Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1441 Leaving London

Early the next morning, Ye Tian received a call from David.

The batch of antique art that Ye Tian swept from the Portobello Antique Market has been safely transported to New York and sent to the vaults of the three major auction houses in New York. The delivery process is very smooth!

Those top-notch Chinese antique artworks that have been lost overseas for a long time and are of great value are sent to the vault leased by the company and preserved in the same way as before.

When Ye Tian returns to New York after his trip to Europe, he will start to deal with those Chinese antique artworks, send them all back to Beijing, and display them in his personal exhibition hall to enrich the exhibits!

After talking about the batch of antique works of art, David asked about the shooting incident that took place in Hannover Square last night.

This shooting incident has spread all over the world and caused a huge sensation. David and the others heard the relevant news when they were still in the sky above the Atlantic Ocean!

"Steven, is it really what so many news outlets have reported? Those guys who died in Hanover Square during the shooting last night were all elite agents from MI5?

Did the blond killer who killed those MI5 agents really come from that famous extremist terrorist organization? When did those scumbags become so powerful? Impressive! "

David asked curiously, apparently not believing what the news media reported.

Ye Tian smiled softly, and said leisurely:

"It is basically certain that those guys who died in Hanover Square were indeed elite agents from the famous British intelligence agency MI5, that is, the famous James Bond!

After the shooting incident, when we rushed to Hanover Square to pick up Betty and the others, we met not only the senior police officers from Scotland Yard, but also the distraught MI5 intelligence officers!

There were also two fully armed tactical support teams from MI5, as well as many murderous MI5 agents. It can be seen that the dead guys were indeed MI5 agents!

Whether the blond white killer is a terrorist or not, I'm not sure. The sign of the extremist terrorist organization was indeed found at the scene of the shooting, and they publicly admitted it in the early morning!

Since they have already claimed the shooting incident, they should not run away. Next, it depends on how MI5, MI6, and the British army respond. There must be a bloody fight!

Just let them kill each other, no one is good anyway,

We just need to stay aside and watch the excitement, the next treasure hunt in the English Channel is the most important thing! "

This was a set of rhetoric that Ye Tian had thought up long ago, and he spoke it out without even stuttering, very fluently!

Not only David, but anyone else asked about the shooting incident in Hanover Square last night, he also said the same thing, and no one can fault it!

The development of the matter is just like what David said, the Hannover Square shooting incident that happened last night caused a huge sensation all over the world.

The headlines on the front pages of the world's major news media today are all about this shooting incident. Almost everyone who saw this news was completely shocked!

Of course, people's emotions are different, some are angry, some are worried, some are cheering loudly, and even took to the streets to hold a grand parade to celebrate!

As the dog leg of the Americans, the Brit who kills and sets fire all over the world, has fewer enemies than friends all over the world, or even more!

The police and all the intelligence agencies in London are completely crazy. Last night, they began to search the whole city, trying to find the ruthless blond white killer and smash him into pieces!

But where do they go?

The blond white killer hadn't appeared since he disappeared into a dark alley last night, and he seemed to have evaporated from the world!

Overnight, London is still very tense today. Police and soldiers with live ammunition can be seen everywhere on the streets, as well as secret agents in suits and leather shoes.

These guys are all staring at their blood-red eyes, checking every suspicious person, making the streets of London jump around!

But the instigator of all this, Ye Tian, ​​stayed peacefully in the presidential suite of the Ritz Hotel, enjoying the last morning of his trip to London.

After chatting with David for a few words, they ended the call and got busy!

After about 20 minutes, Ye Tian's cell phone rang again, but it was the cell phone specially used to contact Bowie, and no one except Bowie knew the cell phone number.

Like Ye Tian's usual cell phone, this dedicated cell phone has also been modified for anti-eavesdropping. It is very safe, and there is no need to worry about leaking information!

The same is true for Bowie on the other end of the phone, using a modified special mobile phone.

On the phone, Bowie told Ye Tian that he was going to leave London and return to New York with the antique artworks that were raided from the Portobello Antique Market yesterday!

The previous harvest from the Saint-Ouen flea market in Paris has already been shipped back to New York, and some of the antique artworks have even appeared in the New York antique art market!

Ye Tian has no objection to Bowie's decision!

Next, it's time to go to the English Channel to explore and salvage the Nacui gold sunk in the depths of the sea, there is no room for Bowie!

Even if Ye Tian raids a certain antique market again, Bowie needs to cooperate secretly, and it is enough for him to come to Europe, which will not delay everyone's fortune.

After finishing the call with Bowie and packing his luggage, Ye Tian immediately turned on the call function of the wireless invisible headset, and began to arrange today's actions.

The first thing he contacted was Kenny and Walker, who had been drifting off the coast of France for several days on the deep-sea salvage ship of the Intrepid.

"Good morning, Kenny, Walker, you can enter the territorial waters of France, and take the deep-sea salvage ship Intrepid to the port of Le Havre, France, where you can rest and replenish supplies!

Employees from our company have arrived at the port of Le Havre and will pick you up there. We will leave London soon, return to Paris, France, and then meet you again!

In three days at most, we will start the operation to salvage the treasure of the sunken ship. As long as the information provided by that idiot Cook is accurate, this will definitely be another treasure hunting operation with a great harvest! "

As soon as Ye Tian finished speaking, Kenny's excited voice came from the earphones.

"Great! Steven, we can finally land, and the treasure hunt has finally started. To be honest, staying at sea is so boring, I feel like throwing up when I see the sea now!

It's still fun to stay on land, not only to enjoy the picturesque scenery, but also to experience various thrilling actions, such as the Hanover Square shooting that happened last night! "

"Hahaha, don't worry, Kenny, when your expedition to salvage Nacui gold at the port of Le Havre begins, there will definitely be a series of wonderful shows!

Don't even think about it, the British and French who have heard the news will never watch us take away the nacui gold, and will definitely find excuses to interfere with our actions!

Even Germany, the defeated country in World War II and the former owner of the nacui gold, will covet it in all likelihood, and come in and try to get that batch of gold!

In addition, Jews, our old opponents, the Spaniards, the Swiss, and Hitler's former younger brother, the Italians, may all get involved and try to get a piece of the action!

At that time, the high seas of the English Channel will be extremely lively, while below the sea surface, unknown bloody fights may take place, which is thrilling enough! "

Ye Tian said with a smile, but a murderous intent flashed in the depths of his eyes!

Next, he told Kenny and the others again, and said some precautions, and then ended the call!

Immediately afterwards, he called Mattis and Anderson into the presidential suite, and said to the two of them:

"Notify the guys to pack up, let's leave London and return to Paris, France, as before, let everyone take back all the monitoring and monitoring equipment and anti-monitoring and monitoring equipment, don't leave any behind!

When we leave the hotel, board the plane at Heathrow Airport, and pass through the Channel Tunnel, we will definitely be heavily questioned by the British police and MI5. Everyone must exercise restraint, but we must not let our guard down! "

"Understood, Steven, we know what to do!"

Mattis and Anderson responded in unison, both with excited expressions.

Then, Ye Tian explained some other things, and the two left and went out to get busy!

About half an hour later, Ye Tian and the others, who had packed up, left the presidential suite with their luggage and walked straight to the elevator.

The facts are just as Ye Tian expected!

When they got down to the hotel lobby, a dozen policemen from Scotland Yard and agents from MI5 had been waiting in the lobby for a long time, staring at each other!

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