Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1501: Two Boxes of Colonial Gold Coins

After a while, Mattis and Raymond swam back with underwater rescue tools, and Miller drove the five-seat Aurora submarine a little closer.

"Matisse, Raymond, let's demolish it from here, including the porthole of the captain's cabin, and open an entrance of 1.5 meters in length and width, so that it is convenient for us to enter and exit, and it is also convenient for transporting things!"

Ye Tian pointed to the deck outside the captain's room and said that it was the ideal location he had chosen for the demolition.

"Okay, Steven, leave it to us"

Matisse nodded in response, and then he and Raymond swam forward to start preparations for the demolition.

They first used steel nails, safety locks and safety ropes to fix their respective bodies, and then stepped on the boat with their feet to determine the point of leverage.

Immediately afterwards, the two of them each held an underwater electric cutter, brought it close to the ship's deck, and started cutting from both sides according to the area designated by Ye Tian.

As the underwater electric cutting machine began to rotate at high speed, the cracked ship boards outside the captain's cabin, which had been soaked in seawater for hundreds of years, were easily cut open, like a hot knife cutting butter.

In just three to five minutes, Matisse and Raymond cut out a 1.5 meter square hole, enough for Ye Tian and the others to freely enter and exit while wearing a diving suit and carrying an oxygen cylinder.

Even technicians wearing heavy diving suits who go to sea later for salvage operations can freely enter and exit the sunken ship through this big hole without worrying about bumps and bumps.

After the demolition was completed, Matisse and Raymond lifted the cut ship plank aside, then slid along the sloping hull and placed it on the sand on the seabed.

At this moment, the gates of the sunken ship have been opened wide, just waiting for Ye Tian and the others to go in and snatch the treasure!

When Ye Tian didn't enter the captain's room immediately, but swam aside, stepped aside, and said with a smile:

"Chandler, come over and take a picture of the situation in the captain's cabin, and keep it as a video material. After you finish filming, we will enter the captain's cabin to explore the treasure.

We are going to enter the hidden treasure room next to it through the captain's room. If the hatch to enter the treasure room cannot be opened, then we can only continue to demolish it.

At that time, the high-definition underwater cameras carried by the few of us will record the whole process of the demolition, as well as the situation inside the hidden treasure room."


Steven, you guys are so thoughtful, the British don't even think about finding the slightest flaw! "

Chandler responded, and also expressed a few words of emotion. ,

Immediately afterwards, the seven Aurora submarines came to the top of the big hole just opened, and began to take pictures of the situation inside the captain's room.

After filming, the mini-sub stepped aside to give way to the captain's quarters.

"Guys, let's go into the captain's cabin and see what treasures are contained in those two boxes. I have a very strong hunch that there will definitely be surprising discoveries inside!"

With that said, Ye Tian swung his legs lightly, passed through the big hole of 1.5 meters square, and swam into the captain's cabin first.

Immediately after, Mattis and Raymond also swam in.

After entering the captain's room, the three of Ye Tian and the others did not start exploring immediately, but took off their respective diving thrusters and found a place to hang them up.

Then they swam to the two well-preserved boxes covered with large pieces of coral, ready to open the two boxes to see what was inside.

When the underwater robot explored the shipwreck, it took pictures of the situation in the captain's room. Everyone knows it very well, so there is no need to repeat the exploration!

Therefore, Ye Tian's mission for this trip is very clear, that is to sweep up all the treasures in this sunken ship and keep them all in their pockets.

After quickly scanning the situation of the two boxes in front of him, Ye Tian immediately issued an order.

"Matisse, Raymond, shovel off the coral on the top of the box, and then open the box to see what treasures are inside. Be careful when you act, don't break the two boxes apart!"

"Don't worry, Steven, we can control the severity, you just wait to witness the miracle!"

Matisse nodded in response, then pulled out his diving knife, stepped forward with Raymond, each selected a box, and began to peel off the coral on the box.

As they kept waving the sharp diving knives in their hands, the corals of various colors that had grown over hundreds of years were peeled off bit by bit and scattered in the sea water.

