Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1507 Returning with a Full Reward

It's midnight, which is supposed to be a time for quiet and peaceful sleep.

However, several large ships in the exploration fleet were brightly lit and bustling. Everyone on board was extremely excited, their eyes were full of anticipation, and there was no sign of fatigue.

More than a dozen powerful searchlight beams projected from the three large ships all illuminated the sea near the stern of the Intrepid, illuminating the sea as if it were daytime, extremely bright

In addition, there are four or five high-speed speedboats, carrying heavily armed security personnel, patrolling the sea to prevent some people with ulterior motives from breaking into this sea area.

The security personnel on the three large ships, as well as the security personnel on the four large yachts on the edge of the restricted area, are also fully armed and on high alert, keeping an eye on the movement on the sea.

Everything that is happening in this sea area has been spread all over the world through the live broadcast of the National Geographic Channel, and everyone can clearly see it

Those who followed the exploration fleet and coveted the treasures of the two shipwrecks on the bottom of the sea could naturally see all of this.

"Fax Steven's bastards are about to surface. Looking at this scene, those bastards must have returned with a full load. No need to ask, that seventeenth-century Galen ship has been swept away"

"It's over, we people followed here eagerly, wasting a lot of gasoline, and even took a lot of lives, but we didn't get a single hair, we just became the closest audience.

These two priceless shipwreck treasures are about to be acquired by Steven, a greedy bastard, so he is really unwilling. God damn it, he is really blind."

While these guys were discussing and even cursing madly, in England, France, Egypt, Germany and other places, there were still many eyes fixed on the live broadcast.

They were all waiting for Ye Tian to surface, and for the gold, silver treasures and antique works of art from the depths of the sea to be seen again. Only in this way could they carry out follow-up actions.

Without exception, the eyeballs of these guys have already turned red, and there is a greedy light in everyone's eyes, which cannot be concealed at all.

"Great, Steven and the others are coming up"

There were cheers on several large ships of the exploration fleet, and the same was true in front of countless live broadcast terminals.

Amidst the cheers, in the sea near the stern of the Dauntless,

Suddenly, a patch of light appeared from bottom to top, and it became brighter and brighter.


The water splashed, and two small Aurora submarines rushed out of the sea first, appearing in front of everyone.

From a condescending angle, they look like two huge pearls suddenly rushing up from the bottom of the sea to absorb the moonlight. They radiate bright light and are extremely eye-catching in the night.

As soon as they surfaced, the two Aurora mini-submarines immediately started the propellers at the stern of the boat and sailed straight to the side.

Immediately afterwards, another thing emerged from the sea water and appeared on the sea surface near the stern of the Intrepid, and it was larger in size, bringing a stronger shock effect.

Those were twelve huge orange-red buoyancy bags, in groups of six, forming two rings separated by eight or nine meters. They surfaced one after another, occupying an area the size of a basketball court and a half.

They are like two orange-red flowers that suddenly rushed out from the bottom of the sea and then bloomed on the sea surface, extremely beautiful

The scene and all the live broadcast ends suddenly fell silent. People were dumbfounded watching this scene, and for a while, they even lost the ability to speak

After a while, the big ships of the exploration fleet, as well as all the live broadcast terminals, were completely boiling, and the exclamation began to sound crazily, one after another, endlessly

"Wow, this scene is so beautiful and incomparable. It's really worth staying up all night to watch the live broadcast. This is the most exciting sci-fi blockbuster."

"Under those orange buoyancy bags, there must be two rope nets hanging. God, that crazy bastard Steven, I can't even imagine how much gold and silver treasures were swept from the bottom of the sea."

Before the sound of exclamation fell, Ye Tian and Mathis had already surfaced, appeared in front of everyone, and appeared on the live broadcast screen.

Inevitably, their appearance once again attracted exclamations, each voice was full of envy and admiration

Immediately afterwards, several high-speed speedboats drove towards the orange-red buoyancy bags, and the technicians on the Intrepid were already ready to salvage them, and immediately launched an operation.

Ten minutes later, Ye Tian and the others were already in the garage at the stern of the Intrepid, and took off their deep diving equipment, underwater weapons and so on.

The two rope nets filled with gold, silver, treasures and gems of various colors have been hoisted from the sea by technicians and placed on the main deck of the Intrepid, guarded by a group of heavily armed security personnel.

Miller, as well as Chandler and others in the live broadcast team, have also left the two Aurora mini-submarines and boarded the deep-sea salvage ship Intrepid from the stern.

