Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1447 The Most Mysterious 2nd Battle Relic

Amidst the exclamation, the British and French officials in the audience were all dumbfounded. They didn't know what to say for a while, their expressions were rather embarrassed, and their faces turned red.

Before the noise subsided, Ye Tian glanced at the boiling banquet hall, and continued to speak loudly:

"As we all know, during the Second World War, countless gold and silver treasures and precious antique works of art were looted by armies of various countries, or looted by other people taking advantage of the chaos, and have since disappeared.

As a result, many unsolved historical cases and treasures full of mist have been formed, which are the so-called "treasures of World War II". They are hidden in mysterious places, making countless people dream about them!

Among these "World War II Treasures", the three most eye-catching and according to legends are also the most valuable treasures, namely the Murex Treasure, the Yamashita Hokum Treasure, and the Rommel Treasure!

When the Allied forces invaded Germany in 1945, the Third Army led by Patton discovered the Murks treasure in a mine in the village of Murks in Thuringia, Germany, and then shipped it all back to the United States.

It is said that there are 250 tons of gold in the Murks treasure, countless silver and jewelry, as well as a huge amount of cash, and as many as 400 tons of art treasures, which is an extremely amazing wealth.

The legendary Yamashita Bongwen Treasure contains almost all the wealth of the six countries in Southeast Asia. It is said that it is worth tens of billions of dollars, but its whereabouts are still an unsolved mystery!

According to legend, the Yamashita Hokum Treasure was also obtained by the U.S. military. From 1945 to 1948, gold worth tens of billions of dollars was transported to the United States and deposited in 176 banks!

There is also a saying that most of the wealth of the hidden treasure under the mountain was transported back to the United States, and a small part was privately divided by the generals of the American occupation army, and flowed into major Swiss banks and became private property!

The largest account is the gold account opened by MacArthur's son, Arthur MacArthur, at Credit Suisse Bank in Zurich. The amount of gold in that account is as high as nearly 100 tons.

A former president of the United States also has 7.5 tons of gold in his private account with Credit Suisse. Of course, these are just legends, which may not be credible, and there is no clear evidence to support them.

Here I would like to declare that I have heard these legends from various sources. I did not make up my own words to slander someone deliberately, so I do not need to bear any legal responsibility! "

Speaking of this, Ye Tian couldn't help showing a smirk, which was very obvious under the lens of the high-definition camera.

Listening to his words, watching his performance,

Everyone at the scene rolled their eyes dumbfounded.

This bastard is so cunning! In front of the live broadcast camera and in front of everyone in the world, after talking about other people's ulterior scandals, there is another legend, and the blame is instantly shirked!

At the same time, in the office buildings of several famous banks in Switzerland, as well as in some places in the United States, there was a burst of frantic cursing and some smashing sounds!

Needless to say, the person being cursed was naturally Ye Tian who was talking freely at the Hotel Regina in Paris.

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say loudly with a smile on his face:

"Except for the Murks treasure that has already been discovered, and the misty treasure under the mountain, the Rommel treasure, which is also the three major treasures of World War II, only exists in legends so far.

Rommel is known as the Desert Fox. During World War II, he led the army in North Africa for a long time and was the actual ruler of North Africa. There were many very wealthy tribal chiefs in that land.

In Rommel's eyes, it is said that there are only two kinds of chiefs, those who support me and those who do not support me, but there is only one way, those who support me, support me with money, and those who do not support me, kill people and steal money!

Relying on this iron-blooded method, Rommel amassed a huge amount of wealth during his war in North Africa, including countless gold, jewels and diamonds. It is said that there are more than 90 large boxes of rare antiques alone!

This wealth is so huge that it is said that even Rommel himself did not know the specific value, but some good people have made a rough estimate that the value of this batch of treasures should not be less than three billion US dollars!

On the eve of the defeat in North Africa, Rommel used various means to disperse, transfer and hide the huge amount of wealth he had plundered, but the ultimate whereabouts of that treasure is still a mystery!

In 1944, Rommel, who returned to Germany, was involved in the plot to overthrow Hitler. After the assassination was revealed, under Hitler's persecution, Rommel had no choice but to commit suicide by taking poison.

With Rommel's death, Rommel's treasure has become a historical unsolved case and unsolved mystery. Because of its huge value, Rommel's treasure has been hailed as one of the three major relics of World War II by later generations!

The shipwreck treasure we discovered in the English Channel this time is part of Rommel's treasure. The discovery of this shipwreck treasure may help solve the mystery of Rommel's treasure! "

Following Ye Tian's words, the scene in the banquet hall became more and more noisy, and the excited eyes of all the media reporters were shining brightly, and their gazes were extremely hot!

