Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1484 Sunset on the English Channel

It has been more than four hours since Ye Tian and the others surfaced safely.

As the sun sets, the afterglow of the setting sun reflects on the sea, dyeing the entire sea red, which is extraordinarily beautiful.

The wind was gradually weakening, and the turbulent waves gradually calmed down. Driven by the sea breeze, they kept beating the hulls of several large ships, making continuous clattering sounds.

From a few hundred meters west of the exploration fleet to a few kilometers away, many ships and several helicopters were still conducting search and rescue operations, but none of them were caught.

With yesterday's experience, everyone involved in the search and rescue understands it in their hearts.

A few hours ago, those idiots who sneaked into the sea and tried to loot the treasure of the sunken ship must have been buried in the bottom of the sea. God knows where they were swept by the undercurrent of the bottom of the sea. There is no possibility of surfacing alive!

Not to mention surfacing alive, even the hope of finding their bodies is extremely slim!

Although everyone knows that the search and rescue will not have any results, it is just doing useless work, but some superficial work still needs to be done, so as to stop the rumors!

At the same time, Ye Tian's stern warning finally took effect.

Those guys who came with the exploration fleet and stared at the treasures of the two sunken ships on the bottom of the sea no longer dared to dive into the sea.

Each of them understands that without a thorough grasp of the hydrological conditions in this sea area, poor equipment, and poor own strength, diving deep is purely suicidal.

Just like those idiots who died before, if you take the risk to dive deep, once you encounter the extremely violent underwater undercurrent, no matter how strong you are, it's nothing but nothing but waiting to be killed!

Who else could get out of that hellish water but that crazy bastard Steven? I am afraid there is none!

Although the treasures of sunken ships are extremely attractive and can make people crazy, they must be able to reach the bottom of the sea and have a life to enjoy them.

Before the violent undercurrent of the seabed, many people retreated and chose to retreat.

Some guys who couldn't see the slightest hope even set sail and left this sea area by boat!

In their view, if they continue to stay here, there will only be two results.

Either be swept away by the undercurrent of the seabed and buried in the belly of the fish; or be pitted to death by that bastard Steven and die in the bottom of the sea for no reason, and finally feed the fish!

Shipwreck treasure under the sea? Do you have a half-money relationship with yourself? Let's go home and watch live TV, at least we can save our lives!

As these guys chose to retreat or leave, the sea became much quieter and there was less rubbish!

The only regret is that the fish living in this sea area lack a lot of delicacies.

In other places outside this sea area, the video materials that Kenny posted on the Internet have caused a huge sensation, and the influence continues to expand.

All those who have watched those video materials were completely shocked by the extremely violent undercurrent of the seabed, all of them were frightened by it, and even terrified!

At the same time, people were also completely shocked by Ye Tian's indomitable momentum driving the submarine into the center of the storm, and were even more amazed by his series of dazzling extreme operations, shouting incredible!

Through those video materials, everyone can see very clearly.

Those idiots who were swept away by the undercurrent of the seabed were purely self-inflicted. Their death had nothing to do with Ye Tian, ​​it was all caused by greed!

People's thinking is exactly what Ye Tian wants to see. The reason why he asked Kenny to post those video materials on the Internet is also for this reason!

In this way, no one will want to spread rumors and pour dirty water on themselves. Even if Britain and France want to take the opportunity to make trouble, they can't find an excuse!

There is a saying that is very good, the eyes of the people are discerning!

Because of the video materials released by Kenny, combined with Ye Tian's various miraculous performances in the ocean before, some people on the Internet have already called Ye Tian the God of the Ocean and the modern Poseidon!

Hearing this name, Ye Tian just smiled softly, and didn't take it seriously!

At this time, he was sitting with Betty, Jason, and the others in the leisure area on the flybridge deck of the super yacht "Pretty Baby", laughing and chatting, while enjoying the beauty of the sunset on the sea, very comfortable!

Chandler and the rest of the live broadcast team are not here. They have already returned to the super yacht rented by the National Geographic Channel to edit video materials and prepare for the evening live broadcast.

The wind on the sea surface is getting weaker and weaker, the waves are gradually calming down, and the sea conditions are improving rapidly. It seems that it will not be long before everyone can light up the night battle and go deep diving again!

