, but also swallow sound.

Finally, Ye Tian clasped the edge of the roof tightly with both hands, he could jump up to the roof with a single effort, appear behind the sniper, and catch him by surprise!

However, he stopped, and didn't rashly rush to the top of the building to start a killing operation!

After a short pause, Ye Tian exerted a little force with his hands, pulling his body up, like doing pull-ups.

When his forehead was about to approach the edge of the roof, he turned on the perspective again, looked at the location where the sniper was hiding, and observed the situation in other areas on the roof!

Looking through the sculptures and reinforced concrete on the edge of the roof, you can have a panoramic view of the roof in an instant.

The sniper was still lying on the corner of the south edge of the roof, staring closely at the Italian restaurant on the south side of Hanover Square through the telescope in his hand, with an extremely focused expression!

The Blazer R93 tactical sniper rifle in front of him was always locked on the door of the Italian restaurant. Under the moonlight, the black body of the gun exuded a deadly aura!

Except for the sniper hiding in the dark corner, there was no one else on the roof of this office building, it was empty and very quiet!

There are only two monitoring probes on the roof, one facing the location of the fire ladder and the other facing the iron door leading to the building, with limited coverage.

On the east side of the roof, separated by a high firewall, is another building of the same height, with a slightly different architectural style, and the two buildings are closely connected.

Through the firewall, Ye Tian could clearly see that the iron door leading to the roof of the building next door was open a crack, and the lock inside the iron door had been unlocked!

Needless to say, the sniper hiding in the darkness must have come from the building next door, climbed over the firewall, ambushed on the roof of this office building, and waited here!

In just three to five seconds, Ye Tian had a complete grasp of the situation on the roof, and also determined the next action plan and route!

Immediately afterwards, he exerted force with both hands, and his whole body immediately flew through the air like a civet cat, and rushed directly to the roof of the office building.

When he fell from the sky, his hands and feet landed on the positions he had chosen with great precision, and his body followed closely, sticking tightly to the roof of the building without making any sound.

But his eyes were always open for perspective, through the sloping roof, staring at the sniper who was ambushing on the other side of the roof!

The sniper didn't notice it, and was still staring at the entrance of the Italian restaurant on the south side of Hannover Square. How could he know that the god of death had already touched him from behind, so close at hand!

After observing the situation, Ye Tian first pulled out the loaded M9 pistol, gently opened the safety, screwed the silencer on the muzzle, and inserted the M9 pistol back into the underarm holster.

Although he didn't intend to use a gun to kill the sniper on the other side of the building, as that would leave ballistic evidence, but preparations are essential in case of emergencies!

Next, he reached out his hand and pulled out the German saber tied to his calf, held it in his backhand, then got up, and quietly sneaked towards the south side of the roof, towards the position of the sniper!

During this process, he always turned on the perspective, closely watching the sniper's every move, ready to respond at any time.

When sneaking to half the distance, that is, the highest point of the sloping roof, he stopped again, adjusted his breathing and mood a little, and reconfirmed the route of travel and the situation of the sniper.

After making sure that the line was safe and would not make any noise, the sniper still didn't notice it, so Ye Tian quietly crossed the highest point of the sloping roof, and continued to touch the sniper without anyone noticing it!

Under the cold moonlight, like a black, weightless feather, he slid down the sloping roof without a sound, and went straight to the sniper lying in the corner of the south edge of the roof.

The distance between the two sides was rapidly approaching, and the murderous aura in Ye Tian's eyes became more and more intense, like a god of death, but the sniper didn't notice it, and was still staring at the entrance of the Italian restaurant on the south side of the square.

Ten meters, nine meters, eight meters, seven meters,...!

When the distance between the two sides was within seven meters, Ye Tian suddenly put the saber in his hand back into the scabbard. He didn't plan to use the knife anymore, but planned to break the sniper's neck with his hands!

Killing the sniper with a saber would still leave some traces.

You know, when he was in Paris, Ye Tian used a German saber to kill the boss of the Pink Panther at the bottom of the Seine River, and if he uses it now, it may arouse some people's associations!

Killing with bare hands does not have such concerns, and will not leave any traces. No one can judge what kind of hands the killer has by relying on the broken neck of a dead man!

What's more, Ye Tian still wears gloves on his hands, it is impossible to leave fingerprints, and no one knows how powerful he is!

When Ye Tian inserted the general knife, the distance between him and the sniper had been shortened to less than three meters, and death had completely shrouded the sniper's head!

It wasn't until this time that the sniper felt that the situation was wrong, and only then did he feel Ye Tian's intentionally restrained murderous aura.

He suddenly turned his head and looked back, his right hand touched the P226 pistol on his waist like lightning, and his lying body also dodged to the side, and the reaction was not unpleasant.

However, it's too late!

He seems to have forgotten that he is lying on the roof of the building, no matter how fast he moves, how fast can he go?

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