Steven, the current outside seems to be much faster. Many of the fish and other marine life that swam around the submarine before have left! "

Just entering the undercurrent gap and before floating a few meters, Chandler realized that something was wrong outside, and immediately said aloud, with a bit of nervousness in his voice.

The same goes for the others in the submarine cockpit, they all noticed the situation outside, and when they heard Chandler's question, they also looked at Ye Tian, ​​expecting his answer.

Ye Tian didn't turn his head around, his eyes were fixed on the water in front of the submarine.

"Chandler, as I said before, the hydrological conditions here have changed, and the water flow has accelerated a lot. Those marine creatures just felt these changes and left just now!

The speed of the water here is nothing, it won't threaten the Aurora small submarine, and it won't endanger everyone's safety, but according to my estimation, the higher we go, the faster the water speed above will be!

Don't worry, everyone. I have adjusted the posture of the submarine and floated up against the current. As long as you pay close attention to the changes in the current, respond in time, and keep a good balance, there should be no danger! "

"In this case, can we return to the bottom of the sea first, wait for the hydrological situation here to stabilize, and then go up to the surface? Why take the risk of going up, it seems unwise?"

The photographer sitting in the back interrupted, with a hint of timidity in his words.

"It is undeniable that it is indeed safer that way, but I don't think it is necessary. This kind of wind and waves can't bother my buddies at all, and wouldn't it be more exciting to go through the undercurrent and rush to the surface of the sea!"

Ye Tianlang said in a loud voice, his tone was firm and unquestionable.

"Okay, Steven, whatever you want, I will leave my life to you, you crazy guy! To be honest, I already regret diving with you now!"

Chandler said with a wry smile, with a look of helplessness on his face, excitement and fear in his eyes.


Ye Tian and Mathis all laughed, their laughter was full of confidence.

While speaking, the Aurora mini-submarine floated up a few more meters, reaching a depth of more than ninety meters.

The water flow here is more turbulent, and the submarine coming here is like getting on a road full of traffic.

The fish and other marine life that originally surrounded the submarine,

At this time, they have fled in all directions, and the running shadows have disappeared, leaving only endless sea water around the submarine!

Under Ye Tian's control, this Aurora small submarine is like a retrograde sports car, dodging and moving on the road, avoiding oncoming vehicles one after another.

It is also like a very flexible big fish, swinging its beautiful body, fighting bravely in the turbulent undercurrent, going upstream, trying to kill a bloody path and defeat the oncoming undercurrent!

The propellers on the tail, abdomen, and sides of the Aurora submarine have all been activated. While struggling with the high-speed current, it is still floating and perfectly controlling the balance.

The power output by several propellers just offset the impact of the high-speed water flow on the submarine, making the turbulent high-speed water flow unable to do anything to this small submarine!

If there is a bystander here, then he must be able to see that the trajectory of this small submarine, which is still floating continuously under the impact of high-speed water, is almost a vertical straight line, heading straight from the bottom of the sea to the surface of the sea, going forward indomitably!

Ye Tian and the others in the submarine cockpit swayed gently back and forth with the submarine, as if sitting on a rocking chair. Not only was there no danger, but it was a kind of enjoyment!

Not only Ye Tian and Mathis, but also Chandler and the photographer.

After the initial panic, when they saw that Ye Tian was manipulating the submarine like he was using his arms and fingers, dodging in the undercurrent and walking on the ground, they immediately relaxed and began to enjoy this wonderful journey!

Looking at Ye Tian in the driver's seat, his eyes are fixed on the surging sea water in front of him, his hands are holding the steering wheel tightly, and he is fighting and competing with the undercurrent of the seabed!

At this moment, he was highly concentrated, his eyes were exceptionally bright and radiant, and the fire of battle in his chest was burning fiercely, completely igniting his passion!

In the process of fighting against the constant rushing high-speed water, the Aurora mini-submarine floated up a few meters, getting closer and closer to the center of the storm!

At this moment, Chandler suddenly panicked and shouted:

"Oh my God, guys, look up there, there are lights flashing, and they are constantly rolling in the sea water. Could it be that someone went deep into the sea again and was caught in the undercurrent?"

Hearing his words, Matisse and the others immediately looked up at the top of the submarine.

as expected!

Through the glass cockpit, they could clearly see that in the sea about 20 meters above, a beam of light was rapidly tumbling in the sea from east to west.