At this time, technicians are inspecting the two Aurora small submarines and deploying various equipment to prepare for the salvage operation of the sunken treasure that will start later.

In just a few minutes, Ye Tian and the others had packed up and put on a set of casual clothes. Their bodies were much more relaxed, and they felt relieved.

Seeing that everyone had packed up, Ye Tian smiled and said

"Come on guys, let's go to the main deck saloon, the best champagne, the best food, let's drink and eat and celebrate

As he said that, Ye Tian picked up the two sealed bags at his feet, walked out of the stern boat garage first, and walked towards the living room on the main deck.

Matisse and the others followed closely behind. Although their legs were still a little weak and every step they took was like stepping on cotton, they had the brightest smiles on their faces.

He had just walked out of the Dauntless's stern garage, and before he had walked a few steps, Jason had already rushed up and asked curiously:

"Steven, what treasures are in these two sealed bags that you actually carry yourself, is it the golden crown and the golden mask of the cat god Best?"

Ye Tian turned his head to look at this kid, then nodded with a smile and said:

"You guessed it right, Jason, what is contained in these two sealed bags is indeed the golden crown from North Africa engraved with Arabic characters, and the golden mask of the ancient Egyptian cat god Best

Among the two shipwreck treasures on the seabed, these are the two most valuable antique works of art, especially the golden mask of the ancient Egyptian cat god Bastet from 2,600 years ago, which is absolutely priceless

Let's put it this way, among the existing ancient Egyptian cultural relics, there are few cultural relics comparable to this golden mask of the cat god, only a few pieces such as the golden mask of Tutankhamun and the Rosetta Stone.

"Wow, the cat god's golden mask is so precious, no wonder you have to carry it with you. It's impossible for anyone else to let this treasure out of your sight."

Jason exclaimed directly in a low voice, his eyes shining like searchlights.

Ye Tian nodded slightly, and continued to say:

"Since they have been exposed and appeared on the live broadcast, coupled with their value and importance, I bring them with me, and only in this way can I rest assured.

Later, Chandler and the others will take some close-up shots of the golden mask of the cat god Best. I will also carefully identify this treasure and explain it again. It is more convenient to carry them with you.

Let’s not talk about these two precious antique works of art, you will see them with your own eyes later, let’s talk about the situation on the sea, if anything happened, the outside world must have been boiling.”

As soon as the words fell, Jason immediately lowered his voice and said:

"You guessed it right, Steven, the outside world has completely boiled over, the ancient Egyptian cat god Best's golden mask appeared on the live broadcast within ten minutes, and the Egyptians started to take action.

The cultural counselor of the Egyptian Consulate General in New York contacted David directly and filed a claim on behalf of the Egyptian government, claiming that the golden mask of the cat god Best is an Egyptian national treasure and should be returned to Egypt

In addition to the Egyptians, the German Jewish Association also contacted David, and they made claims as descendants of the victims, claiming that the nacui gold and jewelry diamonds in the freighter "

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately sneered and said in a low voice:

"The Egyptians claim the golden mask of the cat god Best, as I expected, that golden mask is indeed an Egyptian national treasure, it is priceless, and it is impossible for the Egyptians to turn a blind eye to it

But it is a pity that I found the golden mask of the cat god Best in the high seas, there is no doubt about it, and it was found on an unnamed freighter, even though the freighter was full of Germans

According to the relevant regulations of the International Salvage Convention, in this case, whoever salvages the treasure will belong to him. It is pure wishful thinking for the Egyptians to want to return the golden mask of the cat god Best.

Of course, if they are willing to pay a price that satisfies me, I don't mind letting the Egyptians welcome back their country's national treasure. It will undoubtedly be a happy result and beneficial to both parties

I didn't expect the German Jewish Association to jump out. This is indeed a bit beyond my expectation. They are indeed a bunch of extremely greedy guys.

Let them stay where they are cool, Hitler and Germany owe them what they deserve, I don’t owe them anything, this shipwreck treasure comes from North Africa, and has something to do with them"

"Hahaha, you are right, Steven, let the Egyptians and the German Jewish Association stay where it is cool, they actually want to hit our autumn wind, I don't know what they think"

Jason chuckled in agreement, with a look of disdain on his face.

While talking, the group of them had already arrived at the entrance of the main deck living room, pushed the door open and walked in.

The next moment, thunderous applause suddenly sounded from the living room.

"clap clap"

The applause was extremely warm, resounding through the Dreadnought and the entire English Channel, echoing in the night sky.

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