Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1449 Preparations before sailing

Under the guidance of several police cars, Ye Tian and his convoy drove straight into the pier area, heading towards the Intrepid and the super yacht.

Many news media vehicles following them, as well as other social vehicles, were stopped by port security personnel and police, and could only be parked outside the pier to watch from a distance.

The convoy arrived at the pier in front of the berth where the Intrepid was. Before it stopped, Kenny and Walker rushed up to meet them, and the expressions of several guys were extremely excited.

Some of the security personnel who came to the port of Le Havre in advance, as well as the security personnel who came with the Intrepid, have spread out and set up a line of defense, watching the surrounding situation vigilantly.

As in the past, as soon as the convoy stopped, Mattis took the lead to get out of the car with many armed security personnel, which greatly enriched the security force at the dock site.

After confirming that the scene was safe and there was no danger, Ye Tian took Betty out of the car and stepped onto the pier of Le Havre Port.

"Good morning, Steven, Betty, welcome to the port of Le Havre"

Kenny and Walker greeted them warmly.

Those who greeted Ye Tian and the others at the pier were several company employees and the captain of the Intrepid, while the rest stayed on the two ships and watched this side.

"Good morning, Kenny, Walker, nice to see you here, you look great, I think life on the Dauntless is very good!"

Ye Tian said with a smile, and stepped forward to bump fists with Kenny and the others, saying hello to each other.

"Don't mention it, can we look bad? On the deep-sea salvage ship of the Intrepid, we only have three things, eating, sleeping, and playing games, plus fishing.

Life floating on the sea is too boring. Fortunately, I have landed. If I stay on the Intrepid for another ten days and a half a month, I will definitely go crazy if no one else knows what to do."

Kenny joked, with a look of lingering fear.

After joking and exchanging greetings, Ye Tian went to those company employees and the captain of the Intrepid, and greeted them one by one.

Next, Ye Tian said to the people around him:

"Let's go aboard the Dreadnought first,

Say hello to the guys, and then go to the super yacht next to it. From today on, it will be our residence. I don’t know what it’s like inside. It’s very worth looking forward to! "

After finishing speaking, Ye Tian took Betty and walked forward, preparing to board the deep-sea salvage ship "Intrepid Brave" through the gangway on the pier.

The others followed immediately, and everyone boarded the Dreadnought talking and laughing together, and disappeared from the pier!

At the same time, outside the berthing area of ​​the pier, many media reporters, people watching the excitement, and those guys with ulterior motives were all discussing in low voices as they watched the situation ahead.

"I'm going! Steven, this bastard is really cheap. I didn't quite believe it before, but now I am very sure that this Dreadnought is definitely one of the most advanced deep-sea salvage ships in the world today!

Although I don't know much about the value of a deep-sea salvage ship, but with the size of this deep-sea salvage ship and the top-level deep-sea salvage equipment on board, its value is at least around 100 million US dollars! "

"Did you see that superyacht next to it? It's too dazzling and luxurious. It costs hundreds of thousands of dollars to rent it for at least a week, and it's only Steven. Who else is willing to do it!

This is not to explore and salvage the treasures of the sunken ship, it is simply to go on vacation, okay, it would be great if I were on that super yacht, it would be great if I have money, I can do whatever I want! "

While the people on the pier were talking and envious, Ye Tian had already greeted the company employees, security personnel, and crew members on the Intrepid.

Then, led by the captain and Kenny, they came to the living room on the main deck.

Walking into the living room, Ye Tian immediately turned on the perspective, thoroughly seeing through the whole living room, not letting go of any corner.

After confirming that there was no monitoring device in the living room, he ended his perspective and sat down on the sofa with Betty.

When everyone was seated, Ye Tian immediately turned to look at Kenny and the captain of the Dauntless, and said with a smile:

"Let me introduce the preparations. If there are no accidents, we should set sail and go to the English Channel to salvage nacui gold by this time tomorrow!

