Ye Tian stood up and looked at the people in the living room, then smiled and said:

"Anderson, Mattis, you two stay here, and I will meet those British guys with me to see why they came. Others can go back and prepare. We will start today's exploration operation later!"

"Okay, Steven"

Mattis and Anderson responded in unison, and everyone else nodded.

Immediately afterwards, everyone got up and left the luxurious living room, and went down to prepare, leaving only Ye Tian and the others still staying in this living room.

About five minutes later, under the leadership of Raymond, three British guys in suits and leather shoes walked into the living room, with anger in their eyes.

Where did their anger come from, Ye Tian knew very well.

Needless to say, when they first boarded the "Pretty Baby", these three Brits must have gone through a lot of searches. Raymond and the others searched them all over their bodies. Can you not be annoyed?

Seeing the three British guys coming in, Ye Tian got up immediately, led Anderson and Mathis to greet them, and greeted them enthusiastically.

"Good morning gentlemen, I'm Steven and welcome aboard Pretty Baby, it's a pleasure to meet you here and it's an honor to meet you all"

"Good morning Mr Steven, I'm Charles from the British Ministry of Culture, it's a pleasure to meet you too, this superyacht is beautiful and breathtaking!"

The leading British man in his forties shook hands with Ye Tian, ​​introduced himself, and quickly concealed the anger in his eyes.

Next, Ye Tian shook hands with the other two British guys, and the two got to know each other, including Anderson and Mattis.

They knew each other, and after greeting each other, Ye Tian invited the three British guys into the living room and sat down on the sofa.

There was no extra politeness, as soon as everyone sat down, Ye Tian got straight to the point and went straight to the point.

"Gentlemen, I don't know what you want from me? I'm curious. We will start today's exploration operation later. Time is limited, so let's go straight to the point."

What is the purpose of these British guys on the opposite side, Ye Tian seems to know clearly in his heart, this is a question of knowing!

Hearing him ask,

Charles, who was the leader, stopped hiding and explained directly why he came.

"Mr. Steven, since that's the case, then I'll get straight to the point. We are here for your new discovery, that is, the ancient warship that has been sleeping on this seabed for hundreds of years."

"Sure enough, I know that you british guys are not holding back your farts. This is a clear idea to hunt for the treasure of the sunken ship. It's a good idea, and there is no door!"

Ye Tian said with a sneer secretly, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes.

However, he did not interrupt the other party, but continued to listen, with a smile on his face.

After a short pause, Charles went on to say:

"When that ancient battleship appeared yesterday, it immediately caused a huge sensation around the world. Here I must praise you. You are a very outstanding exploration company, which is admirable!"

"Thank you for your compliment, Mr. Charles, you are right, our Daring Dauntless Exploration Company is indeed a very outstanding treasure hunting company, and it is the best in the world"

Ye Tian nodded to the other party with a smile on his face, and said bluntly, his words were full of confidence.

Hearing this, the three British guys on the opposite side couldn't help but rolled their eyes secretly, and complained angrily:

"The best treasure hunting company in the world? The bastard Steven is just like the legends. He is so arrogant that he doesn't care about other treasure hunting companies and professional treasure hunters at all!

Is this product still Chinese? Except that he looks like a Chinese, he is completely different in other aspects, especially the reserved and humble Chinese, which can't be seen at all in this bastard! "

While complaining secretly, these British guys had to admit it.

At least so far, there is no treasure hunting company that can compare with Intrepid Quest.

The scale of other companies may be larger, but the ability to explore and discover treasures is not a little bit worse than that of the brave and fearless exploration company.

As for the most important profitability, it is even more different. It is not an exaggeration to say that there is one in the sky and one in the earth!

"During the live broadcast last night, some people could tell that the ancient warship that sank in the depths of the sea seemed to be a warship that once belonged to the British Navy!

After learning of this situation, we immediately organized relevant experts and scholars to conduct a careful and prudent discussion and research overnight, and basically confirmed this conclusion.

Although we don't know the name of the warship for the time being, it is impossible to judge its history of serving in the Royal Navy and why it sank in this sea area.

However, we can draw accurate conclusions only from the shape and length of the battleship, the structure and layout of the ship building, the distribution of artillery positions, and the lower deck that penetrates!

There is no doubt that it is a British Royal Navy warship! Regarding this point, you must also understand very well. You are a professional treasure hunter, and you must know Galen Ship very well.

After the Galen ship was born, each country has developed its own unique design. In the UK, the wall panels of the lower hull are pierced so that heavy artillery can be placed on the lower deck.