The eyes of those officials from the Ministry of Culture of Britain and France have turned green, and there is endless greed in everyone's eyes, which cannot be concealed at all!

And on countless live broadcast terminals, crazy exclamations kept ringing out, one after another, every voice was full of envy, even jealousy!

There are also some people on the live broadcast, such as German government officials, Jews, and government officials from some North African countries, whose eyes are also shining, full of greed!

As soon as Ye Tian finished speaking, a media reporter immediately stood up and said loudly:

"Steven, according to legend, Rommel once organized a force of high-speed speedboats to transport those gold and silver treasures to Italy, and then to Germany by land.

However, when the speedboat troop sailed to the waters of Corsica, it encountered an ambush by the British army, was sunk by the British fleet, and sank to the bottom of the sea near Corsica.

If this legend is true, then it is impossible for them to appear in the English Channel. Given the fighting conditions at the time, wouldn’t it be too risky to transport gold and silver treasures through the English Channel? "

Just after this person finished speaking, another media reporter stood up and said loudly:

"Steven, there are also people who say that Rommel's speedboat unit was just a cover for smuggling, and the real treasure was loaded on dozens of military trucks and driven into the Sahara Desert.

They abandoned trucks and used camels in the desert, and walked for two days before burying the treasure. The treasure troop that buried the gold and silver treasure was surrounded by the British army on the way back and wiped out.

That may have been Rommel's killing and silence. Judging from Rommel's involvement in the assassination of Hitler later, it is more likely that Rommel hid the treasure in the desert instead of transporting it back to Germany to Hitler! "

Ye Tian looked at the two media reporters, then smiled and said loudly:

"As I said before, this shipwreck treasure is only part of Rommel's treasure, not all of it. Of course, if it is all of Rommel's treasure, it would be perfect!"

Hearing this, the media reporters, the officials of the British and French Ministry of Culture, and the people who were watching the live broadcast couldn't help but rolled their eyes and cursed secretly!

This damn bastard is so greedy to the extreme!

The shipwreck treasure is worth hundreds of millions of dollars in gold and jewels and diamonds! Just this is not enough to satisfy the appetite of this bastard, and he dares to hope to win the entire Rommel treasure, and he is not afraid of dying!

Oh, God! Are your eyes really blind? Why do you favor this bastard Steven so much? An extremely greedy bastard like this should be killed by a lightning strike!

Ye Tian saw all the performances of the people at the scene, but he turned a blind eye and continued to speak loudly with a smile on his face!

"I have also heard the two legends about Rommel's hidden treasure, but everyone must not forget that Rommel, known as the Desert Fox, was an extremely cunning general.

Even ordinary people with a little brain understand the truth that all eggs cannot be put in one basket! What's more, for Rommel, who is as cunning as a fox, it is normal to scatter hidden treasures.

Although the English Channel was very dangerous at that time, civilian ships and cargo ships were still able to pass. As I said just now, it was a cargo ship, and the name of the ship was erased! "

Just after Ye Tian finished speaking, an official from the British Ministry of Culture in the audience said loudly unwillingly:

"Steven, what evidence do you have that the gold and jewel diamonds in that shipwreck treasure are part of Rommel's treasure and came from North Africa, not from a European country occupied by Hitler?"

As this question was raised, everyone at the scene and on the live broadcast side looked at Ye Tian, ​​waiting for his answer.

Ye Tian glanced at the British official, and said loudly in a leisurely manner:

"It is actually very simple to prove whether the shipwreck treasure is part of Rommel's treasure. This treasure hunt will be broadcast live, and the live broadcast rights have been sold to the National Geographic Channel!

At that time, everyone can witness the whole process of exploring and salvaging the treasures of the sunken ship, witness the process of rediscovering the gold, jewelry and diamonds, and learn where they come from in the first place!

When those batches of gold, jewelry and diamonds come out, it will definitely shatter some people’s unrealistic fantasies. Here I want to reiterate again, that is my wealth, and no one can covet it! "

Hearing his words, the faces of the British and French officials at the scene, as well as many people on the live broadcast end, couldn't help but change, and they became extremely ugly!

"Okay, ladies and gentlemen, this is the end of the briefing on the treasures of the shipwreck. Next is the free question time. Everyone is welcome to ask questions!"

As Ye Tianqing's clear voice came out again, the banquet hall immediately boiled again!

.. m.

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