Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1515 Molotov Cocktail

"Go to hell, you stupid cops!"

Angry cursing suddenly sounded, from among the protesting crowd!

Before the scolding ceased, a Molotov cocktail suddenly flew out from across the street with a string of flames, flew across the street in an instant, and accurately hit a Paris police car parked in front of the hotel.


With a loud bang, shards of glass flew around and flames shot into the air.

In the blink of an eye, the police car parked in front of the hotel was engulfed in flames and burned crazily.

The fuel of the Molotov cocktail is made by mixing gasoline and sugar in a certain proportion. Once it is attached to the car body and burns, it cannot be extinguished, but it can only be left to burn!

The moment this police car was hit with a Molotov cocktail, the end was sealed!

The frightened Paris police and hotel security personnel stepped aside one after another, fearing that they would be affected by the flames!

While dodging hastily, several Paris policemen raised their guns at the same time and started firing warning shots into the sky.

"Bang bang bang"

Deafening gunshots followed, resounding through the entire street.


Accompanied by screams of extreme horror, everyone at the entrance of the hotel began to run away with their heads in their hands, in order to leave this dangerous area as soon as possible.

The French and Spanish flags waving in the wind, as well as those righteous words and impassioned protest slogans, were all thrown on the ground and trampled by countless feet.

At this moment, who cares about protests and demonstrations? Whoever loves the treasure of the sunken ship belongs to whoever it is, and saving your life is the most important thing!

The police and hotel security personnel who escaped the Molotov cocktail attack came back to their senses in a blink of an eye, and then rushed through the street with gritted teeth, everyone's eyes burst into anger!

However, they had just crossed the road, and before they could start their actions, they were dispersed by the fleeing protesters, and the guy who threw the Molotov cocktail was nowhere to be found.

The street where the Regina Hotel is located is completely in chaos.

There were people running in a hurry everywhere, and their ears were full of terrified shouts.

And this is exactly what Ye Tian expected to see.

At this time, he was sitting in a booth in the coffee shop, watching several Egyptian and Algerian diplomats opposite him talking.

"Gentlemen, I do not deny that those Nacui gold and jewelry diamonds come from North Africa, and they are the wealth that Rommel looted from North Africa. This is well known and beyond doubt!

The same is true for the ancient Egyptian cat god Best's golden mask and the golden crown. They also come from North Africa. They are all priceless top antique works of art, and they are all national treasures.

How they got out of North Africa is a legacy of the war and I have nothing to do with it, the place where I found and salvaged them, in the high seas of the English Channel, is well known.

More importantly, that freighter is an unowned merchant ship. According to the International Convention on Salvage, whoever finds that freighter and the gold and silver treasures on board can enjoy everything exclusively.

I am a professional treasure hunter, and treasure hunting is my business. The nacui gold and jewelry and diamonds salvaged from that freighter are my wealth and commodities!

It is simply impossible for me to give away those nacui gold, jewelry and diamonds, as well as valuable antique works of art. You'd better give up this unrealistic idea.

If you really want to get those treasures, there is only one way, prepare enough funds, go to New York to participate in the auction, and compete with other buyers at the auction.

Only in that way can you get what you want. There is no other way. The treasure of the shipwreck has been shipped back to New York and stored in the bank vault! "

Hearing his words, the faces of the Egyptians and Algerians on the opposite side changed instantly, becoming extremely ugly, with purple in the black!

Without exception, the eyes of each of them were filled with anger, and they wished they could just pounce on them, tear Ye Tian into pieces and feed them to the dogs, so as to relieve the hatred in their hearts!

But they know in their hearts that doing so is purely suicidal.

The gang of American bastards in front of them are not only extremely greedy, but also ruthless. Killing people is like slaughtering chickens, and they will never frown!

Especially this bastard, Steven, is extremely cruel. There are already countless people who have been killed by this bastard, God knows how many!

After pondering for a while, the cultural counselor of the Egyptian embassy on the opposite side looked at Ye Tian, ​​and was about to speak.

At this moment, there was a sudden violent explosion outside the hotel, followed by another burst of gunfire, which immediately interrupted this person's conversation.

Everyone turned their heads to look at the door of the coffee shop. In the eyes of the diplomats from Egypt and Algeria, a hint of worry and a little bit of fear flashed in the eyes of them at the same time!

Ye Tian glanced at them, then smiled and said:

"Don't worry, gentlemen, this is the Paris police and hotel security personnel dispersing the protesters. Among the protesters, there are many dangerous guys trying to take advantage of the situation.