The fullness inherited from the carracks was modified so that the keel was three times the beam. The structure of the ship building has been simplified, and the front ship building has also been greatly reduced.

In the mid-17th century, Britain preferred to use small and medium-sized Galen sailing ships of 300 to 500 tons. The main ships of the British Navy at that time were basically of this size.

It is precisely based on the above characteristics that we can draw an accurate conclusion that the ancient warship you found sunk on the seabed once belonged to the British Royal Navy.

Although it has been sleeping on this seabed for hundreds of years, it is still the property of the Royal Navy and the British Empire, and no one else has the right to possess it.

By extension, everything in that ancient battleship, whether it is gold and silver treasures, or rusty guns, and even every piece of wood, belongs to Britain.

Mr. Steven, first of all we would like to thank you and your exploration company for discovering this ancient battleship and giving those Royal Navy soldiers who died a chance to return home!

Secondly, we hope you can realize the fact that this warship belongs to the United Kingdom, give up the next exploration and salvage plan, and tell us about the sunken ship! "

Charles went on to say, with an appearance of righteous speech, but there was a bit of anxiety in his eyes.

He knew very well who he was facing.

The guy on the opposite side has always been known for being ruthless and extremely greedy. If you want this guy to give up the fat that has been eaten in his mouth, I am afraid it will be impossible!

as expected!

Ye Tian glanced at the three British guys opposite, then sneered dismissively and said:

"I have to say that your eyesight is really sharp. Just based on the pictures on the live broadcast, you can tell that it is a Galen ship built in England, with very distinctive features!

Regarding this point, I won't deny it, and I don't bother to deny it, and I can also reveal that the ancient Galen ship should have been built in the middle and late seventeenth century, or the early eighteenth century at the latest!

It used to belong to the British Navy. I am not sure about this. I can only say that this possibility is very high. The main user of this type of Galen ship was the Royal Navy at that time.

Of course, there are also the Irish Navy, pirates from the British Isles, and armed merchant ships from the British Isles, etc., all of whom are using this shape of Galen ship.

As for saying that the sunken ship is the property of the British Royal Navy, I don’t agree with it. I can only say that it may have once belonged to the British Navy, but now it’s just an old sunken ship that sank in the high seas!

Some of the gold, silver, treasures and other items in that ancient battleship may have once belonged to the British Navy, and some are hard to say, maybe they were stolen by the British Navy from somewhere.

As we all know, in the middle and late seventeenth century, British warships often attacked the Spanish treasure fleet at sea, and even disguised themselves as pirate ships to frantically attack all valuable targets.

Therefore, even if there are gold and silver treasures on the sunken ship at the bottom of the sea, they may not necessarily belong to the British in history, let alone now, and they will only be known when they are salvaged from the water.

More importantly, the laws of the world are still prevailing, and the sunken ships and treasures found in the high seas, whoever discovers them and salvages them out of the sea, belong to them. This is indisputable!

Let me give up the plan to explore and salvage the treasure of the sunken ship, and hand over the relevant information of the sunken ship. Obviously, you are thinking too much, this is simply impossible! "

Hearing these words, Charles and the other two Brits suddenly changed their faces, becoming very ugly, bruised and purple, and their eyes were full of anger!

Speaking of this, it is obviously impossible to continue the communication!

Next, the three Brits argued a few more words, even threatening in their words, but Ye Tian unceremoniously pushed back all of them, and Anderson also came forward to help!

Ye Tian's attitude is very clear, the treasure of the shipwreck belongs to Lao Tzu, and no one can covet it, no matter what kind of fairy you are, just stretch out your hands and feet!

It's too much to speculate!

Faced with this situation, the three Brits headed by Charles could only grit their teeth and get up to say goodbye, and they will think of a way when they go back!

The next step is to face Ye Tian head-on and fight in this sea area, or take up legal weapons and compete with Ye Tian in court, it is not up to them to decide!

The British guys had just left, and when Ye Tian and the others tidied up and were about to leave the living room, Raymond's voice came from the earphone again!

"Steven, a few more French guys have come over and asked to see you, probably with the same purpose as those British guys just now!"

Hearing this, Ye Tian and the others immediately laughed.

"Whether it's the British or the French, they're all the same breed, they'll go after them when they see benefits, and they all want to take a bite and make a fortune!

Anderson, I'll leave these Frenchies to you, don't forget to take Antoine and drive away these greedy bastards, let them stay cool! "

Ye Tian said with a sneer, he was too lazy to see those French guys again.

"Hahaha, I am very happy to accept this task, Steven, just watch mine!"

Anderson said with a chuckle, looking eager to try.

Afterwards, everyone walked out of the living room and got busy!

. m.

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