Soon, the corals of various colors attached to the two teak boxes were almost cleaned up, exposing the boxes underneath.

Although the two boxes were still spotted and dull, Ye Tian still recognized the origin of the two boxes at a glance.

"These are two teak boxes. Teak is mainly distributed in Central America and the Caribbean. It is a high-quality wood, resistant to water and fire, and resistant to termites and sea insects in different sea areas.

No wonder these two boxes can be preserved until now! Moreover, the manufacturing process of these two boxes has a very obvious Latin American colonial style, which should come from Spanish colonies in Latin America.

From this, it can be imagined that it is very likely that the British looted the Spanish treasure ship at sea, and were about to return to the UK with the gold and silver treasures they robbed, but they were sunk at the door of their house.

This is the rhetoric that Ye Tian had thought up long ago, it was enough to silence the British, so he could say it at this time.

Hearing this, Matisse and Raymond nodded slightly, agreeing with Ye Tian's judgment very much.

Chandler and other members of the live broadcast team in the cockpit of the submarine also heard Ye Tian's words and recorded them.

While talking, the corals on the two teak boxes have been roughly cleaned up.

"Matisse, Raymond, cut these two locks, open the box, and the time to witness the miracle has come!"

Ye Tian pointed to the two boxes and said, a gleam of joy flashed in his eyes.

In a blink of an eye, two rusty padlocks were cut off by Matisse and the others and fell to the ship's deck.

Immediately afterwards, Matisse and the others opened the two teakwood boxes, and the treasures contained in the boxes were immediately presented to everyone.

The moment the two teak boxes were opened, a dazzling golden light suddenly flashed out, shaking Ye Tian and the others a little dizzy.

"My God! This box is full of gold coins, the amount is amazing!"

"It's the same on my side. There's a whole box of gold coins. There are escudos, rials, and a big gold coin I don't know. It's written in Spanish!"

The exclamations of Matisse and Raymond came one after another, almost in no particular order, and the two guys were already dancing with excitement.

Ye Tian's face also revealed a look of ecstasy at the right time, with both real feelings and elements of acting.

Miller and Chandler in the two small submarines outside also cheered at this time, and everyone was very excited.

After the cheers fell and everyone's mood stabilized, Ye Tian reached out to pick up a small gold coin from the box in front of him, pretended to admire it, and commented.

"This is a Spanish eight-character gold coin, which is equivalent to half an escudo gold coin. It was minted by the Spanish mint in Mexico City. The specific minting year was around 1638.

The 'M' on both sides of the coat of arms on the front of the gold coin is the factory logo of the Mexican Mint, and the capital letter 'R' in the center on the reverse is the signature of the gold inspector who supervised the minting of the gold coin.

In Central America and the Caribbean, this kind of eight-character gold coin was once widely circulated. Today, this kind of colonial gold coin has become an antique and has a certain collection value.

In addition to this figure-eight-shaped gold coin, there are also escudo gold coins, pistol gold coins, rial gold coins, etc. in this box, all of which come from Spanish and Latin American colonies.

Seeing these gold coins, I am even more sure of my previous inference. This British warship must have looted the Spanish treasure ship, so there are so many Spanish colonial gold coins here!

This Galen ship may be a British warship, or it may be a British armed privateer, or the car of a famous pirate in the British Isles. It is not difficult to figure out its identity!

At sea in the seventeenth century, these armed Galen ships from the British army or civilians were the biggest threat to the Spanish treasure fleet, far more dangerous than those famous pirates! "

"Wow! This is great! With these Spanish colonial gold coins as evidence, I believe that the British can be silenced. They are the real robbers. Excuse me!"

Mattis joked, his tone quite excited.

As soon as his words fell, Raymond next to him said:

"Steven, what is this kind of big gold coin called? I have never seen such a big Spanish colonial gold coin before, one can hold up to six or seven escudo gold coins!"

With that said, this guy took out a big gold coin from the box and shook it at Ye Tian and the others!

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