The sunset is infinitely good, but it is almost dusk!

The sunset on the horizon, no matter how much you miss it, it still can't stop the downward trend, it is approaching the sea surface a little bit, and it is about to fall below the sea level.

With the help of the last time, it is still trying to radiate light and heat, filling the sea with golden sunlight, and reflecting the entire sea red, which is extremely beautiful!

More than 200 meters away from the "beautiful baby", there is a group of beautiful seabirds of different shapes and colors hovering over the sea, including seagulls, petrels, etc., and there are many kinds!

Some seabirds among them will swoop down from the sky from time to time, piercing into the sea like a sharp arrow, transforming into a fish with wings, quickly chasing the prey target in the sea!

Once they succeed, they will immediately drill out of the sea with the harvest, quickly shake off the sea water on their feathers, and fly to the air again with wings, enjoying the food in the air!

There are also some seabirds that are not in a hurry to prey. They just soar in the air and sing loudly, enjoying the last sunshine of the day, elegantly like a gentleman.

In addition to these beautiful seabirds, on the undulating sea surface, from time to time, there are beautiful fish rushing out of the sea, about to fly into the sky, but finally fall back into the sea again, splashing a piece of water!

Because of the existence of these seabirds and fish, and because of their energetic performance, the ocean suddenly became more vivid, and the beauty of the sunset on the sea became more charming!

After struggling for a while, the red sunset in the sky finally fell below the sea level and disappeared from people's sight, leaving only a fiery red cloud!

The clouds are slowly dissipating, and the twilight is gradually rising, devouring the light bit by bit. It won't take long for the night to cover this beautiful sea area!

Just as the sun was setting, Kenny's voice came from the earphones.

"Steven, according to the feedback from the underwater robot, the hydrological situation under the sea surface is improving rapidly. Just like the sea surface, the wind and waves are calming down, and the water flow speed is also rapidly decreasing.

In half an hour at most, the hydrological situation under the sea surface will be restored to its original state, which is the same as the situation when the underwater robot was exploring in the morning, and you can dive deep again.

The undercurrent gap under the sea surface has not disappeared, especially the most dangerous middle area, which has gradually returned to calm, and the range is continuously expanding, no longer in the shape of an hourglass!

From now until the morning of the day after tomorrow, the weather and hydrological conditions in this sea area are very good. There are no strong winds and waves, and it will not rain. It is very suitable for salvage operations of sunken treasures! "

After listening to the briefing, Ye Tian immediately smiled and said:

"Great, Kenny, you've done a great job, continue to monitor the hydrology of the seabed, and once the undercurrent gap is restored, we can go deep diving again.

Inform all the staff on the Intrepid deep sea salvage ship, get everyone ready, we will be there soon, put on a diving suit and start deep diving, go inside that freighter.

In this deep dive exploration, we will uncover the last veil of this shipwreck treasure, and perhaps also unlock the secrets about Rommel's treasure, giving the world a huge surprise!

While preparing the deep diving equipment, you also need to prepare and carefully check the deep diving decompression stop, the two Aurora mini-submarines, etc. You must not neglect any link, it is a matter of life and safety! "

"Understood, Steven, don't worry, we will make all the preparations to make sure nothing goes wrong!"

Kenny's voice came again, full of confidence and excitement.

Next, Ye Tian gave a few more instructions and said some things that need attention, and then ended the call.

Immediately afterwards, he picked up the walkie-talkie and said loudly:

"Walker, let our men and ships and helicopters come back, withdraw from the search and rescue operation, and let the professional rescue teams from France and the United Kingdom take over and lead the search and rescue operation.

Later we will launch the exploration operation again. Your task is the same as before, that is to ensure the safety of the exploration fleet, ensure the normal development of the exploration operation, and continue to maintain the restricted area! "

As soon as the words fell, Walker's voice came from the walkie-talkie.

"Understood, Steven, I'll recall everyone right now, the search and rescue operation is hopeless, so why waste time, it's better to come back sooner!

As for guarding the exploration fleet and ensuring the normal development of exploration operations, you can rest assured that without your permission, no one will even try to break into the restricted area! "

After finishing the call, Ye Tian and the others enjoyed the scenery on the flybridge deck for a while, then got up and left, and went down to prepare for the later exploration!

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