Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1490 Secret Arsenal

Following the direction of Ye Tian's finger, Mathis looked towards the bulkhead facing the stern of the freighter.

After careful inspection, he realized what Ye Tian said was wrong.

On that bulkhead, where the height is about 1.23 meters, there is a sunken pit. Because of the corrosion of the bulkhead and the refraction of sea water, it is not very obvious. If you don’t pay attention to it, you can’t really see it.

Obviously, that was the result of the impact of heavy objects during the sinking of the freighter.

However, what really surprised Ye Tian and Mathis was not the sunken pit, but the two cracks on the bulkhead.

They were right on the edge of the indentation, one at the top and the other at the side, and both were connected at one end to the other.

More importantly, the two cracks are very straight, as if they were cut with a ruler.

It is not an easy task to hit a dent on the hard bulkhead. You must know that this is the crew cabin, not the cargo cabin, and there is nothing too heavy.

And it is even more impossible to hit two straight cracks!

Then there is only one possibility, there is nothing behind the bulkhead, there is another world, it is likely to be a hidden cabin, or a secret treasure room that hides gold, jewels and diamonds.

Thinking of this, people suddenly became more excited, staring at the two cracks one by one.

Enough foreplay has been done, and we can get down to business!

Ye Tian swung his legs lightly, swam to the bulkhead, pointed to the dent and two cracks and said:

"If I'm not mistaken, there should be a secret cabin behind this bulkhead, maybe it's a treasure room, and this is the door to open the secret cabin.

As you can see, this iron single bed is fixed on this bulkhead, as long as you push this single bed away, you can open the door of this secret cabin.

I have to say that the design of this secret cabin is very ingenious and unique! If it weren't for the cracks caused by the impact of the freighter's sinking process, it would be difficult for me to find it.

What is hidden in this secret cabin? Gold jewelry or nothing? I am very curious, and I believe everyone is the same, let's open it and have a look!


You use the searchlight to shine here, let me open the door of this secret cabin and see what I can find, maybe it will be a nice surprise! "

After speaking, Ye Tian quickly adjusted his body posture, stepped on the angle between the bulkhead and the floor with his feet, and tightly held the edge of the iron single bed with both hands, preparing to pull it away with force.

At the same time, the powerful beam of light projected from the searchlight in Matisse's hand has enveloped that area, illuminating it brightly.

Same as before, Ye Tian first searched for the feeling, and then exerted all his strength, and began to pull the iron single bed outward, trying to open the secret hatch.

Following his movements, the two cracks on the bulkhead suddenly became bigger and bigger, and a crack appeared on the other side of the single bed, intersecting with the other end of the crack below!

The rust attached to the bulkheads and cracks began to fall off in large pieces, directly falling into the seawater.

Slowly, the secret cabin door was opened bit by bit by Ye Tian, ​​and the secret cabin hidden behind and sleeping in darkness for more than seventy years ushered in the light again.

At this time, the live broadcast end was already completely boiling.

"Wow! There is indeed a secret cabin behind that bulkhead. I don't know what is hidden in it? Nacui gold or jewels and diamonds? It's so exciting."

"Steven is definitely God's favorite. He is extremely lucky, and his observation skills are extremely keen. He can find such a secret cabin at a glance. I have to admire it!"

Amid the people's discussions, the iron door of the secret cabin opened wider and wider, and a cabin door about 1.34 meters high and a little over one meter wide gradually appeared in front of everyone.

It wasn't until the cabin door was fully opened that Ye Tian let go of the single bed, swung his legs lightly and swam to the iron door, and looked into the secret cabin with the help of the powerful beam of the searchlight.

The next moment, more than a dozen dark green and black crates of different sizes and specifications appeared in everyone's eyes, scattered in the small secret cabin.

The moment they saw those crates, Ye Tian and the others, as well as many people on the live broadcast end, immediately understood what was in this secret cabin.


Many people on the live broadcast end let out a long sigh, a little disappointed.

Before the people sighed, Ye Tianqing's clear voice came again, the tone was still relaxed, without the slightest hint of disappointment.

"Unfortunately, this is not a treasure room. The things hidden in it are not dazzling and charming nacui gold and jeweled diamonds, but a large number of deadly weapons!

From our point of view, there seem to be boxes containing rifles, wooden boxes containing ammunition, and boxes containing grenades in this cabin. The number seems to be quite a lot!

What kind of weapons and ammunition are there, we still need to go in and investigate. I hope to find some antique firearms that are valuable and in good condition, that would be great! "

After finishing speaking, Ye Tian swung his legs lightly and swam into this secret cabin, while Mathis stayed outside, using searchlights to illuminate through the open cabin door.

When Ye Tian came out again, it was already two or three minutes later.

He came out of the secret cabin, holding a rusty long gun in each hand, very eye-catching!

After coming to the crew cabin outside and stabilizing his figure with the help of the cabin door, he said loudly:

"The two long guns I'm holding now come from the secret cabin behind me, one is the famous Mauser 98K rifle, and the other is the MG42 machine gun known as the 'Hitler Chainsaw'.

There are many weapons and ammunition stored in this secret cabin, and they are all German standard equipment of World War II. There are 98K rifles, MG42 machine guns, MP40 submachine guns, and supporting ammunition for these firearms.

In addition, there are several boxes of grenades, several boxes of anti-tank rockets called 'Iron Fist', etc. Obviously, this secret cabin is a weapon depot, and the weapons stored in it are very sophisticated.

The discovery of a secret arsenal on this freighter was completely within my expectations, and it was a very normal thing. This was also a last move prepared by Rommel's men, and it was quite thoughtful.

It is entirely conceivable that if they can fish in troubled waters, pass through the English Channel and arrive at the port of Germany, then these weapons and ammunition will not appear, nor will they be used!

If the whereabouts are revealed, the German soldiers disguised as crew members on the freighter will immediately open this secret cabin, take out the weapons hidden inside, and fight the intruders!

It is a pity that it was not enemy soldiers or anyone else who attacked the cargo ship and quickly sank it to the bottom of the sea, but mines placed in the English Channel.

I have to say that those German soldiers were very unlucky, but we were very lucky. Of course, there is a premise here, that is, this freighter is indeed full of Rommel's gold and jewels and diamonds! "

Next, Ye Tian briefly introduced the 98K rifle and MG42 machine gun in his hands, and gave a lecture on German weapons during World War II to countless viewers on the live broadcast!

After the introduction, he threw the two spears in his hand back into the secret cabin, and pushed the door again, restoring it to its original state!

He was not at all interested in the rusty German weapons and ammunition in the secret cabin.

If those weapons and ammunition were well preserved, they might be worth a little money, but now they are worthless, just a pile of rusty scrap copper and iron!

Of course, he is not interested, but it does not mean that others are not interested. It is estimated that the German government is still somewhat interested.

As far as the German government is concerned, those weapons and ammunition are historical relics, which have certain research value, and maybe something valuable can be found from them.

So far, the ship building of the freighter has been explored. Just like the situation on the main deck, there are no surprising discoveries, which is somewhat disappointing!

Then it's time to enter the lower cabin, which is the focus of everyone's attention.

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