In an instant, the beam of light was swept away by the undercurrent of the seabed, then completely swallowed by the darkness, and disappeared from everyone's field of vision!

Chandler and the photographer were stunned, stunned, and the color of fear appeared in their eyes again!

Ye Tian didn't look up, but he knew better than anyone what was going on.

The moment the light disappeared, his sneering voice reached everyone's ears.

"Don't even think about it, there must be some idiots who don't know how to live or die have dived into the sea, and then they were swept away by the undercurrent of the seabed. Under such circumstances, even if God descends, he can't save those idiots!

It's really going on and on, and I can't stop it! I don't know how many people will be buried here this time, and become a delicacy for fish, a bunch of stupid guys, I hope God bless those stupid people! "

Before the words fell, Chandler's exclamation sounded again.

"God! Another beam of light, another idiot was swept away by the undercurrent of the sea. This is really a sea of ​​hell. God knows how many lives have been swallowed!"

Accompanied by his exclamation, in the water about 20 meters above the submarine, a powerful light beam rolled and flew again, and was completely swallowed by the darkness!

Although separated by a large amount of seawater and high-strength bulletproof glass, although no one was seen, there seemed to be a scream in everyone's ears, which was extremely shrill and extremely desperate!

"I can't control those idiots anymore, we have warned the guys on the boats behind us time and time again, telling them that this sea area is very dangerous, don't try deep diving.

But they didn't listen, they insisted on seeking their own death, who could stop such an idiot who insisted on seeking death? It is no exaggeration to say that those idiots have already been driven crazy by the sunken treasure at the bottom of the sea!

We only have one goal now, which is to rush out from here and safely reach the surface of the sea. If we can save one or two idiots along the way, that's good, and the rest of us can ask for blessings! "

Ye Tian said loudly with a sneer, but his eyes were always fixed on the high-speed water outside the cockpit.

As the submarine approached the middle of the hourglass under the sea, the surrounding water became more violent. From east to west, a hurricane swept towards the submarine.

According to the data detected by the high-tech equipment carried by the submarine, the water flow speed outside the submarine has even exceeded 100 kilometers per hour, which is extremely exaggerated!

Under the impact of this hurricane-like water flow, the eight-ton Aurora mini-submarine was like a leaf falling in the wind, constantly heaving up and down and swaying from side to side in the sea water!

Fortunately, everyone has already fastened their seat belts. Otherwise, it would be difficult to sit safely in the seat, and they might have been thrown out long ago.

Even so, the faces of Chandler and the photographer were as pale as paper and bloodless, and both of them were completely shrouded in fear.

Looking at the Aurora submarine driven by Ye Tian, ​​although the swing range was much larger than before, it still maintained its original posture, facing the violent current, and unswervingly rushed to the sea surface.

Eighty-six meters, eighty-four meters, eighty-two meters,...!

The numbers on the depth gauge are constantly changing. The Aurora mini-submarine is getting closer and closer to the center of the submarine storm, and the storm is getting more and more violent!

During this period, Ye Tian and the others saw two strong lights being carried away by the undercurrent on the bottom of the sea, rolling and flying across the sea above the submarine, and disappeared into the darkness in an instant!

Behind one of the light beams, there was a figure that was completely out of control and tumbling crazily. It flashed by and was also completely swallowed by the darkness!

Needless to say, two more idiots were swept away by the undercurrent of the seabed, buried here, and became a delicacy for fish.

Chandler and the cameraman stopped screaming when they saw the two bright lights.

Here, death has become a commonplace thing, and it is not worth making a fuss about!

Ye Tian and the others turned a blind eye and didn't take the death of those idiots to heart.

Why are those idiots dying here? It's all self-inflicted, so who is to blame?

When the number on the depth gauge changed to 78 meters, Ye Tian suddenly said solemnly:

"Guys, get ready, we are going to break into the center of the storm, the next journey will be more exciting and exciting, enjoy it!"

"Steven, you are such a crazy bastard, I hope God bless us, bless this Aurora submarine, and let us rush to the surface safely!"

Chandler said with a wry smile, even a hint of crying in his voice.

Before his words fell, Raymond, who was sitting side by side with Ye Tian, ​​suddenly pointed at the sea water in front of the submarine and shouted loudly:

"Steven, be careful, there is something hitting us in front, what is it? It's too fast, and it's not small!"

Following this shout, everyone in the cockpit looked forward, including Ye Tian!

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