The day passed quickly, and the news that the Intrepid Exploration Company was preparing to salvage the treasure of the sunken ship in the waters near France continued to ferment, causing more and more influence.

Everyone's eyes turned to Ye Tian, ​​waiting for the press conference he said, to learn more about the treasure of the shipwreck!

Everyone was very anxious, wanting to see what the shipwreck treasure was, but was actually targeted by Steven, an extremely greedy and extremely lucky bastard.

While paying attention to Ye Tian, ​​many people, companies, and countries are making their own calculations, to see if the shipwreck treasure is related to themselves or their country, and whether they can find a way to get a share of it!

Among them are independent professional treasure hunters, treasure hunting enthusiasts, treasure hunting companies all over the world, and various countries in and around France.

Of course, there are also numerous gang organizations in European countries, as well as some old opponents who hate Ye Tianbu to death.

Even ordinary people who have nothing to do with it, there are many people who are going to sail with Ye Tian and the others to go to the salvage site of the shipwreck treasure! If you don't keep it all, you will be favored by God, and you will get lucky and make a fortune!

Good things can't all fall on that bastard Steven, it would be too unfair!

Even if the huge amount of gold has nothing to do with me, it is a very rare experience to witness the salvage process of the sunken treasure on the spot. How can such an opportunity be missed?

All of a sudden, Paris, France and the port of Le Havre became very lively.

Around the Regina Hotel and near the port of Le Havre, more and more media reporters gathered, and there were many ghosts and monsters from all walks of life!

Including the media reporters who are not too serious about watching the excitement, everyone gathered around the Regina Hotel and near the port of Le Havre had greedy eyes, without exception!

Some guys have even taken action and started to try to get close to the security personnel around Ye Tian, ​​the crew on the Intrepid, and the employees of the Intrepid Exploration Company, trying to find out information about the treasure of the sunken ship.

However, their behavior is doomed to be futile, just a waste of effort!

For all of this, Ye Tian had already taken precautions and warned all his subordinates sternly.

No matter who it is, once the information related to the treasure of the sunken ship is leaked, they should immediately pack up and get out, go home and wait for the court summons,

Prepare to break the bank!

Moreover, his security personnel and company employees don't have any valuable information to disclose. They don't know the exact coordinates of the sunken treasure at all, they only know some basic information!

There are only two people who know the exact coordinates of the sunken ship's treasure, one is Ye Tian, ​​and the other is Cook who provided the information about the treasure. The others don't know it at all!

It is naturally impossible for Ye Tian to reveal the coordinates of the treasure of the sunken ship. If the coordinates are leaked, there is only one possibility, that idiot Cook leaked them!

Back then when Cook rushed to New York with his lawyer to compensate Ye Tian for the treasure information, he had promised and formed a document that the specific coordinates of the sunken treasure must not be revealed!

If he doesn't want to go bankrupt or even die, Cook will never leak the secrets to the outside world!

As an opponent, Cook is very aware of Ye Tian's methods and what he can do.

Cook knew in his heart that as long as he dared to leak the secret, that ruthless bastard Steven would dare to kill him without the slightest hesitation, and without anyone noticing, he would never leave any clues!

law? Do not make jokes!

For that bastard Steven, the law only exists in this world when it is beneficial to him, and he will wield the stick of the law to safeguard his own interests.

If the law is against him, or damages his interests, then it's nothing, it's just a dead letter!

Because of this, Cook didn't dare to leak the secret, and Ye Tian also expected that he didn't have the guts. The tragic experience on Cocos Island has already left a huge psychological shadow on Cook!

The matter of the historic building at No. 15 Channones Avenue has been dealt with, and the foreshadowing of the discovery of Napoleon's treasure has also been successfully buried in the future. Just wait for the time to come, and it will come to fruition!

Undoubtedly, when Ye Tian starts to excavate Napoleon's treasure and announce it to the public, the whole world will be shocked by it, and there will be another extremely exciting drama after that.