We discovered this situation in time, and immediately notified the hotel security and the Paris police, which is why we are now driving away, but I didn't expect that there would be such a big commotion!

I hope that there are no people from you among the protesting crowd. If there are, they will definitely encounter a lot of trouble. If they are caught by the Paris police, they will be deported at the last time! "

When he said these words, Ye Tian's tone was very relaxed, with a smile on his face all the time.

Looking at the Egyptian and Algerian on the opposite side, their expressions became more and more ugly, as if their own father had died!

Obviously, there must be some of them among the protesting crowd, and they must be fleeing in a hurry to avoid being chased by the Paris police, so the expressions of these people in front of them are so ugly!

The conversation has reached this point, and it can no longer go on!

Besides, these diplomats from Egypt and Algeria are not in the mood to continue this impossible conversation!

It's like they have nails growing on their buttocks, how can they sit still!

After chatting a few more words of nonsense, the diplomats got up to say goodbye, left the coffee shop in a hurry, and hurried out to deal with the aftermath!

When these people walked out of the coffee shop, Matisse, who was standing guard by the side, immediately said:

"Steven, you guessed it right, not only some of the protesters were carrying Molotov cocktails, but some were also carrying guns and knives. Obviously, the visitors were not friendly.

When the Paris police and hotel security personnel came forward to interrogate, the guy carrying the Molotov cocktail preemptively killed a police car with a Molotov cocktail.

The protesting crowd dispersed immediately and began to flee in all directions. Those mad Parisian police couldn't help but shoot directly, and the scene suddenly became even more chaotic!

During the ensuing pursuit, the Paris police and several guys with guns got into the fire one after another. The fight was going on very happily, and the scene was very lively.

When shall we leave the hotel? Now or wait? It's a bit of a mess out there right now, I suggest we stay here for a while and get the guys to drive over! "

"Hahaha, I guessed that there must be many guys with ulterior motives among the protesting crowd, who were ready to take the opportunity to make trouble, but I didn't expect the scene to be so lively.

It can be seen that the people of Paris have a lot of experience in street fighting. The fact that the Molotov cocktail is used so proficiently, the Paris police must have a headache.

But that's fine, let the Paris police deal with those guys with ulterior motives, save us from doing it ourselves, they are the city's law enforcement officers after all

Let's sit here, drink a few cups of coffee, and leave the hotel later, there is no need to go out to join in the fun, there is plenty of time today, so there is no need to worry! "

Ye Tian laughed and said, looking gloating.

The rest of the people at the scene also laughed. Everyone was very relaxed and didn't pay attention to what was happening outside.

Soon, twenty minutes passed.

Calm gradually returned to the entrance of the Regina Hotel. The crowd of protesters and demonstrators had already dispersed, and they ran away without even seeing their shadows!

They only left a lot of flags and protest slogans on the street in front of the hotel, and a lot of other garbage, which can be described as a mess!

There are even a few shoes, some men's shoes and some women's shoes, and I don't know who they belong to!

The police car that was ignited by the Molotov cocktail had already been burned beyond recognition by the raging fire, billowing black smoke, and had been completely scrapped.

Fortunately, the fuel mixture was exhausted and the fire was extinguished.

Tourists living in the Regina Hotel, residents and tourists near the hotel, and pedestrians have already fled here, looking for places to take refuge!

Near the entrance of the Hotel Regina, there are only a few heavily armed Parisian police left.

They want to maintain order on the street, and to protect the scene, to protect the safety of the Hotel Regina, everyone is on high alert.

In addition to the Paris police, there are also the security personnel of the Regina Hotel. These guys all looked extremely nervous as if they were facing an enemy!

After confirming that the entrance of the hotel had basically calmed down, Ye Tian and the others left the coffee shop in the lobby on the first floor and walked towards the entrance of the hotel together.

At the same time, several bulletproof Mercedes-Benz SUVs that met them also came from the parking lot and parked end to end in front of the hotel, blocking the view from across the street!

Looking at Ye Tian and the others striding towards the hotel entrance, looking at the Mercedes-Benz bulletproof SUVs outside the door, the Parisian policemen inside and outside the hotel were almost gnashing their teeth with hatred, and everyone's eyes were bursting with anger!

However, they couldn't vent their anger, they could only endure it forcefully, they were so depressed that they almost vomited blood!

Even the security personnel and management personnel of Hotel Regina looked at Ye Tian and his group with hatred, but there was nothing they could do!

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian and the others had walked out of the hotel and boarded the Mercedes bulletproof SUV waiting at the door.

Immediately afterwards, the heavy convoy drove out with a bang and headed straight for the nearby Citi Island.

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