Although the sea area where the freighter sank is not far from Le Havre, I still hope that there will be no accidents in this treasure hunt, and it is best to finish it overnight!

Needless to say, there are countless people who are watching our every move, trying to get a piece of the treasure from this shipwreck, and even plan to swallow this sum of gold in one gulp.

Among them, the greatest threat is the United Kingdom and France on both sides of the English Channel. In addition, Germany, which just joined today, and the Jewish Association, none of them are easy to deal with!

So many people and countries are staring at this sum of gold, we can't be negligent at all, as long as we make a slight mistake, I'm afraid someone will get there first! "

Hearing this, the captain of the Intrepid immediately said:

"Steven, please don't worry, after we docked in Le Havre, we thoroughly inspected the Intrepid. The ship is in very good condition and is definitely qualified for the task of salvaging the sunken treasure!

All kinds of supplies on board, such as fuel, drinking water, food, etc., have been replenished. Not to mention activities in the English Channel, even if you go out to sea, the supplies on board can last for more than a month!

The width of the English Channel is limited. Even if the Intrepid has some minor problems at sea, it will not affect this treasure hunt. If you need to replenish supplies, a few medium-sized helicopters can complete it!

The same goes for the white superyacht next to it. After renting that superyacht, I organized the crew on the Intrepid to conduct a comprehensive and detailed inspection of that superyacht.

The superyacht has only been in use for a few years, and it is considered a 90% new yacht. The condition of the yacht is very good, and no problems have been found. The same is true for the medium-sized helicopter on the aft landing pad!

According to the list you listed before, we have already raised all the materials and equipment, whether purchased or leased, and have shipped all those materials and equipment to the yacht, so you can see it when you get on board!

When we set sail tomorrow, that super yacht will become a white palace floating on the English Channel, and will provide you with the most perfect service during the salvage of the sunken treasure! "

"You did a great job! Hearing what you said, I feel relieved. It seems that tomorrow we will be able to set sail as scheduled and head to the English Channel to salvage nacui gold and make a fortune!"

Ye Tian smiled lightly and nodded, expressing his appreciation for everyone's work.

Immediately afterwards, he turned his head to look at Matisse and said to him:

"Matisse, you organized a thorough security check on the two ships, especially the super yacht, if as expected, there must be monitoring and listening equipment and GPS positioning equipment on the super yacht!

Although this treasure hunt will be broadcast live, we still cannot ignore confidentiality and security issues, find out those monitoring and listening devices and GPS positioning devices, and throw them all into the sea!

The positioning equipment and navigation equipment on the super yacht must also undergo certain technical processing, so we must not leak the conversation between us, let alone the location of the sunken treasure in advance!

You install some anti-surveillance and listening equipment on the two ships to prevent people from listening to them, and send a few guys to dive underwater to check the situation around the hull and clean up the parts below the waterline!

Then arrange some underwater monitoring equipment to prevent people from diving from underwater to make a fuss on the ship. In a word, all positions inside and outside the two ships must be under our monitoring! "

"Understood, Steven, leave these matters to us. It is absolutely safe. Without permission, no one can get close to these two ships, let alone learn any secrets from here!"

Mattis replied in a deep voice, very confident.

Next, Kenny and the captain of the Intrepid, as well as the company employees who rushed to Le Havre earlier, introduced to Ye Tian the preparations in other aspects, covering everything!

After 20 minutes, the introduction just ended, everything is ready, there seems to be no flaws, just wait for tomorrow to set sail!

But for Ye Tian, ​​only by seeing it with his own eyes can he truly rest assured.

After chatting for a while, Ye Tian stood up and took Betty, walked out of the living room with Kenny and the others, and began to inspect his deep sea salvage ship.

During this period, he secretly turned on perspective, thoroughly seeing through every corner of the Dauntless, inside and out, to rule out the possibility of hidden dangers!

The white superyacht parked next to him will inevitably be thoroughly seen by him later!

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