The whole morning, Ye Tian and the others were busy.

Meet with the lawyer team brought by Antoine, sign an employment contract, and prepare for the upcoming exploration and salvage of nacui gold, as well as the press conference in the afternoon!

At the same time, Kenny and Walker in the port of Le Havre, the company employees who rushed to the port earlier, and everyone on the deep-sea salvage ship of the Intrepid were also busy non-stop!

They not only need to replenish food, drinking water, fuel, etc. for the Intrepid, but also rent super-large yachts and supporting equipment, and coordinate with the live broadcast team that has already arrived at the port of Le Havre. They are extremely busy!

Of course, they also need to protect the Dreadnought, and keep all coveted eyes and ulterior motives out of the ship, so as not to be taken by others!

In the blink of an eye, it was almost three o'clock in the afternoon, and the press conference was about to begin.

The door of the presidential suite opened. Matisse, Anderson, and Jason, who had just arrived in Paris in the morning, walked in together. They were all dressed in suits and leather shoes, looking very formal.

Just standing still at the door, Matisse immediately said:

"Steven, the banquet hall has been set up, you can go down and hold a press conference, the inside and outside of the banquet hall are under the control of our guys, and the outside is in charge of the hotel security personnel!

Everyone who enters the banquet hall, regardless of media reporters or anyone else, must go through the security check. Except for our own people, no one can enter the venue with weapons. It is very safe! "

As soon as his voice fell, Jason continued excitedly:

"Antoine and the others have already gone down, and the live broadcast team of the National Geographic Channel has also arrived at the venue, set up the machine, and waited for the press conference to start and broadcast live.

Reporters from the world's major news media have gathered together. In addition, some government officials from France and the United Kingdom also came to the banquet hall. The scene is very lively! "

Hearing the situation reported by Mathis and Jason, Ye Tian immediately burst into a bright smile.

He raised his hand to look at the time, then took the suit that Betty handed over, put it on and tidied it up a bit, then smiled and said:

"Let's go, guys, let's go downstairs to the banquet hall and surprise the whole world and make everyone stunned by the shipwreck treasure!"

After speaking, he gently hugged Betty, and then walked to the door of the suite first, while Betty stayed in the suite, waiting for the press conference to end.

Immediately afterwards, Jason, Mathis, and Anderson also walked out of the presidential suite and walked to the elevator hall together. Everyone's steps were extremely brisk, and their eyes were full of confidence!

At the same time, the grand banquet hall on the second floor of the Regina Hotel was already crowded with people, and it was extremely lively!

There are reporters from the world's major news media, officials from the Ministry of Culture of Britain and France, the National Geographic Channel TV live broadcast team who came from the United States, and some old friends of Ye Tian!

Everyone gathered and waited anxiously.

While waiting for Ye Tian to appear and for the press conference to start, everyone in the banquet hall was full of curiosity, envy, and even jealousy!

"Steven, that bastard, is so lucky that he discovered another treasure of a shipwreck. It is completely conceivable that this treasure of a shipwreck must be amazing if he can make such a big battle!"

"I'm really a little suspicious now, is that bastard Steven related to God? Why did all the good things happen to him? How can he reason?

I don't know how much gold is in this shipwreck treasure? Specifically in that sea area? Which country did the sinking ship belong to before? These are so exciting! "

Not only in the banquet hall, but also outside the banquet hall, many people stared at Ye Tian's every move with red eyes, waiting for the press conference to be held!

Some of them even hoped that they could get some useful information from this press conference, preferably the coordinates of the shipwreck's treasure, and then get there before Ye Tian!

Obviously, they thought too much, it was impossible at all!

While the people in the banquet hall were discussing incessantly, the door of the lounge on the side of the front stage was suddenly pushed open. Under the guard of Mathis and the others, Ye Tian strode out of the lounge!


Everyone at the scene looked over there in unison, everyone's eyes were extremely hot!

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